CRESCENDO'S FAIRWAY DIVOT TKN. SS10388201. 2019-02-09. By CH Pinon Molino - CH Allegro's New Era Crescendo RN CGC TKN. Bred by: James Dickey/amy Dickey. Owners: Amy/ Jim & Blair Dickey
BRASSY ACRES WHISKEY RIVER. DN59904502. 2019-10-15. By Brassy Acres A Little More Country - Brassy Acres Prim And Proper. Bred by: Nicole Dalton. Owners: Jessica Cano & Nicole Dalton
AVIATORS BARK AT THE MOON. WS69480002. 2020-08-11. By GCHP CH Asta's Nyte Flyte CGCA CGCU TKN ATT - Flowers In Your Hair Da Pedra Da Anixa. Bred by: Cathy Dugan/michael Dugan. Owners: Beth Lavin & William Macias
CU SEILGE COIRCE-FIADHAIN. HP57671602. 2019-05-18. By Lilac Wind Oberon At Cu Seilge - CH Cu-Seilge Tul-Fhirinn JC CA. Bred by: Terri Crawford/david Crawford/dwight Dylan Walton. Owners: Lara Goldfarb/sydney Goldfarb
RUSHWIND'S ZARDEH SETAREH AT ALII. HP58128105. 2019-06-24. By Elamir Flamenco El Cortez - CH Rushwind Tabestan Qamar. Bred by: Karen Greenhill. Owners: Teila Childers/teirnee Childers/dawson Childers
GCH CH ALWAYS FOOLING AROUND VOM ROTTWEILERHAUS. WS67961803. 2020-04-01. By GCH CH Nighthawk's When Dreams Come True At Infinity - CH Fantasy Vom Sudberg Haus CGCA TKN. Bred by: Rodney Parks/richard J Mysliwiec. Owners: Ryan Parks/richard J Mysliwiec
CH GHOSTWIND ETCHED IN STONE AT DONLEE. DN63973602. 2020-09-24. By GCHB CH Bon Idee's Quantico Looking For Top Gun - GCH CH Donlee Sono Gucci. Bred by: Reba Donnelly/loeki Watson/susie Olivera/stephanie Spradling. Owners: Sherry Holt/cameron Johnson
TWILIGHTS THIS GIRL IS MAGICAL. SS26924802. 2021-05-07. By GCHG CH Mardi Gras Black Tie Affair RAE MX MXS MXJ MJS OF T2B CGC TKN ATT - CH Twilights It's All About Me. Bred by: Diann Erdman Prock. Owners: Gerri Goers-rogers/kymgoers
GCH CH TINTAGEL DE LOS URSIDOS KODIAK. TS43016601. 2018-08-24. By Kamelot Knight De Los Ursidos Kodiak - Gone With The Wind Of Sevijean'S. Bred by: Arturo Maria Galofre Cambreleng. Owners: Benjamin & Brittani Williams/ Judith Gimenez Echazarra
CH AIMHI JOULES. RN32253902. 2018-01-08. By CH Belfox Ink - Aimhi Millionaire Matchmaker. Bred by: Amy Rutherford. Owners: Amy Rutherford/adelyn Manogue/zena Cummard
PYLES OF SMILES COUNTESS ASPEN DE COTE D'AZUR. WS71595503. 2021-01-13. By GCH CH Radost Zhizni Wings Of Destiny - Snowshoe's Salt Water Taffy. Bred by: Michelle Pyle/heather Galloway/lawrence Pyle/rachel Cyr. Owners: Sophie Godding/gary & Aimee Godding
CH ORIGAMI'S THAT LITTLE BOUGIE GIRL. TS50765201. 2021-02-07. By GCH CH Kalor Bohemian Rhapsody For Origami - GCH CH Kalor Absolutely Fabulous At Origami. Bred by: Mr. Del Gonzales/mr. Johnathon Sullinger. Owners: Lillian Claire Esquivel/lisa Marie Esquivel/del Gonzales/johnathon Sullinger
