BaRay Event Services, Inc.


SEATTLE KC - OBED - 1/16/23

Novice A ·

TROUTCREEK PHANTOM BN RA CGCA CGCU TKN. SR99300401. 2017-04-15. By GCHG CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain - CH Troutcreek Lilly's Of The Valley. Bred by: Cindy Durham/tom Durham. Owners: Barbara Gihring/eugene Gihring
Cocker Spaniels Dog

CH SHOWDOWN'S WALK ON THE WILD SIDE BN RA CGCA ATT. WS57341006. 2017-06-02. By GCHP CH Affinity's 3-Sheets To The Wind CA - CH Showdown's Bontemps Beauty RA AXP AJP CA CGC TKN. Bred by: Sandra Statter D.v.m.. Owners: Paula Kieland/chris Kieland/sandra Statter
Bullmastiffs Dog
Novice B ·

HOT SHOTS CARRERA JET. DN57354502. 2019-03-16. By GCHP CH Avatar Bayshore Dare Ewe To Be A Hot Shot CA - CH Hot Shot Little Miss Dangerous. Bred by: Susan Colar/heidi Laskowski. Owners: David Haddon/elizabeth Fast
Border Collies Bitch

GCH CH MISTIHIL STORMY WEATHER BY ROWDY PCD BN RE FDC DCAT CGCA CGCU TKI ATT VHMA. WS55223704. 2016-10-14. By CH Stoan's Rowdy Buck Of Oz BN RN - GCH CH Mistihil Promises Promises Rules CD BN RI. Bred by: Frances C Stephens. Owners: Cornelius Hall/allison Hall
Saint Bernards Bitch

WINGATE'S MEET YA' AT THE FINISH LINE. WS75647305. 2022-02-16. By GCH CH D'Acres Indiana Jones At Wind River - CH Wingate's Life In The Fast Lane. Bred by: Jody Huston. Owners: Kristine Swiderek
Doberman Pinschers Bitch

DIAMOND HILL MORNING STAR. DN66426106. 2021-02-25. By Summerbreeze Hitchin' A Ride To Baywind CGC TKI - Diamond Hill Fly Like The Wind NA NAJ DJ. Bred by: Jamie L Hansen/donna Burdick. Owners: Ava Fischer
Australian Shepherds Dog

CH MONARCH'S CELESTIAL TROUBADOUR D'XTC BN RE ACT1J SWN SIA SEA SHDN CGC. DN46490004. 2016-05-24. By GCH CH Hillside Xtra Special - CH Monarch's Monami MeChant RN NA NAJ. Bred by: Nancy Mc Clure/barbara A Hostetler. Owners: Janett Anson/ Nancy Mcclure
Belgian Tervuren Dog

GCHS CH SUMMERS' ANASTASIA TREASURED GODIVA. WS62054707. 2018-09-01. By GCH CH Lavender Hill Summers' Fear No Rock CD BN RA DD BDD CGC - Anastasia Summers' Sugar High. Bred by: Anne Summers/natalie Ellis. Owners: Yu Cui/anne Summners
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

(*) CH TWIN CREEKS TROPIC THUNDER BN RA CGC. WS74852402. 2021-11-01. By GCHG CH Twin Creeks Can't Steal My Thunder RA PT - Twin Creeks Meant To Be Mine. Bred by: Cheryl Krown. Owners: Jennifer Sparks
Rottweilers Dog

KULANA KRIMINAL SEDUCTION BN RE CGCA. SR76391501. 2012-07-12. By CH Kulana Justa Dog - CH Rusticwood Moonlight Seduction. Bred by: Mrs. Valerie Gervais/heidi M Gervais. Owners: Rebecca Dellicker
Irish Setters Bitch

BAR-M'S LAND TO SEA HIGGINS BN RAE MH CGC TKA. SR89444806. 2015-08-16. By GCH CH Poplar Forest Topp Gunn MH - Tanzy's Simply Irresistible CDX RN MH. Bred by: Michelle Howe/marie Baccarie. Owners: Lili M Lobingier/robert T Lobingier Michelle Howe
Labrador Retrievers Dog

