BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Rally Novice A ·

EILISH AOIFE ROBERTSON CGC TKI. MB03174601. 2021-03-02. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Amy Robertson/justin Robertson
All American Dogs Bitch

RED PLUM AKARI OF CHRYSUS SPIRIT VHMP VSWB. SS31409904. 2022-01-11. By Samson, Temujin's Soul Warrior - Princess River Eddy. Bred by: Terisa Lynch/chris A Lynch. Owners: Rachelle Mahoney
Golden Retrievers Bitch

LADY TUNDRA BCAT TKN VHMA. MB02945301. 2020-12-31. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Camille Adamson
All American Dogs Bitch

PLATFORM'S PERFECT SEEKER. WS77827303. 2022-09-03. By Desert Sol Pancho - Rain Mountain Sapata Song RN CGC TKI. Bred by: Anastasia Logan/carie Taylor. Owners: Chastine Jelenek/ Anastasia Logan
Chinooks Dog

CH SHINJIRU DRAGONFYRE. WS70656304. 2020-10-15. By CH Sondaisa Shots Fyred - CH Shinjiru Fyre In My Soul. Bred by: Cindy K Keen. Owners: Kate & Pocholo Mangubat/cindy Keen
Akitas Bitch

PUPPELINA LILY ROSE FDC CGCA CGCU TKI. TS41945004. 2019-01-02. By CH Akai's Joy To The World - Akai Serna-Stedt Trip To Paris. Bred by: Marion Ford. Owners: Sarina Samson
Papillons Bitch

DIWAIDS PRINCESS CALEDONIA CGC. DN71200503. 2022-04-17. By Darth Vom Sucherquelle CGC TKN - Jaxon's Skuggi From Diwaid'S CGC. Bred by: Jacqueline Joanne Taylor. Owners: Dale Sullivan
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Rally Novice B ·

FIRE PRINCE ZUKO ACT1 CGCA TKI VHMA VSWB. PAL282399. 2020-11-03. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Brenna Peterson
Border Collies Dog

DIWAIDS MISS CARBONADO CGC TKN VHMA VSWB. DN69940008. 2021-12-21. By Darth Vom Sucherquelle CGC TKN - Diwaid's Southern My-Ahh Girl CD PCD BN RE CGCA CGCU TKI VSWB. Bred by: Diane Waid. Owners: Diane Waid
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch

ODIN VON DEN BAREN FDC TC CGC TKA ATT. DN66447306. 2021-03-14. By Dumbledore Di Casa Caputi - Kali Von Der Zenteiche. Bred by: Amber Chrystal. Owners: Ronda And David Smith
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Rally Intermediate ·

HAVOC VON DER HEARTS RI TKI. DN57638302. 2019-04-01. By Dino Vom Schaferliesel - Hershey Von Der Hearts CGC. Bred by: Nicole Mael. Owners: Tina Lewis
German Shepherd Dogs Dog

JAMES' ALEXIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL RN CGCA. PR21438208. 2019-01-10. By Rocky Mountain Auriferous Fidus Maximus Luxe Puff - Teaka Royal Beauty Kalbfliesh. Bred by: Lorne Murphy. Owners: Barbara Bertucio
Poodles Bitch
Rally Advanced A ·

VANGARD BUDDY RI CGC. DN59760502. 2019-08-14. By GCHB CH Woodsedge Brynlea Noir Like Me - CH Vangard Barcelona CGCA TKN. Bred by: Robert L Simpson. Owners: Steve Vajdik
Pembroke Welsh Corgis Dog

CH RAVENRIDGE KING OF HEARTS RN BCAT SCN RATN CGC TKN. WS66994604. 2020-01-02. By CH Bardwoods Blackjack Baccarat SCE SIE SBN SHDA - CH Ravenridge " Eye Of The Storm". Bred by: Christina Kidd/david Kidd. Owners: Jennifer Nagle And Ronnie Nagle
Standard Schnauzers Dog