EMPIRE N BANDOG'S ROCKSTAR. NP52811303. 2018-10-05. By CH Bandog N Tx-Star Its Not Easy Being Green @ 2stars - Bandog's Betty Boop At Stormy Mountain. Bred by: Mr. Luis F Sosa/patricia A Sosa/tonya Downs. Owners: Emilia Powers/tonya Downs
THREE D DELILAH. TS36598103. 2017-10-15. By CH Ashton Winmar Rags To Riches - CH Dragons Gate Tea For Three D. Bred by: Dee Duffy. Owners: Tracey Jaquish And Emerson Jaquish
CH SUNDARA'S AKILAH ROSE. HP60308301. 2020-07-07. By GCHB CH Excelsior Sundara Sands Of Time JC - GCHB DC Karnak's Ajah Rose Of Sundara SC. Bred by: Hanna Rose Haag/michelle Laflamme Haag/emerson Jaquish. Owners: Hanna Rose Haag/emerson Jaquish
GCH CH KORAL'S LOUD N CLEAR V LEGENDALE. WS63348402. 2018-11-18. By CH Legendale Addiction Vgoldgrove - CH Koral's Glaciers One And Only V Radiant. Bred by: Lana Ferguson/lydia Hovanski/patty Adams. Owners: Jay Caulk/lydia Hovanski/zarin Godfrey
GCH CH CLUSSEXX THE GREAT HOUDINI FROM FLIVVERWAY. TS31809302. 2016-08-09. By GCHB CH Clussexx Paddington Of Flivverway - CH Clussexx A Lil Magic Of Flivverway. Bred by: Douglas A Johnson/jamie Hubbard/nancy Liebes/june E Peterson. Owners: Jody Davidson/ana Cummard/lillian Peterman
ZIPPO'S VELVET TOUCH AT CACHEMIR. TS33548101. 2016-06-02. By Pomstyle Velvet Touch - Before Taim Gardarika. Bred by: Marta Cah. Owners: Vikki Owen/mason Montgomery
KHANI'S PUDDIN' PIE OF TRG. TS43217201. 2019-06-05. By CH Khani's Good Will Hunting SWN SCA SEA SBA - GCH CH Khani's Alfheim Viviani's Theorem. Bred by: Ms. Kathryn Britton Sanchez/theresa Cuzzetto. Owners: Nikela Parks/kathy Britton/malia Roberts
CH THUNDER SKY'S WATCH ME ROAR. WS69280504. 2020-07-26. By CH Thunder Sky's Magnum Force - GCH CH Linfert Blue Bayou Of Big Dogs. Bred by: Susan Miller-brittan. Owners: Annabell Young-waterman
GCH CH NORDIC MINI COOPER. RN31808501. 2018-01-25. By GCHG CH High Mtn Warfox High Noon At Foxterity - GCH CH Sunlyn Moet. Bred by: Susan J Altmeyer. Owners: Susan J Altmeyer
CLUSSEXX COME REIGN OR COME SHINE TKN. TS43735302. 2019-07-30. By GCHB CH Ringo Star Ot Nevskogo Hobbita - CH Clussexx Reign The Empire. Bred by: Douglas A Johnson/jamie Hubbard. Owners: Jody Davidson/victoria Cummard/scott Davidson
CH BLUEFIRE HISTORY HAS IT'S EYES ON YOU. RN35856701. 2020-11-13. By GCH CH Bluefire Defying Gravity - GCHS CH Norkinstein Bavaria. Bred by: Tim Smith/holly Million/laura Bowman/pamela S Bale. Owners: Zena Cummard/tim Smith/monica Kipp/holly Million/pamela Bale
GCH CH CHARKARA SADIE IN RED @ SABRIE. TS49381002. 2020-09-23. By CH Charkara Red Maverick - CH Four Tens Stella By Starlight. Bred by: Charmaine Berglof/cindy Fortin. Owners: Patricia Bartley Shonts & Jade Chase& Jill Chase
