BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice Junior Class ·

Audra Lunceford. 36374671002
DRAMA QUEEN BARBIE ACCESSORIES SOLD SEPARATELY. PR28538203. 2024-05-28. By CH Coplar's Blazing Yeager BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN - Coplar's Miss Fancy Manners CGC TKN. Bred by: Shiela Thomas/nicole Koen Le. Owners: Alyson Lunceford/trevor Lunceford
Poodles Bitch

Ayra Kirkley. 31331759003
BTRUE'S IT ALL STARTS WITH "V" BCAT CGC. WS69253801. 2019-07-23. By GCH CH Btrue's Legion Of Boom Chocolatta CD BN RN CA BCAT CGCU TKI - Btrue's Heart Of A Rebel RN BCAT. Bred by: Melissa Wilste/jordan Murray/caleb Mckee/alex Mckee. Owners: Melissa Wiltse
Bullmastiffs Bitch

(*) Abby Legrand. 68804952001
PADLOCK'S P.I.T.A. BRED AT ANDANEY. NP90276102. 2023-12-09. By GCH CH Padlock's Tuscany Bruschetta - Padlocks Irish Cream Espresso. Bred by: Mary Ann Gaffney/christina Ulberg/pat Gonzales. Owners: Abby May Legrand/mary Ann Gaffney/tina Legrand/alex Legrand
French Bulldogs Dog

Magnalynn Gonzales. 72183386001
WAVERLY ZUCKERRAUSCH IN CUT TIME AT PERSEVERANCE. HP56862802. 2018-10-01. By Stoneleigh Little Man Lacey - Mdld Lay Me Down Sally's Sophie Ml. Bred by: Wendy Lovins. Owners: Lynn Trujillo/magnalynn Gonzales
Dachshunds Dog

(*) Arik Kucheryaviy. 87689753003
QUANTAS-NAPOCA YVONNE. HP71279202. 2024-04-27. By Quantas-Napoca White Pepper - Quantas-Napoca Yanna. Bred by: Alexandru-raul Pop. Owners: Valentina Kucheryavaya/.arik Kucheryaviy
Basset Hounds Bitch
Novice Intermediate Class ·

Amelia Szuberla. 95981423003
MT PEAKS FROSTY LOKI AT TRAILSEND. DN76789801. 2023-07-22. By CH Moonbaby's Frost On Top - Pleasant Valleys Brier Rose At Trailsend. Bred by: Shannon S Seldal. Owners: Agnes Szuberla
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

(*) Rhealyn Burow. 84297311001
GCH CH LUNAPHIA'S MALICIOUS SIREN OF MCOWEN. DN68037701. 2021-08-10. By Lunaphia's Maximus Epstein - Lunaphia's Sweet Tea. Bred by: Monica Hebert. Owners: Kayla Burow/jacqui Campbell/rhealyn Burow
Cardigan Welsh Corgis Bitch

(*) Anders Decock. 75448591001
CORNERSTONE'S DON'T STOP ME NOW. DN78022307. 2023-12-30. By GCHB CH Bailiwick Audacious CGC - Elite's Cover Me In Sunshine ACT1 ACT1J. Bred by: Maggie P Johnson-pint/connie Chapman. Owners: Matthew Johnson-pint/maggie Johnson-pint
Australian Shepherds Dog
Novice Senior Class ·

Sydney Stephenson. 48326079006
GCHB CH CHASELYN WHISPER IN THE SHADOWS. SS23390506. 2020-12-16. By GCH CH Willowglen's In The Midnight Hour - CH Black Scottish Whisky Shadow Dog. Bred by: Deborah S Burton. Owners: Debra Shirley
Gordon Setters Bitch
Open Junior Class ·

(*) Eve Cukr Person. 31588148001
CH FREYAFELT KITE RUNNER. HP63389001. 2021-03-12. By Tsertus Lancelot Du Lac - Tsertus Grande Duchesse. Bred by: Olga Kurevleva. Owners: Anna Cukr
Dachshunds (Longhaired) Dog

(*) Chloe Klennert. 14749835001
CH MUSASHI STAND BY YOUR MAN. TS61402601. 2023-06-29. By CH Touche' Musashi Reconnaissance - CH Musashi Paparazzi. Bred by: Kathleen Klennert. Owners: Kathleen Klennert/chloe Klennert
Japanese Chin Bitch

(*) Cameron Kerridge. 89586740001
GCHB DC NEFER-TEMU ANUBIS GREEN LANTERN SC. HP57433802. 2019-01-31. By GCHG DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar RN MC LCX - CH Anubis' Goddess Of Truth And Justice Maat. Bred by: Mark Doyle/alex Wood/emily Kerridge/cheryl Mcdermott Dvm. Owners: Gayle Ihringer/emily Kerridge/cameron Kerridge
Pharaoh Hounds Dog

