BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice A ·

CODA VI RN CGCA TKI. PR22008012. 2019-08-23. By Scottland Yards Theophilus Amatore - Love By Nettie Of Farmington Ridge. Bred by: Gail D. Maron. Owners: Cynthia H Hershman
Poodles Bitch

(*) RIDGE VIEW'S SAVING GRACE. SS22071102. 2020-04-22. By CH Ridge View's Cloud Nine - Ridgeview's Amazing Grace. Bred by: Kristie Battin. Owners: Suse Reinke Riddle & Donna Reece
Labrador Retrievers Bitch
Novice B ·

CH BLUERAIN'S CAPTURE THE MOMENT BN RE FDC CA BCAT ACT2 ACT2J CGCA TKI ATT. DN46493405. 2016-07-01. By GCHG CH Legacy's Power Play - CH Jnd's Storms A Brewing At Bluerain RI FDC ACT1 CGCA TKN. Bred by: Michelle Ambrosius/gary Roberson/julie Ostberg. Owners: Michelle Ambrosius/gary Roberson/emily Barnes/lizzy Sulewski
Australian Shepherds Dog

BLUERAIN'S MAKE IT REAL RA FDC CA BCAT ACT2 ACT2J CGCA TKP ATT VHMA. DN66639609. 2021-04-13. By CH Celtic Brae Gives U Goosebumps - Bluerain's Picture Perfect CD PCD BN RE FDC ACT1 CGCA TKI ATT. Bred by: Michelle Ambrosius/gary L Roberson/lizzy Fishler. Owners: Michelle Ambrosius/gary Roberson/lizzy Fishler/emily Barnes
Australian Shepherds Bitch

CH PAGAN'S COWGIRL BB LIGHTYEAR BN RN TD FDC NJP CAA CGCA CGCU TKN. WS60613904. 2018-03-06. By CH MACH Pagan's Cowboy Up-Mistiblu CD RAE2 MXS MJG MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB MXF MFP T2BP2 CGCA TKP - GCH CH PACH Esmonds Goddess Of Wild Things NA NAJ MXP3 MXPB MJP6 MJPS PAX OF MFPB T2BP CA BCAT TKN. Bred by: Lisa L Wingerter/lisa Clare/ann Felske Jackman. Owners: Susan L Reis/lisa Wingerter
Rottweilers Bitch

CH HAUSFUL'S CONNECT THE DOTS. WS59987201. 2018-01-10. By GCHG CH Trailbound & Azures American Ride - CH Hausful's High Resolution. Bred by: Dee L Mcduffee. Owners: Dee Mcduffee
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

CH STONEHILL'S POP YOUR CORK BUDDHA THDA CGCA CGCU. WS52449602. 2015-12-31. By GCHG CH Ridon Hennet Joig - CH Stonehill's Star Saphire From India CD. Bred by: Kerry Waltersdorf/robin Krumnow/rebecca Krumnow. Owners: Kerry Waltersdorf/robin Krumnow/rebecca Dove
Bernese Mountain Dogs Dog

CH AFORTUNADO EXPECTS THE BEST BN RI SIN SEN CGC TKN. WS64198701. 2019-03-20. By GCHB CH Afortunado Expecttheunexpected VCD1 BN RE AX AXJ NJP NF CA THD CGCA TKA - GCH CH Afortunado Calm Before The Storm CD BN RE TD SCN SEN SBN CGC TKI. Bred by: Shelley Plucker/barb Crowther. Owners: Shelley Plucker & Barbara Crowther
Portuguese Water Dogs Bitch

SUNSHINE GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN. SS16467807. 2020-01-03. By Brassfire's Cowboy Casanova CDX MH - Sunshine Copper's Whirlwind Token. Bred by: Steven And Susan Scherber. Owners: Sandy Flaaten
Golden Retrievers Bitch

MADACC'S GRUMMAN F6F HELLCAT BN RN CGCA CGCU TKN. PAL268564. 2014-04-15. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Tracy Lee Hays
American Staffordshire Terriers Dog

