BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice B ·

BRANDY HILLS PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. WS70207508. 2020-10-06. By GCH CH Brandy Hills Lord Of The Rings RN CGC TKN - CH Brandy Hills Orbitz The Moon CGC. Bred by: Joseph P Allegrini/rene M Allegrini. Owners: Paul Getman
Rottweilers Dog

GCHB CH LORAL'S LADY IN PINK CD BN RA. WS66044702. 2019-09-22. By GCH CH Loral's Wiseguy BN RN CA SCN SIN - Loral's Hawaiian Adventure V Barrelheads. Bred by: Loretta Pyeatt. Owners: Angus Arrington/renee Hoover
Rottweilers Bitch

GCH CH WLLSLANDS MILE HIGH MISTY MOUNTAINZ BN CGC TKN. WS64519202. 2019-04-18. By GCHG CH RACH Nighthawk's Antonio Banderas Too CD BN RM3 RAE3 HT FDC MXP AJP OFP BCAT CI DSA DJ AMX AS CGCA TKI ATT - CH Wllslands Imagine Running With The Rebel. Bred by: Laura Wells. Owners: Laura Wells
Rottweilers Bitch
Open A ·

CH CRESTWOOD'S BLING IT ON CD BN RA CGC TKN. WS54301307. 2016-06-18. By GCHP2 CH Gamegards I'Ll Have Another V Braeside RN - CH Loral's Voice Of Freedom CD BN THD CGCA. Bred by: Doreen A Sullivan/maureen A Sullivan. Owners: Brenda Ament/maureen Sullivan
Rottweilers Bitch

ASGARD'S PEACHY KEEN CD. WS60817010. 2018-04-23. By GCH CH Rott Irons Armed And Ready V Quintessential CD BN RA BCAT TT CGC TKI - Asgard's Katisue. Bred by: Glenn Elizabeth Pollock. Owners: Frank Nelson
Rottweilers Bitch

CH WINNING HAND PATHWAY TO THE STARZ CD BN RI NJP NFP CGC TKA. WS66457503. 2019-09-04. By GCHP CH Cammcastle's Hammertime, U Can'T Touch This - CH Starz The Sky Is The Limit. Bred by: Marta Illing/doreen S Zimmerman. Owners: Diane Noe Gilliam
Rottweilers Bitch

FALKORE'S CALIFORNIA LOVE CD RA OA OAJ XF BCAT CGC TKI. WS61121903. 2018-04-25. By Falkore's You Better Believe It CD RA CGC - CH AGCH MACH5 Cammcastle's Icandy Of Falkore UDX2 OM3 MXS2 PAD MJS2 PJD MFB MFPB T2B2 T2BP2 DJ. Bred by: Elissa O'sullivan/ms. Suzan D Guynn. Owners: Dana Skorupski/dana Skorupski
Rottweilers Bitch

ASGARD'S NOTORIOUS JESSE JAMES CD. WS54022309. 2016-06-26. By GCH CH Agresta's Gemstone In The Rough BN RN CGCA - Asgard's Katisue. Bred by: Glenn Elizabeth Pollock. Owners: Frank Nelson & Carol Nelson
Rottweilers Dog
Open B ·

SILVERHILL'S RIPTIDE UD TD HSAS DS. WS60926501. 2018-04-23. By OTCH Drydock's Scarab Of Silverhill VCD2 UDX3 OM7 AX AXJ - Genworks Kahlua. Bred by: Ms. Cathleen A Rubens. Owners: Patrice S. Leipham
Rottweilers Dog

OTCH NEU-RODES THE GAMBLER UDX OM2 TDX DM DS. WS59096505. 2017-10-30. By CH Cupid From Strange Forest - CH Neu-Rodes X-Men First Class RA. Bred by: Teresa Bradley/thomas Woodward. Owners: Lynn Mayo
Rottweilers Dog
Utility B ·

SILVERHILL'S RIPTIDE UD TD HSAS DS. WS60926501. 2018-04-23. By OTCH Drydock's Scarab Of Silverhill VCD2 UDX3 OM7 AX AXJ - Genworks Kahlua. Bred by: Ms. Cathleen A Rubens. Owners: Patrice S. Leipham
Rottweilers Dog

