BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice A ·

(*) CH ACE'S BEST BOY CAPTAIN KIRK RN HSAS FDC CGCA TKN. DN43067207. 2015-05-06. By Rhode Zeppelin's Best Boy Ace - Wise Choice Jetset Sitka. Bred by: Victoria Rhode. Owners: Mychel Ankeny/ Isabella Rice
Bouviers des Flandres Dog

(*) JENS LADY OF LIBERTY N LUXURY. DN63702603. 2020-09-17. By Jens Duke CGC - Jens Daisy Mae CGC. Bred by: Ms. Abigail R Jensen. Owners: Lilia Johnson
Border Collies Bitch

SILVER OAK'S PERFECT BLEND CGC TKN ATT. WS67772901. 2020-03-27. By GCHB CH Alpinez England's Silver Oak FDC NDD CGCA TKN VHMA - CH Cedarcoves Princess Of England's Isadore-Able CGC TKN VHMA. Bred by: Alan England/lisa England. Owners: Becky Reinke
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Dog
Novice B ·

(*) ARIA'S GENTLY SHAKEN NOT STIRRED BN CGC TKN. SS02856707. 2017-11-04. By GCHP CH Wynmoor Interstellar - CH Aria's Elegant Reflection. Bred by: Theresa Rutter/kelsey Rutter. Owners: Lisa Counters/martii Wallahan
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

BOB'S WALK IN THE PARK. MA86812901. 2017-12-01. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Susan Hoelzle
All American Dogs Dog

GROUSEMOOR BLUE SEYTH BN RI. SS22798904. 2020-11-13. By GCHB CH Blazin's Off Road Drive'N CD BN RA MX MXB MXJ MJB OF FCAT3 - GCH CH Grousemoor High Sierra UD BN RA SH. Bred by: Mrs. Helen K Szostak. Owners: Kenneth Neubauer
Flat-Coated Retrievers Dog

CH DYLAN'S SHOOTING STAR DU MATIN BN RI FDC CGC TKN ATT. DN49435313. 2017-04-05. By GCH CH Delux Forever Young CGC - CH Lina Pawing Du Matin CD BN ACT1 CGC. Bred by: Dr. Jody Head. Owners: Jody Head/alice Gawin
Bouviers des Flandres Dog

MOLLY'S DBLM MTN MAGIC RN PT CGC TKA VSWI. DN62546701. 2020-03-07. By Ab Nicholas - Molly's Dblm Shiela. Bred by: Molly Wisecarver. Owners: Jeanne Brown
Border Collies Bitch

UNITY’S MISCHIEF MANAGED BN RI. DN50893108. 2017-07-03. By Desertlite's Final Word At Unity - Medalion's Soloist At Unity. Bred by: Adriana Franciotti. Owners: Julie M Rock/brian Rock/adriana Franciotti-wright
Australian Shepherds Dog

AVALANCHE CONTESSA VOM ROYAL PEAK. DN41879101. 2015-02-22. By Hills To Mtns. Rocky Mtn. Music - CH Xella-Excella Vom Kornried RN MX MXJ TKA. Bred by: Jennifer Shaul/brian Frost. Owners: Alice Madar
Entlebucher Mountain Dogs Bitch
Open A ·

FIRESIDE'S PUTTING THE F IN U-F CD BN RA PT FDC DN CGC TKA. WS63194810. 2018-12-03. By GCH CH Matterhorn's Take It Easy - GCHS CH Fireside's Let Your Soul And Spirit Fly V Sawmill. Bred by: Laura Bullock/judy Brown-fletcher. Owners: Kristy Stecker
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Bitch

(*) TAHOE ASCEND'S LADY FREYA OF HIGH DESERT CD RA. DN55930304. 2018-10-12. By High Desert Ari Of Ascend, Mazel Tov CD BN RM2 CGC TKN - CH River Rock Quite The Comedian. Bred by: Robin C Prince/noelle M Renteria. Owners: Laura Alton
Canaan Dogs Bitch

FREESTYLE BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER CD RE CAA DCAT SCN CGC TKA. DN46565902. 2016-05-21. By Freestyles Redneck Cruiser - Freestyles Full Throttle Terbo. Bred by: Vicky L Farrell. Owners: Brenda Dreyer
Australian Shepherds Dog