TURN K2 DIAMOND IN THE RUFF TIMI RI ATT. RN35983901. 2020-08-22. By GCHP CH Hdk K2's Shockwave@Bellridge BCAT - CH Turnd Into A Precious Gem CD PCD BN RAE NA NAJ NF BCAT. Bred by: Susan R Mulligan/susan D Turner. Owners: Susan D Turner Susan Mulligan
Rat Terriers Dog

CHANDREA GOLDCREST LUXURY CRUISE RN SWN CGCA. DN55542104. 2018-07-03. By CH Goldcrest Cruisin' For A Bruisin' - GCH CH Dreamstreet Socialite Of Limelite. Bred by: Andrea Hass/adam J Tavares Iii/matthew Mullin. Owners: Pam Hollenbeck/ Tina Beck
Australian Shepherds Bitch
Rally Advanced B ·

SADIE MY LADY OF ECHOCREEK CDX RE SCN CGCA CGCU TKI. PR19951301. 2017-03-19. By CH Juniper's Lonestar O Rosaline - Echocreek She Will Be Loved. Bred by: Cynthia J Sublett. Owners: Sher Yeuroukis
Poodles Bitch

GCH CH LOCKESTAR 'CAUSE I'M UP TO NO GOOD CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT ACT1 ACT1J RATM CZ8S CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. TS31555301. 2016-06-22. By Embee's Mischief Managed - Lockestar Love Struck. Bred by: Sarah Sweetman/alisha Lockleer. Owners: Susan Lockleer/ Alisha Lockleer/ Sarah Sweetman
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Dog

CLASSICA BURNING BRIGHT UD RAE HSAS MX MXJ NF. DN40674201. 2014-06-01. By Classica Lancia Domino Delivers UD BN RE HSAs HSCs MX MXB MXJ MJS NF THDX - Classica Dark Dream Bi Parkhurst CGC. Bred by: Melinda Galt/terri Mccoy. Owners: Debbie Addicoat/ Trish Rohner/ Melinda Galt
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

CH CLASSICAL'S QUITE FRANKLY CD BN RE NAP NJP. DN35300103. 2012-06-28. By CH Sengalas Frankly Classical RA - CH Classical Alexis On Fire CD RA. Bred by: Julie A Kempster/mrs. Bea Sawka. Owners: C.taylor/a.steltz/wm.carter
Bearded Collies Bitch

CH EMERALD ISLE RIDGEWYN DOT WITH DASH CDX PCD BN GN RM RAE OA OAJ AXP AJP NF XFP CGCA TKA. SR92708806. 2016-02-26. By CH Galfox Ridgewyn Roustabout - CH Topsail Catch A Tradewind To Emerald. Bred by: Cherrie Spring/katie Effert/tobi Hensley. Owners: Shireen Stout/katie Effert
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

COUNTRY-WAY SKYWING SPICE CAKE CDX BN RE. DN46572003. 2016-06-02. By CH Blue Isle's Tres Beau - Country-Ways Hot Cocoa CD RA. Bred by: Kim Buffum/nina Ellis. Owners: Kim Buffum
Australian Shepherds Bitch

OTCH AGCH MACH2 CALLIOPE IT'S ALL OBOE ME UDX2 OM4 RM RAE JH MXG PAD MJG MXP2 PADP MJP2 PJSP MFG T2B5 SWN SIA RATS DS TKN. SR92843601. 2016-03-20. By CT MACH Mirasol Rip Van Periwinkle VCD2 MXB MJS NF - OTCH MACH RACH Calliope Oops I Did It Again UDX3 OM6 VER RM3 RAE3 JH MXG MJG OF T2B SWE SCM SEM. Bred by: Patricia Lindquist. Owners: Patricia Lindquist
Golden Retrievers Bitch

MARCATO'S BROTHERS IN ARMS RE CGCA TKN ATT. DN43142603. 2015-06-30. By GCHG CH Stuttgart's Single Action Army V Hammersmith RN - GCH CH Mana's 5 Cents For Advice Marcato RN HT. Bred by: Jacqueline Short-nguyen. Owners: Chris Howe/ Jaqueline Short-nguyen
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Rally Excellent A ·

TEMBER'S DAISY KEN DO IT RA FDC SCN SIN SBN RATN. PAL282739. 2020-11-26. By - . Bred by: . Owners: September Morn
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch
Rally Excellent B ·