BALANCE POINTS MICROCHIP. DN54104102. 2018-03-30. By OTCH4 C'Est La Vie Banataj Wind UDX7 OGM - GCH CH OTCH Glacier Mountain Just A Fling UDX7 OGM. Bred by: Nancy Jablonski. Owners: Muriel Johnson
Border Collies Dog
Open A ·

CRACKER JACK'S SURPRISE INSIDE CD BN RM NA NAJ SWN SCE SIA SEA. TS39163802. 2018-04-29. By GCH CH Winghaven Private Ryan - Champaigne Button And Bows. Bred by: Erin Matern/mr. Forrest G Johnson. Owners: Karen Mellert
Papillons Dog

SHORELAND ALLEY CAT CD RE. DN36927403. 2013-03-16. By CH Bayshore Stonehaven Simply Smashing - CH Shoreland's Maybe She's Born With It. Bred by: Nicki Shultz. Owners: Sarah K Vanderlip
Australian Shepherds Bitch

BEACON HILL SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME CD BN RI. WS58229004. 2017-07-07. By GCH CH Marshview Kan'T Remember Last Nite CD RA OA OAJ - Beacon Hill Baccarat. Bred by: Deborah Gressle. Owners: Deborah Gressle
Portuguese Water Dogs Bitch

(*) FOREVER SKYE'S THE LIMIT CD RA BCAT ACT2 ACT2J DS DJ CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA. SS17719305. 2020-01-29. By GCHG CH Forever's All Jacked Up RN CGC - Evertop's My Sexy Girl. Bred by: Kathryn Vergeront/jennifer L Hoffmann/lindsay N Siflinger/robyn Gordon. Owners: Jennifer Hoffmann/jennifer Kressin/lindsay Siflinger
Golden Retrievers Bitch

(*) HOFFMANNS MARTIN DOG KRESSIN CD BN RE BCAT ACT2 ACT2J RATN DM DSA CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA. SS12475504. 2019-04-25. By CH Clearcreek Bonaventure Dust In The Wind - CH Zinfndel Try Not To Stare. Bred by: Jennifer Hoffmann/randahl Hoffmann/ruth Hoffmann/lindsay N Siflinger. Owners: Logan Kressin
Labrador Retrievers Dog

ARM'S BAD MEDICINE CD BN RN PT. PAL279949. 2020-05-23. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Pamela S Yessa
Australian Shepherds Dog

GCH CH BLUMOON'S CHARGE IT TO TWELVE OAKS CD RA CGCA. WS63190001. 2018-11-23. By GCHS CH Wyndrift's Driving Hearts Wild CD BN RE CGC TKN - CH Blumoon's Princess Puttanesca CD RN. Bred by: Ms. Christine C Mann. Owners: Michele V Dominy & Tracey Keith
Bernese Mountain Dogs Dog

GLADYSTAR CONTESSA DONNA MAE CD FCAT CGC. PR20774902. 2018-04-19. By Lauris Tivin River Of Dreams - CH Gladystar Spring Surprise AX AXJ. Bred by: John B Pittman. Owners: Doug Johnson
Poodles Bitch
Open B ·

CH TEMORA ONE WAY TICKET UD BN GN. RN34678401. 2020-01-19. By GCHG CH Temora Say It With Bacon - Benayr Geste Amira Image. Bred by: Julie Seaton/jennifer Sousa/vicki Mckee/jacqueline Johnson/terri Steinmetz. Owners: Cindy Burgess
Australian Terriers Dog

TANBARK'S QUE SERA SERA CD. SS04100601. 2017-12-22. By OTCH Sunsplash No Free Time UDX31 OGM RE OA OAJ NAP NJP - Tanbark's Get Back Jo. Bred by: Yvonne M Piefer. Owners: Yvonne M Piefer
Golden Retrievers Bitch