SAGACIOUS HOMETOWN HERO BN JH. SS11412704. 2019-04-15. By FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed - The Sagacious Flaming Heart. Bred by: Harry Williams. Owners: Terrie Sato/mike Sato
Labrador Retrievers Dog

(*) GCH CH CANTON SUR SUMMERS' FISHING JURASSIC RN TKN. WS66831501. 2019-12-11. By GCH CH Lavender Hill Summers' Fear No Rock CD BN RA DD BDD CGC - GCH CH Canton Sur Hot Fudge. Bred by: Anne Summers/cora Riccione/dalmiro Sirabo. Owners: Linda Dalton/ Anne Summers/ Dalmiro Sirabo
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

(*) CH SUMMERS' PRISTINE FLY WATERS FOR THE HATCH. WS72637405. 2021-04-22. By CH Werlwind's Novel Idea FDC CGCA ATT - GCH CH Summers' Canton Sur Lazy Day On The River. Bred by: Larry Nielsen/jean Nielsen/anne Summers. Owners: Anne Summers/greg Summers
Bernese Mountain Dogs Dog
Open A ·

ON THE LAMB SKYE II. DN68449305. 2021-09-17. By HC Arian Gar Ace The Bat Hound HXAs HXBs - Star VIII HSAs HSBs HXAs FDC CGC. Bred by: Robin Elliott. Owners: Shea Hughes-gorman/robin Elliott
Border Collies Bitch

CH TURND INTO A PRECIOUS GEM CD PCD BN RAE NA NAJ NF BCAT. RN26144502. 2013-04-04. By Turn Into Boy Wonder - Turn Z Trick RI. Bred by: Susan Mulligan/susan D Turner. Owners: Susan Mulligan/susan Turner
Rat Terriers Bitch

CH MARSHVIEW'S CAPTAIN OF ROMANCE CD BN RN CGC TKA. WS49739201. 2015-02-26. By GCHB CH Afortunado Expecttheunexpected VCD1 BN RE AX AXJ NJP NF CA THD CGCA TKA - CH Marshview Rat Pack Romance. Bred by: Pat Devries/lisa Schinker. Owners: Judy James/pat Devries/joe James
Portuguese Water Dogs Dog

GINGERALE CD CGC. MA72286301. 2018-04-06. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Shea Gorman
All American Dogs Bitch

EBBTIDE DEACON BLUES CD BN RE. DN43593505. 2015-06-25. By GCHG CH Spring Fevers Wanna Dance - Ebbtide No Time To Lose. Bred by: Ann Atkinson. Owners: Maureen Mckee Eidson
Australian Shepherds Dog

SPIRIT FAWNELLA ROSE CD RN OAP AJP CGC. SR95488701. 2016-09-23. By OTCH Spirit's Dazzeling Sharp Shooter UDX3 PCDX OM6 BN GO VER RAE - Topbrass Charismatic Spirit BN RN. Bred by: Laurie Weaver. Owners: Tim Evans
Golden Retrievers Bitch

ITALICA'S EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD CD BN RE CA CGCA CGCU TKA. WS63104802. 2018-03-11. By Italica's Wreaking Havoc CGCA - Italica's Ruff Tuff Creme Puff RN CA TT THDN DS CGCU TKI. Bred by: Mrs. Lisa Carder/zoe Devita. Owners: Alexandra Lowry/zoe Devita
Cane Corso Bitch
Open B ·

BLUVALLEY STORMY SKYE. DN71082703. 2022-03-18. By GCH CH Leigh-Hi's All Shook Up - Bluvalley Bit O Honey. Bred by: Patricia Bores/kevin Bores. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

OTCH ROWLETT'S SAKURA HIME UDX6 OM4 VER RE. SR61419002. 2010-04-01. By Tucker's On The Road Agian - Angle De Lady Petersen. Bred by: Alan L Petersen. Owners: Jonathan Rowlett/stella Rowlett
Cocker Spaniels Bitch

BLUVALLEY WRITTEN IN THE STARS UD. DN62621903. 2020-06-29. By CH Paray's Gramercy Park - Bluvalley Bit O Honey. Bred by: Patricia Bores/kevin Bores. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