KAIBAB'S JOURNEY TO THE STARS CD RE FDC NDD TKI. WS55972007. 2016-12-20. By GCH CH Pinnacle's Josey Wales RN FDC AXP AJP SCN SIN SEN CGC TKN ATT - GCHB CH Kaibab's Incandescently Bright VCD2 RN AXP NFP. Bred by: Mary-ann Sontag Bowman Ph.d./kim Bowman. Owners: Kay Morrow/sue Norman/mary-ann Sontag Bowr
Bernese Mountain Dogs Dog

MIJA ROJA LIGHT 'ER UP CD BN RA. DN32408103. 2011-08-22. By CH Rockrydge's This One's For U CD RN - Mijaroja Shellbluff Wild Fire CD RE AX AXJ NF. Bred by: Beverly Stephens/j Burton/sandra Rees/terry Dickey/stacey Brown. Owners: Jean Burton/b. Stephens/s. Rees
Australian Shepherds Bitch

BONNIE DE LUPUS SAEVUS CD. DN52236402. 2018-01-03. By Aik Vom Wolfssprung - Gracie Vom Dunklen Zwinger. Bred by: Mr. Marco Osorio. Owners: Gail Kendall
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Open B ·

APPOLINE'S HORNBLOWER FROM LAKENHEATHS CD PCDX BN GN GO ACT2 CGC TKN. TS33733702. 2017-02-13. By CH Lakenheaths Cupids Kiss - Lakenheaths Zoe Lucille. Bred by: Teri Taylor-heron. Owners: Wayne/judy Shackel
Yorkshire Terriers Dog

GILLY IS MY CO-PILOT CD BN GN RM2 RAE2 FDC SCN CGCA CGCU TKE ATT. MA68078301. 2014-03-08. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Amber Mercier
All American Dogs Bitch

QUAILCHASE BLACK GEM CD BN RN. SR96461402. 2016-11-28. By GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall - Quailchase Bear Creeks Darlin Doe. Bred by: Gayle Wilhelm/duke Donahue/tina Donahue/kristina Rock. Owners: Terry Purkable
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

GCH CH OTCH SUGAR N SPICES ROYALTY UDX OM3 RAE. DN43628905. 2015-09-02. By GCHG CH Corral West Feel The Sting CGC - GCH CH Sugar's Wild Fergie CD RN PT RATN CGCA. Bred by: Rochelle Gribler/todd Gribler. Owners: Lori Mccartney
Australian Cattle Dogs Dog

ZANIRI BREAKING DAWN CDX. SS05769801. 2017-06-22. By Canoro's Just Add Water - Zaniri Olive That N More. Bred by: Mary J Shillabeer/laureen Kinney/joanne T Kinney. Owners: Linda Zakowski
Golden Retrievers Bitch

OTCH WILDFIRE'S MUSIC MAN UDX3 OM4 RE CGC TKA. DN41886402. 2015-01-28. By Eyewitness So Tru To Cedar - CH RACH Wildfire Virtuous Justice UD OM1 RM2 RAE2 SCN SIN SEN. Bred by: Maureen Tobias-inman. Owners: Melinda Masch
Border Collies Dog

CEDAR QUANTUM LEAP BECKETT CDX BN GN GO RA HSDS HIADS HSADMSM CGC TKA. DN47435301. 2016-05-27. By Hurit Banner To Cedar - Cedar Smoke From A Distant Fire. Bred by: Carolyn Lewis. Owners: Cynthia B Leshin
Border Collies Dog

CH OTCH7 JAZZ'D RED HOT INTENTIONS UDX11 PCDX OGM. SR99162801. 2017-04-28. By CH Eagletarn Merry Man Jax - GCH CH Victory's High Wind Warning CDX BN RE OA NAJ OJP OF XFP THD. Bred by: Janice Anthes/john P Anthes. Owners: Lance Kruse
Flat-Coated Retrievers Bitch

ZANIRI'S STORM'S A RISKIE BUSINESS UDX OM2. SR80855705. 2013-11-02. By Zaniri's Piece By Piece UD - Zaniri Storm Warning Ravengold. Bred by: Mark Akkola/joanne Kinney. Owners: Katherine Stoner
Golden Retrievers Dog
Utility A ·