CH OTCH BALANCE POINT'S RUDE AWAKENING UDX3 OM6. DN54104103. 2018-03-30. By OTCH4 C'Est La Vie Banataj Wind UDX7 OGM - GCH CH OTCH Glacier Mountain Just A Fling UDX7 OGM. Bred by: Nancy Jablonski. Owners: Nancy Jablonski
Border Collies Bitch

RACH WILDFIRE SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE BEAR UD RM2 RAE2 NA NAJ SWE SCM SEM. DN41886406. 2015-01-28. By Eyewitness So Tru To Cedar - CH RACH2 Wildfire Virtuous Justice UD OM1 RM4 RAE4 SCA SIN SEN. Bred by: Maureen Tobias-inman. Owners: Karen Mellert
Border Collies Dog

HIDDEN VALLEY'S SILVER LINING CDX BN GN RN BCAT CGC TKN. DN59378002. 2019-09-29. By Imp.Locke AX AXJ XF - Hidden Valley's Splendid Treasure RN OAP AJP. Bred by: Donna Polka. Owners: Kay Rieff
Border Collies Dog

FANCY'S MIRACLE ROLL OF THE DICE UD BN GN GO. SS13812302. 2019-08-12. By GCHP CH Flatford Ruffles And Flourishes MH - CH Fancy's Sun Streaming Thru Clouds UD. Bred by: Patricia Elliott. Owners: Cindy Burgess/patricia Elliott
Flat-Coated Retrievers Bitch

TANBARK'S BY DESIGN CDX. SS04100602. 2017-12-22. By OTCH Sunsplash No Free Time UDX31 OGM RE OA OAJ NAP NJP - Tanbark's Get Back Jo. Bred by: Yvonne M Piefer. Owners: Gail L Miller/daniel L Miller
Golden Retrievers Bitch

OTCH GLADYSTAR SUMMERTIMES OLIVE DELIGHT UDX4 OM6 RA CGC. PR19946301. 2017-04-28. By GCHG CH Safari's Subversion - CH Gladystar Sultry Summer Night MX MXJ OF T2B. Bred by: John B Pittman. Owners: Kyle Johnson
Poodles Bitch

CITILITES' ESCAPE VELOCITY UDX OM1 BN GN BCAT. DN61621304. 2020-04-01. By Moose Von Hugelblick UD PUTD TD IPO3 - OTCH Citilites' Race To Space UDX11 OGM BN. Bred by: Mary Fluegel. Owners: Mary J Fluegel
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch

CH DAKOTA'S ON THE TOWN UD PCDX BN GN GO RE FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI. NP38265104. 2014-09-16. By GCHS CH Enchanted Hart Down N Dirty - GCHB CH Dakota's The Closer THDN CGC. Bred by: John A Benoit/kristine K Benoit/susan T Buse. Owners: Kimberly Young
Dalmatians Dog

CT MEZZO MALFI V GEISTWASSER OF ASHMEAD UD OM1. DN46728504. 2016-06-24. By Tschako Vom Wallerhorst - Mia Vom Geistwasser. Bred by: Jennifer Acevedo. Owners: Amy Vose
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Utility A ·

CH GREYPLUME'S TURN BACK TIME CDX BN RA SWN. HP49244103. 2015-04-07. By GCHS CH Greyplume's Retrofit - CH Greyplume's Think Green. Bred by: Tamarie Smith/glenda Haggerty. Owners: Harry Beggs
Norwegian Elkhounds Bitch

GCHB CH SNO-PUFF'S LIL FUZZBALL CD BN RN FCAT TKN. WS62719904. 2018-11-11. By CH Sno-Puff's Just Jabber - CH Sno-Puff's Cosmopolitan Caper. Bred by: Mr. John Robert Zeese/vicki L Zeese. Owners: Peggy Harvey
Samoyeds Bitch

COOPER BOBLIN DAS EINZIG WAHRE CDX CGC TKI. DN65087902. 2020-04-02. By Max Von Den Warsteiner Quellen - Adrian Vom Roche. Bred by: Jeff Roche. Owners: Timothy Boblin
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Utility B ·