WYNSET'S RANCHO FIESTA CD. DN59222603. 2019-03-23. By CH Wynset's Jahdo Call Me Country - GCH CH Apple Acres Fiesta At Roseglen. Bred by: Mrs. Gary D. Whitmore-kirschner/locklyn Guzman. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

HOT SHOT BREAKING ALL THE RULES CD. DN41861702. 2015-02-03. By GCHP CH Avatar Bayshore Dare Ewe To Be A Hot Shot CA - Hot Shot Breaking Thru The Bars NA. Bred by: Chylie Schramm/heidi Laskowski/. Owners: David Haddon
Border Collies Dog

RACH MARBLED MERCEDES OF DOWNS LAKE UD BN RM2 RAE3 CGCA. SR97590104. 2017-01-26. By Hawthorne Of Krossroads At Downs Lake CD RN - Duncan's Rusti Painite Of Downs Lake CDX BN RM2 RAE2 CGC TKA. Bred by: Beverly Gostovich. Owners: Beverly Gostovich
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

OTCH DELTA BLUEZ BESS UDX2 OM1. DN50419201. 2014-03-14. By Deltablz Dan - Sava. Bred by: Diane Pagel. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Border Collies Bitch

ZANIRI'S ON A ROLL UD. SS15986902. 2019-05-15. By OTCH2 Flashpaws Firecracker UDX2 OM4 MH - Zaniri Meant To Dazzle CD SH. Bred by: Joanne T Kinney/laureen Kinney. Owners: Janice Gunn
Golden Retrievers Dog

GCH CH BAAR'S TRAVELING MAN V RENNICK CDX PCD BN RE TKN ATT. WS56380502. 2017-01-26. By GCHB CH Baar's Remembering Einstein CD PCD BN RE PT SWM SCME SBME CGC - GCHP CH Baar's Oh! Que Sera Sera CD PCDX BN GN RI TDX PT FDC SWME SHDAE SHDE TT CX CIT THD CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA. Bred by: Ann K Callahan. Owners: Donald R Rennick/patricia M Rennick
Rottweilers Dog

SKY ACRES QUINTESSENTIAL FLYER VCD1 BN RN FDC NF RATO CGC TKP. DN40628202. 2014-08-17. By GCHP CH Sky Acres Maximum Altitude - CH Sky Acres Flight At Kittyhawk. Bred by: Michelle Edling. Owners: Marsha Skewis
Belgian Tervuren Bitch

GCH DC AFC COLDWATER'S & GORTA'S ALL IN STRYDE UD GN GO RE SH FDC DS CGCA TKI ATT. SR96266301. 2016-07-17. By TC AFC OTCH2 Sageflyer Gorta's Ranger UDX8 OGM GO VER RE MH NA CA BCAT - GCH CH Coldwater's There's A First For Everything CD RN JH. Bred by: Kimberly L Abbott/kara Klaus. Owners: Geri Orta
German Shorthaired Pointers Dog

CH SKY ACRES NIGHTHAWK'S RETURN FLIGHT CD BN RI FDC ACT2 ACT2J CGC TKP VHMA. DN45541303. 2016-03-11. By GCHP CH Sky Acres Maximum Altitude - CH Sky Acres Piper Matrix. Bred by: Michelle Edling. Owners: Mary E Berry/michelle Edling
Belgian Tervuren Dog
Utility A ·

GCH CH BAAR'S TRAVELING MAN V RENNICK CDX PCD BN RE TKN ATT. WS56380502. 2017-01-26. By GCHB CH Baar's Remembering Einstein CD PCD BN RE PT SWM SCME SBME CGC - GCHP CH Baar's Oh! Que Sera Sera CD PCDX BN GN RI TDX PT FDC SWME SHDAE SHDE TT CX CIT THD CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA. Bred by: Ann K Callahan. Owners: Donald R Rennick/patricia M Rennick
Rottweilers Dog

CH DAYDREAM KISSING SIXTH GEAR CDX RA NAP CGC TKI. RN28743604. 2015-11-10. By GCH CH Hasweth Travellin Man CD BN RI OAP NJP NFP RATCH CGCA TKA - CH Daydream No Power In The 'Verse CGC TKN. Bred by: Dayna S Lemke/damon Folmar. Owners: Mandy Mckay/dayna S Lemke
Staffordshire Bull Terriers Dog