CH BUGABOO'S LET IT BE. DN59943604. 2019-10-25. By CH Bugaboo's Talk'n About You - GCHG CH Bugaboo's Let It Go Blu Mtn. Bred by: Mr. Milan Lint/heather Johnson/douglas Johnson/michaelanne Johnson/colton Johnson/cameron Johnson. Owners: Colton Johnson/heather Johnson/douglas Johnson/michaelanne Johnson/taylor Johnson
PYLES OF SMILES QUARANTINI. WS69622401. 2020-03-22. By GCH CH Radost Zhizni Wings Of Destiny - Pos Charming Del Colle Ombroso CAA. Bred by: Lawrence Pyle/michelle Pyle/rachel Cyr/cheyenne Ross. Owners: Cheyenne Ross/michelle Pyle
CH PLAYLIST'S LET'S GIVE 'EM SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. SS21861901. 2020-06-27. By GCHS CH Solivia's Defining Moment At Playlist - Nitelite's Fine Line At Sidearm. Bred by: Kimberly Lourier. Owners: Kimberly Lourier/parker Lourier
GCH CH TRIUMPH FIRE GIRL AT BONSAI. RN33151604. 2019-01-20. By Moolti Lavr Black Pearl - GCHB CH Bullcreeks Escape To Glory At Triumph CGCA TKN. Bred by: Sandra Lindstedt. Owners: Giselle Simonds/sandra Lindstedt/symphony Koenke
CH SERENCI DREAM A LITTLE DREAM. DN62793801. 2020-04-17. By CH Braeling Every Cowgirl's Dream - GCHS CH Serenci Starfire. Bred by: Catherine Chapel/barbara Merickel. Owners: Kyle Dumont/ Carie Dumont/ Catherine Chapel/ Barbara Merickel
GCHB CH SWEETWATERS KEEP IT ON THE LOW. TS43918801. 2018-12-15. By CH Cnr's I'M More Than A Miracle - Sweetwaters Chit Chat. Bred by: Amanda Seitzer/kristina Rock. Owners: Camryn Sherrin/amanda Seitzer
GCHS CH SOLIVIA'S DEFINING MOMENT AT PLAYLIST. SS06865002. 2018-06-07. By CH Jared Z Karczewskiej Zagrody JH CA BCAT - CH Solivia's Desiderata. Bred by: Dennis Brown/katey Brown/susan L Thompson. Owners: Kimberly Lourier/sebastian Lourier/parker Lourier
GCH CH LINDSAYLEIGH'S BATMAN. WS72240701. 2020-07-07. By CH Lindsayleigh's A Goodfella - CH Lindsayleigh's Ez Brez Cvr Grl. Bred by: Derrick Wood. Owners: Marne Martin-tucker/derrick Wood/parker Lourier
CH SARATOGA'S CATCHING SNOWFLAKES CGC. WS66697002. 2019-11-04. By GCH CH Cirque D' Samz Tanks 4 The Memories At Arctic Fox - CH Double Helix Articcross Saratoga Supersonic Speed RI. Bred by: Heidi Nieman/brielle Bolena/robinette Dunahugh-ralston. Owners: Heidi Nieman/brielle Bolena
GCHB CH SYRINGA-RELYT DAGGERS N TRINKETS. DN58708201. 2019-06-16. By GCH CH Blue Heavens Lethal Weapon - CH Syringa Treasure N Trinket. Bred by: Deborah Sirdofsky/tyler Crady. Owners: Tyler Crady Kristina Rickard
SHAW'S CAPED CRUSADER. TS42114302. 2019-03-08. By GCHB CH Sunlit Shaw's Hey Baby - Shaw's Image Of Elegance. Bred by: Peg Shaw/james Shaw. Owners: Naomi Taylor And Dawn Adams
All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email dogshows@barayevents.com. If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.
NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.