SADIE MY LADY OF ECHOCREEK CDX RE SCN CGCA CGCU TKI. PR19951301. 2017-03-19. By CH Juniper's Lonestar O Rosaline - Echocreek She Will Be Loved. Bred by: Cynthia J Sublett. Owners: Sher Yeuroukis
Poodles Bitch

GCH CH LOCKESTAR 'CAUSE I'M UP TO NO GOOD CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT ACT1 ACT1J RATM CZ8S CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. TS31555301. 2016-06-22. By Embee's Mischief Managed - Lockestar Love Struck. Bred by: Sarah Sweetman/alisha Lockleer. Owners: Susan Lockleer/ Alisha Lockleer/ Sarah Sweetman
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Dog

CLASSICA BURNING BRIGHT UD RAE HSAS MX MXJ NF. DN40674201. 2014-06-01. By Classica Lancia Domino Delivers UD BN RE HSAs HSCs MX MXB MXJ MJS NF THDX - Classica Dark Dream Bi Parkhurst CGC. Bred by: Melinda Galt/terri Mccoy. Owners: Debbie Addicoat/ Trish Rohner/ Melinda Galt
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

CH CLASSICAL'S QUITE FRANKLY CD BN RE NAP NJP. DN35300103. 2012-06-28. By CH Sengalas Frankly Classical RA - CH Classical Alexis On Fire CD RA. Bred by: Julie A Kempster/mrs. Bea Sawka. Owners: C.taylor/a.steltz/wm.carter
Bearded Collies Bitch

CH EMERALD ISLE RIDGEWYN DOT WITH DASH CDX PCD BN GN RM RAE OA OAJ AXP AJP NF XFP CGCA TKA. SR92708806. 2016-02-26. By CH Galfox Ridgewyn Roustabout - CH Topsail Catch A Tradewind To Emerald. Bred by: Cherrie Spring/katie Effert/tobi Hensley. Owners: Shireen Stout/katie Effert
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

COUNTRY-WAY SKYWING SPICE CAKE CDX BN RE. DN46572003. 2016-06-02. By CH Blue Isle's Tres Beau - Country-Ways Hot Cocoa CD RA. Bred by: Kim Buffum/nina Ellis. Owners: Kim Buffum
Australian Shepherds Bitch

OTCH AGCH MACH2 CALLIOPE IT'S ALL OBOE ME UDX2 OM4 RM RAE JH MXG PAD MJG MXP2 PADP MJP2 PJSP MFG T2B5 SWN SIA RATS DS TKN. SR92843601. 2016-03-20. By CT MACH Mirasol Rip Van Periwinkle VCD2 MXB MJS NF - OTCH MACH RACH Calliope Oops I Did It Again UDX3 OM6 VER RM3 RAE3 JH MXG MJG OF T2B SWE SCM SEM. Bred by: Patricia Lindquist. Owners: Patricia Lindquist
Golden Retrievers Bitch

MARCATO'S BROTHERS IN ARMS RE CGCA TKN ATT. DN43142603. 2015-06-30. By GCHG CH Stuttgart's Single Action Army V Hammersmith RN - GCH CH Mana's 5 Cents For Advice Marcato RN HT. Bred by: Jacqueline Short-nguyen. Owners: Chris Howe/ Jaqueline Short-nguyen
German Shepherd Dogs Dog

DEMUIR SUGAR & CREAM, PLEASE CD BN RA CGCA CGCU TKN. DN44312902. 2015-10-28. By Blu Ridge Belfair Beyond The Sea - Demuir Midnight Expresso. Bred by: Lana M Group/alene Evans. Owners: Mary Griffith-russell/james Russell
Collies Bitch
Rally Master ·

SADIE MY LADY OF ECHOCREEK CDX RE SCN CGCA CGCU TKI. PR19951301. 2017-03-19. By CH Juniper's Lonestar O Rosaline - Echocreek She Will Be Loved. Bred by: Cynthia J Sublett. Owners: Sher Yeuroukis
Poodles Bitch