CH TEMORA ONE WAY TICKET UD BN GN. RN34678401. 2020-01-19. By GCHG CH Temora Say It With Bacon - Benayr Geste Amira Image. Bred by: Julie Seaton/jennifer Sousa/vicki Mckee/jacqueline Johnson/terri Steinmetz. Owners: Cindy Burgess
Australian Terriers Dog

CH OTCH BALANCE POINT'S RUDE AWAKENING UDX3 OM6. DN54104103. 2018-03-30. By OTCH4 C'Est La Vie Banataj Wind UDX7 OGM - GCH CH OTCH Glacier Mountain Just A Fling UDX7 OGM. Bred by: Nancy Jablonski. Owners: Nancy Jablonski
Border Collies Bitch

RACH WILDFIRE SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE BEAR UD RM2 RAE2 NA NAJ SWE SCM SEM. DN41886406. 2015-01-28. By Eyewitness So Tru To Cedar - CH RACH2 Wildfire Virtuous Justice UD OM1 RM4 RAE4 SCA SIN SEN. Bred by: Maureen Tobias-inman. Owners: Karen Mellert
Border Collies Dog

FANCY'S MIRACLE ROLL OF THE DICE UD BN GN GO. SS13812302. 2019-08-12. By GCHP CH Flatford Ruffles And Flourishes MH - CH Fancy's Sun Streaming Thru Clouds UD. Bred by: Patricia Elliott. Owners: Cindy Burgess/patricia Elliott
Flat-Coated Retrievers Bitch

OTCH GLADYSTAR SUMMERTIMES OLIVE DELIGHT UDX4 OM6 RA CGC. PR19946301. 2017-04-28. By GCHG CH Safari's Subversion - CH Gladystar Sultry Summer Night MX MXJ OF T2B. Bred by: John B Pittman. Owners: Kyle Johnson
Poodles Bitch

CITILITES' ESCAPE VELOCITY UDX OM1 BN GN BCAT. DN61621304. 2020-04-01. By Moose Von Hugelblick UD PUTD TD IPO3 - OTCH Citilites' Race To Space UDX11 OGM BN. Bred by: Mary Fluegel. Owners: Mary J Fluegel
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch

CH DAKOTA'S ON THE TOWN UD PCDX BN GN GO RE FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI. NP38265104. 2014-09-16. By GCHS CH Enchanted Hart Down N Dirty - GCHB CH Dakota's The Closer THDN CGC. Bred by: John A Benoit/kristine K Benoit/susan T Buse. Owners: Kimberly Young
Dalmatians Dog

CT MEZZO MALFI V GEISTWASSER OF ASHMEAD UD OM1. DN46728504. 2016-06-24. By Tschako Vom Wallerhorst - Mia Vom Geistwasser. Bred by: Jennifer Acevedo. Owners: Amy Vose
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Beginner Novice A ·

MMM SERAPHINA RA FDC CA DCAT ACT1 CGCA TKI ATT. PAL274761. 2018-01-02. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Cathy Cline
Collies Bitch

(*) GCH CH EHREN JAEGER'S MEISTER RN JH BCAT CGC TKN FITG. SS25508201. 2021-03-28. By GCHP CH Diadem's Mr Secret Agent Man JH - GCH CH Chrishelle Von Ehrenjaeger's Nobody Does It Better MH BCAT CGC FITB. Bred by: Karin Greeman/jaclynn Greeman/erica Greeman. Owners: Erica Greeman/karin Greeman/jaclynn Greeman
German Shorthaired Pointers Dog

GCH CH CHRISHELLE VON EHRENJAEGER'S NOBODY DOES IT BETTER MH BCAT CGC FITB. SS04932706. 2018-04-26. By GCH CH Hi-Spirit's Aristides RN JH - GCH CH Berber Touareg Aus Dem Norden BN RE JH CGC. Bred by: Christopher Wiberg/michelle Wiberg. Owners: Karin Greeman/erica Greeman/jaclynn Greeman
German Shorthaired Pointers Bitch