OTCH NEU-RODES THE GAMBLER UDX OM2 TDX DM DS. WS59096505. 2017-10-30. By CH Cupid From Strange Forest - CH Neu-Rodes X-Men First Class RA. Bred by: Teresa Bradley/thomas Woodward. Owners: Lynn Mayo
Rottweilers Dog
Beginner Novice A ·

WILDHAVEN'S SUN AND AIR. WS72814205. 2021-03-29. By CH Stoneridge Quasar Top Gun Of Xmark RA BCAT CGC TKN - Macree's Celtic Spirit V Wildhaven. Bred by: Debrah S. Riegel/sharon L. Langlotz-johnson. Owners: Sharon Sherman
Rottweilers Dog
Beginner Novice B ·

DEERWOOD'S SYDNEY G'DAY GORGEOUS! RA NA NAJ OAP OFP CGC TKI. WS69218103. 2020-07-07. By GCHG CH Baar's Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! UD BN GO RE HT - CH Silverheart's Deerwood Jorjetta Love Machine! CDX BN RAE OAP OJP OFP CA BCAT DN CGCA CGCU TKE. Bred by: Pauline Karalia. Owners: Gail Miller & Pauline Karalia
Rottweilers Bitch

WLLSLANDS ROCK CITY GRETA. WS76479106. 2022-04-11. By GCHG CH Legendary Rockstar FDC CGCA TKN - GCH CH Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz BN CGC TKN. Bred by: Laura Wells. Owners: Laura Wells
Rottweilers Bitch

WLLSLANDS ROCK CITY MS JIMINY CRICKET. WS76479101. 2022-04-11. By GCHG CH Legendary Rockstar FDC CGCA TKN - GCH CH Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz BN CGC TKN. Bred by: Laura Wells. Owners: Laura Wells
Rottweilers Bitch

CRESTWOOD'S SCENT FROM HEAVEN. WS68699007. 2020-05-16. By GCH CH Crestwood's A Concealed Weapon BN RN CGC - GCH CH Crestwood's Bring Me Another On The Rox CGC. Bred by: Maureen A Sullivan/doreen A Sullivan. Owners: Maureen A Sullivan/amber Sullivan/kaitlyn Rutter/doreen A Sullivan
Rottweilers Bitch

VOM HOCHFELD'S BEAUTIFUL NOISE V BAAR. WS76488901. 2022-03-25. By GCHG CH Baar's Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! UD BN GO RE HT - CH Kelsey's Million Dollar Baby CD BN RE ATT. Bred by: Elizabeth Lucas/jeff Mein/karen Gilden. Owners: Jennifer Bianchini/elizabeth Lucas
Rottweilers Bitch

ARMATA'S GLAM'R BOOT CAMP BOUGIE CGCA TKN. WS73880704. 2021-07-14. By GCHB CH Andels Spirit Of America CGC - GCH CH Armata's Hold The Line FDC CI CGC ATT. Bred by: Renice A Zimmerman/adam Gray. Owners: Sandra L Weaver/kendall Gaynor
Rottweilers Bitch
Graduate Novice ·

DEERWOOD'S RUBY RED V CIDERHAUS CD RE OAP AJP XFP BCAT ACT1 CGCA CGCU TKA. WS60230704. 2018-02-18. By CH Yngo Van Het Dornedal CDX TDX - CH Silverheart's Deerwood Jorjetta Love Machine! CDX BN RAE OAP OJP OFP CA BCAT DN CGCA CGCU TKE. Bred by: Pauline Karalia. Owners: Karen Carroll; Pauline Karalia
Rottweilers Bitch
Preferred Open ·

CH MISZTICHOLS ARES BOLD WARRIOR CD BN RE FDC CGCA CGCU TKA. WS63652901. 2018-04-11. By GCHB CH Cammcastle's Olympian Son CGC TKN - Trojan's New Girl In Town. Bred by: Hayley Nichols. Owners: Diane M.cohn
Rottweilers Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.