CLASSICA BURNING BRIGHT UD RAE HSAS MX MXJ NF. DN40674201. 2014-06-01. By Classica Lancia Domino Delivers UD BN RE HSAs HSCs MX MXB MXJ MJS NF THDX - Classica Dark Dream Bi Parkhurst CGC. Bred by: Melinda Galt/terri Mccoy. Owners: Debbie Addicoat/ Trish Rohner/ Melinda Galt
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

CH EMERALD ISLE RIDGEWYN DOT WITH DASH CDX PCD BN GN RM RAE OA OAJ AXP AJP NF XFP CGCA TKA. SR92708806. 2016-02-26. By CH Galfox Ridgewyn Roustabout - CH Topsail Catch A Tradewind To Emerald. Bred by: Cherrie Spring/katie Effert/tobi Hensley. Owners: Shireen Stout/katie Effert
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

PAISLEY LEAH VON DER WESTKUSTE CDX BN RM2 RAE2 CGC. DN44935401. 2015-12-22. By Randy Vom Leithawald - Rumour Von Der Westküste. Bred by: Barbara Dibernardo. Owners: Aubrie Olsen/alicia Olsen
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch

COUNTRY-WAY SKYWING SPICE CAKE CDX BN RE. DN46572003. 2016-06-02. By CH Blue Isle's Tres Beau - Country-Ways Hot Cocoa CD RA. Bred by: Kim Buffum/nina Ellis. Owners: Kim Buffum
Australian Shepherds Bitch

OTCH AGCH MACH2 CALLIOPE IT'S ALL OBOE ME UDX2 OM4 RM RAE JH MXG PAD MJG MXP2 PADP MJP2 PJSP MFG T2B5 SWN SIA RATS DS TKN. SR92843601. 2016-03-20. By CT MACH Mirasol Rip Van Periwinkle VCD2 MXB MJS NF - OTCH MACH RACH Calliope Oops I Did It Again UDX3 OM6 VER RM3 RAE3 JH MXG MJG OF T2B SWE SCM SEM. Bred by: Patricia Lindquist. Owners: Patricia Lindquist
Golden Retrievers Bitch

MARCATO'S BROTHERS IN ARMS RE CGCA TKN ATT. DN43142603. 2015-06-30. By GCHG CH Stuttgart's Single Action Army V Hammersmith RN - GCH CH Mana's 5 Cents For Advice Marcato RN HT. Bred by: Jacqueline Short-nguyen. Owners: Chris Howe/ Jaqueline Short-nguyen
German Shepherd Dogs Dog

MACH KAMEO HEAVENS TO BITSY RE MXS MJC T2B CGC TKI. PR17823602. 2014-06-06. By CH Kallista Kameo Kinetic Krome - CH Kameo Silver Sails On High. Bred by: Lorinda R Maxwell. Owners: Kathy Truher
Poodles Bitch

GCH CH K2'S SKIPPIN CJ 1 MORE ROUND OF TURN CD RE FDC CGC TKI ATT. RN34962401. 2020-05-06. By CH K2's Bad Boy Holiday - CH Skippin Cj Fire Water Of K2. Bred by: Tracey A Kallas/christina Martinez. Owners: Susandturner/kathy Tracey/susan Mulligan/christina Martinez
Rat Terriers Dog

CESAR BENISH RE. PAL279153. 2017-12-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Michael Benish
German Shepherd Dogs Dog

CH BLACK ICE'S COUP DE COEUR CD BN RE SWN SEA. DN44662605. 2016-01-02. By CH Isengard's Azizou - CH Black Ice's Bebe CD BN RE HSDs HSAsM CGC. Bred by: Susan Hoffman. Owners: Susan Hoffman
Belgian Sheepdogs Bitch

TAYLOR CREEK'S B THE BOSS MAN RE CGC. SR88081310. 2015-05-26. By GCH CH Alibi's Repeat Performance@Quail Run CD BN RA JH - Taylor Creek's B Swift CD BN RA. Bred by: Kari Audette/andy Audette. Owners: Lawrence Hubbard/suzanne M Hubbard
Labrador Retrievers Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.