BaRay Event Services, Inc.


SEATTLE KC - CONF - 1/16/23

Judge: Mr. Robert J Shreve
American Bred Dogs

HILAROW NUFF RUFF-N-READY TEDDY CM2 TKN. DN51885101. 2017-12-01. By MV's Baccus RN AX AXJ AXP AJP CAX RATN - Nyirsegfia Bajka. Bred by: Cynthia Protheroe-hildebrand. Owners: Cynthia Protheroe.
Open Dogs

(*) CRUZYN SZUROS DARAZS CM RN CA TKN ATT. DN49014901. 2017-02-15. By Hilarow Mah Lil' Skeeter Bug CM BN RN MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B CGC TKN - Mudiriver Moondancer Cruz CM CDX RM MX AXJ XF TKA ATT. Bred by: Laura Kinne. Owners: Cynthia Protheroe-hildebrand/Laura Kinne.
American Bred Bitches

(*) MOORE'S SAUCIE BLACK SPARROW. DN68401412. 2021-06-21. By GCH CH Bariguard Full Moon Larry CM CD PCD BN RE PT FDC CA FCAT5 SWNE SHDNE SCA SHDE RATN DSX DJ AJ HDJ CGCA CGCU TKE ATT BN-V CD-V VHMA VSWE - CH Hilarow Never Not Naughty Neska CM3 CD BN RN CGC. Bred by: Mandy Moore. Owners: Margaret Palmer/Mandy Moore.

MOORE'S SONG OF CALYPSO. DN68401413. 2021-06-21. By GCH CH Bariguard Full Moon Larry CM CD PCD BN RE PT FDC CA FCAT5 SWNE SHDNE SCA SHDE RATN DSX DJ AJ HDJ CGCA CGCU TKE ATT BN-V CD-V VHMA VSWE - CH Hilarow Never Not Naughty Neska CM3 CD BN RN CGC. Bred by: Mandy Moore. Owners: Mandy Moore/Margaret Palmer.
Best of Breed Competition

CH MOORE'S TINCUP SINISTOR BLACK HT FDC DCAT CGC TKA VSWI. DN68401402. 2021-06-21. By GCH CH Bariguard Full Moon Larry CM CD PCD BN RE PT FDC CA FCAT5 SWNE SHDNE SCA SHDE RATN DSX DJ AJ HDJ CGCA CGCU TKE ATT BN-V CD-V VHMA VSWE - CH Hilarow Never Not Naughty Neska CM3 CD BN RN CGC. Bred by: Mandy Moore. Owners: Patricia Riley And Mandy Moore.

CH MOORE'S OAKPARK SPEAKEASY SZEZON HT FDC BCAT CGC TKI VHMA VSWI. DN68401414. 2021-06-21. By GCH CH Bariguard Full Moon Larry CM CD PCD BN RE PT FDC CA FCAT5 SWNE SHDNE SCA SHDE RATN DSX DJ AJ HDJ CGCA CGCU TKE ATT BN-V CD-V VHMA VSWE - CH Hilarow Never Not Naughty Neska CM3 CD BN RN CGC. Bred by: Mandy Moore. Owners: Patti Garcia/Mandy Moore. Agent: Erin Piercy.

CH HILAROW NEVER NOT NAUGHTY NESKA CM3 CD BN RN CGC. DN51885105. 2017-12-01. By MV's Baccus RN AX AXJ AXP AJP CAX RATN - Nyirsegfia Bajka. Bred by: Cynthia Protheroe-hildebrand. Owners: Mandy Moore.

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.