CH WATHAMAN'S ADVENTUROUS AFFAIR CDX BN RA AXP AJP MFP CGCA. WS56269001. 2016-06-10. By Wathaman's X Prairiesky Walker - Wathaman's X's N O's Forever. Bred by: Erin Smith/heather Smith. Owners: Michelle Whistlecraft
Rottweilers Bitch
Utility B ·

OTCH ROWLETT'S SAKURA HIME UDX6 OM4 VER RE. SR61419002. 2010-04-01. By Tucker's On The Road Agian - Angle De Lady Petersen. Bred by: Alan L Petersen. Owners: Jonathan Rowlett/stella Rowlett
Cocker Spaniels Bitch

BLUVALLEY WRITTEN IN THE STARS UD. DN62621903. 2020-06-29. By CH Paray's Gramercy Park - Bluvalley Bit O Honey. Bred by: Patricia Bores/kevin Bores. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

RACH MARBLED MERCEDES OF DOWNS LAKE UD BN RM2 RAE3 CGCA. SR97590104. 2017-01-26. By Hawthorne Of Krossroads At Downs Lake CD RN - Duncan's Rusti Painite Of Downs Lake CDX BN RM2 RAE2 CGC TKA. Bred by: Beverly Gostovich. Owners: Beverly Gostovich
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

OTCH DELTA BLUEZ BESS UDX2 OM1. DN50419201. 2014-03-14. By Deltablz Dan - Sava. Bred by: Diane Pagel. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Border Collies Bitch

ZANIRI'S ON A ROLL UD. SS15986902. 2019-05-15. By OTCH2 Flashpaws Firecracker UDX2 OM4 MH - Zaniri Meant To Dazzle CD SH. Bred by: Joanne T Kinney/laureen Kinney. Owners: Janice Gunn
Golden Retrievers Dog

GCH DC AFC COLDWATER'S & GORTA'S ALL IN STRYDE UD GN GO RE SH FDC DS CGCA TKI ATT. SR96266301. 2016-07-17. By TC AFC OTCH2 Sageflyer Gorta's Ranger UDX8 OGM GO VER RE MH NA CA BCAT - GCH CH Coldwater's There's A First For Everything CD RN JH. Bred by: Kimberly L Abbott/kara Klaus. Owners: Geri Orta
German Shorthaired Pointers Dog

SEASPECS PEGGY SUE CDX VER RM RAE TD CGC TKI. NP26177303. 2010-05-14. By CH Onthespot's Ravin About Johnny - Seaspecs One Skookum Girl VCD2 AXJ OF. Bred by: Nadine Morgan. Owners: Nadine Morgan
Dalmatians Bitch

CH BLUVALLEY ELEGANCE PERSONIFIED CDX. DN37810105. 2013-08-07. By CH Okie's Kell Wild Wild West - GCH CH Bluvalley Victoria's Secret. Bred by: Patricia Bores/kevin Bores. Owners: Rosemarie Jorgensen
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

MERITORIOUS THE DANCE CDX RE CGC TKI. SS08115801. 2018-08-23. By Baelydon Wood Duck Quartermaster CCA - Carolots Minnesota Roller Girl CD BN RE CGC TKN. Bred by: Emilie K Bullard/kindi Weis. Owners: Kristi Crabtree
Golden Retrievers Bitch
Beginner Novice A ·

CH BRIARROSE SHAKEN NOT STIRRED CGC TKN. SS07813302. 2018-10-01. By GCH CH Crosswind's Mission Impossible At Briarrose - GCHB CH Aderyn & Briarrose Alyeska's Legacy. Bred by: Charlene M. Dima/garnet E. Dima/brooke Thompson/richard Thompson. Owners: Jenifer Banks/joe Banks
Welsh Springer Spaniels Dog
Beginner Novice B ·