Raelynn Davenport. 38564791001
GCH CH CASITA'S DAISY MAE BN RA CGC. DN67643502. 2021-05-17. By Trails Ends Gimli - Brassy Acres Fly With Me. Bred by: Ashley Lindauer/nicole Dalton. Owners: Shannon Seldal
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

(*) Dakota Kirk. 75833219002
GOT SPITZ A PRINCE AMONG MEN. TS60056403. 2023-03-04. By GCHB CH Thai Silk Let Him Be A Superstar - Got Spitz Much Ado About Nothing. Bred by: Wendy Whiteley. Owners: Dakota Kirk/wendy Whiteley
Pomeranians Dog
Open Intermediate Class ·

Ruby Frette. 59199160006
MEYAAH LIESSA POPPY. PR27648207. 2023-10-08. By Ncr Bruno Mars Dustin Skylla's Roses - Ncr Skylla's Grace & Glory In Venice. Bred by: Beth A Fullerton/courtney M Kron. Owners: Amanda Jones
Poodles (Miniature) Bitch

Nyoko Gima. 41998542002
JALINS ISLAND PARADISE LEGUME. NP87806003. 2023-10-04. By CH Jalins Hazzard County Sheriff Of Font A Nose - Jalin's Rose Gold CGC TKN. Bred by: Linda Eells. Owners: Nora Gima/jodie Lubahn
Bulldogs Dog

(*) Alicia Sierra. 30664556001
GCHG CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE HT FDC ACT1 CGC TKN. DN65855304. 2021-01-16. By GCH CH Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor PT TKN - GCHS CH Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles TKN. Bred by: Candace Hunter/alexzandra Erb. Owners: Candace Hunter/alexzandra Erb/dean Justice/jeanne Justice
Collies Dog

(*) Caiden Thompson. 29585756001
MOONSETTER THYME OF MY LIFE. SS45083903. 2023-12-12. By CH Blackjack Wallace Chedder - CH Moonsetter Yours Truly JH CGC TKA VHMA VHMP VSWB FITB. Bred by: Olivia Moon/heidi Moon. Owners: Caiden Thompson/brooke Thompson/olivia Moon
Gordon Setters Dog

Shiloh Kennedy. 39607385004
DIAMOND HILL TRIPP OF A LIFETIME TKN. DN79256003. 2024-04-13. By GCHS CH Baywind Supreme Lucky Twist CGC - Summer Rain Splish Splashing At Diamond Hill. Bred by: Jamie Hansen/donna Burdick. Owners: Shiloh Kennedy/donna Burdick/jamie Hansen
Australian Shepherds Dog

Vanessa Barrett. 44322333003
GCHB CH JOURNEY DARTEK ELDAMAR TWEET ABOUT IT. SR97672701. 2017-01-21. By GCH CH Tiffany's Esspecial Magic Kingdom BN RN - CH Dartek Eldamar Journey To Shore RN RATN CGC TKN. Bred by: Kim Bullard/tekla Viker/julie M Roberts. Owners: Kim Bullard/tekla Viker/julie Roberts/demery Paladichuk
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

(*) Emma Kirkpatrick. 56839380007
SKYVIEW IMA BELIEVER. DN77163401. 2023-08-30. By Skyview Bless Me From Above RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU - GCHB CH Skyview I Still Believe. Bred by: Lynda A Leffel. Owners: Lynda A Leffel
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

(*) Elli Van Der Vliet. 95474055002
GCH CH ZINFUL'S TOPLINE ROAD TRIP ELY. RN37496210. 2021-12-03. By CH Topline Hot Topic's Legacy - CH Windancer Zinful Qt. Bred by: Alaine Van Ness. Owners: Alaine Van Ness/elli Van Der Vliet
Airedale Terriers Dog

Jewel Van Tassel. 55307003002
REMEDY'S PRACTICALLY PERFECT CGC TKN. DN73200818. 2022-10-06. By GCHB CH Bayberry Airam August Rush CGC - GCHS CH Remedy's Perfectly Paired BN RN CGC TKN. Bred by: Katie Knudtson/keira Hall. Owners: Jewel Van Tassel/ Mindy Clark-van Tassel/ Katie Knudtson
Australian Shepherds Bitch

(*) Makynlee Hudson. 47599157002
GCHB CH SPARTAS HAVE FUN STORMIN DA CASTLE BN RI FDC SWN SCA RATN CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. WS69310501. 2020-07-10. By GCHP CH Russian Bears Play It Again Sam For Old Times Sake RN BCAT CGC - GCH CH Jodira Von Maymakan RN CGCA CGCU. Bred by: Jean Tuggle/emily Fagan. Owners: Christine Judson/makynlee Hudson
Black Russian Terriers Dog

Olivia Merrill. 81630538003
CH LA CE MY HEARTS ON FIRE ELVIRA MCREW FDC CGCA CGCU TKP ATT. NP57271304. 2019-11-06. By Opium Gold King Fire - CH Sunnysides's Whole Lotta Nerve. Bred by: Alexandria Renae Darienzo. Owners: Jennifer Louise Merrill/olivia Carol Louise Merrill/alexandria Renae Darienzo
Chinese Shar-Pei Bitch