RACH DIVINE'S SOUND OF MUSIC CDX BN RM2 RAE2 CGC TKP. TS27364001. 2015-06-14. By CH Laureal's Divine Design - CH Twinkle White Star's Romantic Emy. Bred by: Angela Stanberry. Owners: Joanie Carqueville
Maltese Bitch

MAYSONG'S GEORDI CDX RE FDC CGC. MA43750401. 2010-08-01. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Lorraine Reilly
All American Dogs Dog

VANTAN'S FOXY FOREVER IN BLUE JEANS CDX PCDX BN GN GO RI FDC RATO CGC TKN. PR17721201. 2014-06-04. By GCH CH Vantan's Jazz Solo - GCH CH Vantan's Tin Pan Allie. Bred by: Barbara Tannahill. Owners: Jan Mcclure
Poodles Bitch

ROCKRYDGE'S THOROUGHLY MODERN CDX RA CGC. DN32591405. 2011-12-20. By CH Akilah's Frozen In Time - Akilah's Complete Package UD RAE RATO. Bred by: Sandra Rees/sue A Holtz. Owners: Sandra Rees
Australian Shepherds Bitch

WOODSTOCK'S SPARKS FLY HIGH CDX BN. DN35974902. 2013-03-05. By GCH CH Briarbrooks All Rights Reserved - CH Woodstocks Color Me Kodachrome MX MXJ OF. Bred by: Linda Buell. Owners: Christine Wallace
Australian Shepherds Dog

LAZY DAYS GUNPOWDER AND LEAD CDX RA AX OAJ NAP NJP NF. WS53682803. 2016-05-01. By GCH CH Shades Nakoa V Enzo A Warrior's Heart - OTCH2 MACH Lazy Days Wild Thing Of Sterlings UDX2 OM5 RA MXB MJS MFB TQX. Bred by: Gayle L Smith/michael J Smith. Owners: Valery Stevens
Great Danes Dog
Utility B ·

GCH CH OTCH SUGAR N SPICES ROYALTY UDX OM3 RAE. DN43628905. 2015-09-02. By GCHG CH Corral West Feel The Sting CGC - GCH CH Sugar's Wild Fergie CD RN PT RATN CGCA. Bred by: Rochelle Gribler/todd Gribler. Owners: Lori Mccartney
Australian Cattle Dogs Dog

ZANIRI BREAKING DAWN CDX. SS05769801. 2017-06-22. By Canoro's Just Add Water - Zaniri Olive That N More. Bred by: Mary J Shillabeer/laureen Kinney/joanne T Kinney. Owners: Linda Zakowski
Golden Retrievers Bitch

OTCH WILDFIRE'S MUSIC MAN UDX3 OM4 RE CGC TKA. DN41886402. 2015-01-28. By Eyewitness So Tru To Cedar - CH RACH Wildfire Virtuous Justice UD OM1 RM2 RAE2 SCN SIN SEN. Bred by: Maureen Tobias-inman. Owners: Melinda Masch
Border Collies Dog

CEDAR QUANTUM LEAP BECKETT CDX BN GN GO RA HSDS HIADS HSADMSM CGC TKA. DN47435301. 2016-05-27. By Hurit Banner To Cedar - Cedar Smoke From A Distant Fire. Bred by: Carolyn Lewis. Owners: Cynthia B Leshin
Border Collies Dog

CH OTCH7 JAZZ'D RED HOT INTENTIONS UDX11 PCDX OGM. SR99162801. 2017-04-28. By CH Eagletarn Merry Man Jax - GCH CH Victory's High Wind Warning CDX BN RE OA NAJ OJP OF XFP THD. Bred by: Janice Anthes/john P Anthes. Owners: Lance Kruse
Flat-Coated Retrievers Bitch

ZANIRI'S STORM'S A RISKIE BUSINESS UDX OM2. SR80855705. 2013-11-02. By Zaniri's Piece By Piece UD - Zaniri Storm Warning Ravengold. Bred by: Mark Akkola/joanne Kinney. Owners: Katherine Stoner
Golden Retrievers Dog