(*) COLEBRAE BLAZING STAR BN RI CGCA CGCU TKI. DN48626404. 2017-02-03. By Colebrae A Night To Remember - CH Cynclair Colebrae Eloquence. Bred by: Nancy Mathes/jennifer Laik. Owners: Thomas Bohn/debra Bohn
Collies Dog

IGNITE HUGO-A-GOGO Z CANCZECH. DN72267801. 2020-03-30. By Corado Z Vetrovej Luky - Aba Edda-Mil. Bred by: Kathleen M Nikl. Owners: Marla Poor
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Graduate Novice ·

(*) CH COOMARA OGHA O'BOBN AT BELTANE CD BN RN BCAT RATO CGC TKI. SS13661501. 2018-10-16. By CH Realta's Duck Commander SH CA - Coomara's Leather And Lace. Bred by: Paul Price/paula M Price. Owners: Lorece Newton
Irish Water Spaniels Bitch
Graduate Open ·

CH 15 FIRS CELTICMOON DOLCETTA CD BN RI PT CGC TKN ATT. DN58338501. 2019-06-27. By CH Acajou's Couperin De La Colline CDX TDX HS - Celticmoon's Classic Timepiece. Bred by: Eva Gallagher/pearl Fabbro. Owners: Eva Gallagher/pearl Fabbro
Belgian Tervuren Bitch

CH TRAX ANY GIVEN SUNDAY BN RE TDX SH. SS14693404. 2019-09-30. By Trax Search Engine - CH Trax Business Time MH. Bred by: David Schafnit/sarah Jones. Owners: Shirley Nilsson
Weimaraners Bitch

GROUSE CREEK'S THE NATURAL CDX BN MH. SR98766501. 2017-04-04. By NAFC FC AFC Paddle Creek's Pack Your Grip - Grouse Creek's Black Sand MH. Bred by: Jay Phelps/raelene Phelps. Owners: Terrie Sato/mike Sato
Labrador Retrievers Dog
Versatility ·

GROUSE CREEK'S THE NATURAL CDX BN MH. SR98766501. 2017-04-04. By NAFC FC AFC Paddle Creek's Pack Your Grip - Grouse Creek's Black Sand MH. Bred by: Jay Phelps/raelene Phelps. Owners: Terrie Sato/mike Sato
Labrador Retrievers Dog
Preferred Novice ·

GCHB CH TURN SLICE OF HEAVEN BN RAE OA NAJ OF FCAT. RN26144501. 2013-04-04. By Turn Into Boy Wonder - Turn Z Trick RI. Bred by: Susan Mulligan/susan D Turner. Owners: Susan Mulligan/susan Turner
Rat Terriers Bitch

KULANA KRIMINAL SEDUCTION BN RE CGCA. SR76391501. 2012-07-12. By CH Kulana Justa Dog - CH Rusticwood Moonlight Seduction. Bred by: Mrs. Valerie Gervais/heidi M Gervais. Owners: Rebecca Dellicker
Irish Setters Bitch

IGNITE HUGO-A-GOGO Z CANCZECH. DN72267801. 2020-03-30. By Corado Z Vetrovej Luky - Aba Edda-Mil. Bred by: Kathleen M Nikl. Owners: Marla Poor
German Shepherd Dogs Dog
Preferred Open ·

TOSHAY'S EQUINOX BN CGC. DN50934202. 2017-08-15. By CH Tailbrite Johnny Quest Of Bdragons - CH Toshays Mirror Pond. Bred by: Denise Waiting. Owners: Stacie Mund Sweeney
Cardigan Welsh Corgis Bitch

CANNON RIVER EARTH WIND AND FIRE CD BN RE CGC TKN ATT. WS67872801. 2020-02-12. By CH Rojan's Ultimate Impact CD - GCH CH Cannon River Olympic RN CGCA. Bred by: Elfi Rice. Owners: Rosemary Lenigan/bob Lenigan
Rottweilers Dog
Preferred Utility ·

APOLLOS OF BALDWINBROOK CD PCDX RAE OAP NJP XFP CGCA TKA. SR84099101. 2014-08-14. By Bubba's Best Brutus - Shortridge's Savanna Sweetheart. Bred by: Kristine Shortridge. Owners: Dianna Baldwin/larry Baldwin
Golden Retrievers Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.