BLACKAMBER'S ELEGANCE DEFINED FDC DCAT CGCA. WS69314707. 2020-07-16. By CH Grosser Family Dart Vader CGC TKN ATT VHMA - CH Blackamber's Russian Treasure BN RN FDC CGC TKN VHMA. Bred by: Kathy Kimmeth/alyssa Kimmeth. Owners: Carrie Nellen/ron Nellen
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Bitch

GCH CH CINDEL'S BOLD VOYAGE RN SCN SIN SEN RATN CGC TKN. WS61930805. 2018-07-23. By GCH CH Obra-Prima's Afortunado Whole Lotta Love RA THD CGC TKI - GCH CH Afortunado's Rainbow In The Clouds RN CGCA TKA. Bred by: Cindra Lee Delgado. Owners: Carrie Zimmer/cindra Delgado/todd Zimmer
Portuguese Water Dogs Dog

RIKA VOM ELSENTAL FDC TC THD CGCA CGCU TKN. DN60388106. 2019-11-22. By Cupola Gold Of Charmar - Ava Vom Elsental. Bred by: Ms. Kim Maureen Holman. Owners: Tracey Hill
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Beginner Novice B ·

CH BLUERAIN'S A PIECE OF HEAVEN RI FDC CA DCAT ACT2 ACT2J CGCA TKN ATT VHMA. DN61953504. 2020-04-28. By GCHG CH Ninebark Boldly Go - CH Jnd's Storms A Brewing At Bluerain RI FDC ACT1 CGCA TKN. Bred by: Michelle Ambrosius/gary Roberson/alexandra Rivera. Owners: Michelle Ambrosius/gary Roberson/lizzy Sulewski/emily Barnes
Australian Shepherds Bitch

GCH CH WILDTREE KIZMAR BOOT CUT JEANS RN CGC TKN. SS05489003. 2018-04-08. By GCH CH Roaneden's Int'L Harvester - GCH CH Beekauz I Got Paid CD BN RE RATN DJ CGC. Bred by: Janessa Thompson. Owners: Janessa Thompson/kathy Rust
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Dog

WEEWYN'S SIMON SAYZ MAYBE CGCA. PAL277104. 2015-05-15. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Cathy Anderson
Australian Shepherds Dog

SEEGMILLER'S MORE THAN I EXPECTED BN. RN35193902. 2020-03-17. By CH Seegmillers Round Here Buzz - Seegmillers Gossip Folks. Bred by: Kimberly Seegmiller. Owners: Joann Marie Kenny
Rat Terriers Dog
Graduate Open ·

GCH CH DOUBLE G'S LININCORGI ADELE'S THE ELEVENTH DAY CDX RE AX MXJ DCAT CGC TKN. DN49230902. 2016-11-11. By GCHB CH Rosewood Sea Quest - Double Gs Catamarans Rolling In The Deep. Bred by: Marthina L Greer/kathryn Griffiths. Owners: Yolanda Lininger/sharon Cerny
Pembroke Welsh Corgis Dog

KODA PETAK CDX BN RE OAP OJP BCAT TC CGCA TKI. PAL274793. 2018-07-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Kimberly Petak
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Preferred Novice ·

DIAMOND VON DER FELDWEISE BN GN. DN57304206. 2019-04-06. By Boss Vom Adlerschrei - Audacity Von Der Feldweise NJP CGC. Bred by: Miss Dorothy J Renier/miss Rosetta L Barke. Owners: Christine Getter/dorthy Renier/rosette Barke
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Preferred Utility ·

WILDFIRE TRUTH AND JUSTICE UD PCDX BN GO RM3 RAE2. DN41886403. 2015-01-28. By Eyewitness So Tru To Cedar - CH RACH2 Wildfire Virtuous Justice UD OM1 RM4 RAE4 SCA SIN SEN. Bred by: Maureen Tobias-inman. Owners: Carol Siegfried/michael Siegfried
Border Collies Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.