GCH CH ARATONE WESTAR DATING A ROYAL UD OM1 PT. DN36341302. 2013-01-03. By GCH CH Braeleen Foreign Intrigue - Westar's Keepsake. Bred by: Marie Eguro/mark Hersman. Owners: Marie Eguro/mark Hersman
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

DESERT SAGE CDX GO RA SWN SIA SEA. PAL268271. 2016-02-26. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Kay F Davis
Boykin Spaniels Bitch

CH SUNBEAR'S DEL RIO CDX RE CGC TKA. WS46251703. 2013-12-03. By GCHP CH Hemlock's Jack Of Hearts BN RE TT CGC - CH Sunbear's Chariot Of Fire CD BN RE. Bred by: Sheila Avram-hanna/kathy Chauncey. Owners: Gail Kendall
Rottweilers Dog

BRODY COOPER GIBSON CDX PCDX BN RM RAE SWN SCA SIA SEA SHDN TKI. PAL270672. 2016-02-02. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Paul Gibson
Golden Retrievers Dog
Beginner Novice A ·

(*) CH KICKINAUSS ON THE COLORADO TRAIL PT FDC FCAT2 SWA SEE SHDN RATM CZ8G DS DJA HDN DDB CGCA TKI ATT. DN57458601. 2019-01-13. By Coastal Meadows Goin' To Jackson - Heather's Indigo Blue @ Trails End. Bred by: Shannon Buchanan/heather Newton. Owners: Donna Carr
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

CH KLONDYKE'S WHITE DIAMOND CGC TKI. NP59151603. 2020-04-07. By CH Covered Bridge Klondyke's Sir Thomas - Klondyke's Snow White. Bred by: Susan Ward/john Ward. Owners: Sondra Dankberg-yontz/amanda Dankberg
American Eskimo Dogs Bitch
Beginner Novice B ·

GCH CH ALCHER TMAC PRINCE OF DARKNESS V GENTRY CGC. WS66514410. 2019-10-23. By GCHG CH Phillmar Superman WAC - GCHS CH Willowcreek Midnight In Paris. Bred by: Deborah Romans/cheryl Green/tony Mackenzie. Owners: Rick & Debby Castro/ Cheryl Green/ Tony Mackenzie
Doberman Pinschers Dog

DESERT SKY TOO COOL FOR SHADES. SS13411603. 2019-07-03. By Piccadilly's Roccin' The Shades - Quailchase Black Gem CD BN RN. Bred by: Terry Purkable/tina Donahue/duke Donahue/kristina Rock. Owners: Terry Purkable
Labrador Retrievers Dog
Graduate Open ·

APPOLINE'S HORNBLOWER FROM LAKENHEATHS CD PCDX BN GN GO ACT2 CGC TKN. TS33733702. 2017-02-13. By CH Lakenheaths Cupids Kiss - Lakenheaths Zoe Lucille. Bred by: Teri Taylor-heron. Owners: Wayne/judy Shackel
Yorkshire Terriers Dog

ADURA'S GENEVA CROSS CDX RI. TS25929002. 2015-03-12. By CH Rhapsody's Baybreeze Smart Alec - CH Adura's Deep En Vogue. Bred by: Katherine Kasten. Owners: Marjorie Murphy
Maltese Bitch

BLACK MOUNTAIN SWEET TALKIN' GABBY GIRL CD BN RI. TS33487801. 2017-03-04. By Black Mountain Run Like A Rocket CDX BN RA - Black Mountain Picture Perfect. Bred by: Alice M Blazer. Owners: Jill Schuch
Papillons Bitch
Preferred Open ·

PREMIERE'S STIRLING STATUS UD PUTD FDC. DN26159003. 2009-10-14. By DC Borderfame Mystery Label RN HSAs HSBs HIAds HIBs HXAds HXBds - DC Sun Mtn's Wind Dancer. Bred by: Ms. Suzanne Leroy. Owners: Candice Vaughan Griffin
Border Collies Dog
Preferred Utility ·

PREMIERE'S STIRLING STATUS UD PUTD FDC. DN26159003. 2009-10-14. By DC Borderfame Mystery Label RN HSAs HSBs HIAds HIBs HXAds HXBds - DC Sun Mtn's Wind Dancer. Bred by: Ms. Suzanne Leroy. Owners: Candice Vaughan Griffin
Border Collies Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.