Elizabeth Yoon. 55912062001
GCHP CH LAKERIDGE CHALLENGER. PR21880601. 2019-06-10. By GCHP CH Lakeridge Kaylens Hey Big Spender - CH Lakeridge Talkin' About My Girl. Bred by: Cathy Petrie/debra Ferguson-jones. Owners: Debra Ferguson-jones/cathy Petrie
Poodles Dog

(*) Alexander Legrand. 17996426001
CH CLASSY STAFFYS SHOOT FOR THE MOON CGC TKN FITS. RN34636504. 2020-01-31. By Mosstrooper Kentucky Moon - GCH CH Glenmars Rim Fire Pistol At Classy Staffys. Bred by: Lynn Heimbuch/d Dills/mary Gaffney. Owners: Lynn Heimbuch/tina Legrand/alex Legrand
Staffordshire Bull Terriers Bitch

Ava Reilly. 48964983002
KUBISTRAUMS EYE CANDY RN CGC. DN61048305. 2020-02-01. By GCH CH Kubistraums Free For All RN HT - CH Kubistraums Tahoe II BN RI PT. Bred by: Verna M Kubik/virginia Bailey. Owners: Candee R Foss
German Shepherd Dogs Bitch
Open Senior Class ·

Emmabelle Kirkpatrick. 47184740005
BREAK OF THE MORNING RN. PR23130102. 2020-08-16. By Nikolai Danced At The Bolshoi For The Zara - Zara Mieshka. Bred by: Ms. Beatriz Adriana Myers. Owners: Emmabelle Kirkpatrick
Poodles Bitch

Mabry Herring. 88142123003
LAMZ RAZZLE DAZZLE 'EM. RN39538704. 2023-05-26. By GCHG CH Lamz A Brief History Of Time - GCHG CH Lamz A Dance With Dragons FDC CAA DCAT SWN SCA CGCA TKN. Bred by: Laurie W Zembrzuski/gabrielle M. Gilbeau Esq./mr. Michael A. Zembrzuski. Owners: Laurie Zembrzuski/nathan Herring/mabry Herring/miller Sherling
Bedlington Terriers Bitch

(*) Ainslie Whetzel. 72474233005
GCH CH MARINELLA'S MUDDY WATER. WS76453503. 2022-03-13. By GCH CH C-Lion Hey, Good Lookin'! SWE - Ambereyes' Magic Even The Stars Fall 4 U Marinella. Bred by: Kristle Marangon/david Marangon/natasha Wilson/jennifer Cowger. Owners: Sarah Whetzel/ainslie Whetzel/kristle Marangon
Portuguese Water Dogs Bitch

Savannah Barrett. 44399894005
GCH CH YUTORI'S LUCKY CHARM FDC CGC TKN. DN66633302. 2021-03-17. By Yutori's Hats Off To Caesar - Yutori's Hope Floats. Bred by: Lynn Drumm/cathy Pollack. Owners: Maryke Haynes/lynn Drumm
Finnish Lapphunds Bitch

Ella Garcelon. 21878010002
POLLACK'S SHERMAN PICK6 CGC. SS01970310. 2017-11-09. By Pollack Blue Dot Ammo JH - Pollack's Quiver Of Arrow'S SH. Bred by: Jodi Pollack. Owners: Jennifer/ronald Garcelon
Brittanys Dog

Paige Rian Kellis. 30930084002
GCH CH MARIEL SEAMUS MOSSBAWN SUNLIGHT AT PAWCIFIC FDC TKN ATT. DN67413403. 2021-04-25. By GCHG CH Pawcific I Walk With The King HSAds NAP NFP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI - CH Mariels Sprig Of Parsley. Bred by: Emily Fish/mrs. Marian R Mizelle. Owners: Emily Barnhart/paige Kellis
Cardigan Welsh Corgis Dog

Rowan Scholl. 98881708003
GCH CH MORNING MIST ON FROZEN POND. DN56943104. 2019-01-26. By GCHS CH Lk Michigan Journey Through Fire At Airam CGC - GCH CH T-N-T's Tryst At Morning Mist. Bred by: Judy Charrette. Owners: Stacey Bryan/judy Charrette
Australian Shepherds Bitch

Katie Jensen. 94778178006
MISCHIEVOUS MARVEL LOKI. RN39201203. 2023-01-08. By CH Random Reconsideration - CH Hillrose Ancient Spirit. Bred by: Koko Ambuehl. Owners: Eileen Jensen/katherine Jensen
Wire Fox Terriers Dog
Master Class ·

Lorelei Binnendyk-payne. 66667999003
GCHS CH WYNCLIFF'S LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS. SS00206408. 2017-06-23. By GCHP CH Artic Sun's Hot Pursuit - CH Valley Crest I Will Survive. Bred by: Dinah Baggenstos/richard Baggenstos. Owners: Dinah Baggenstos
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) Bitch

Natalie Van Tassel. 33176979002
RIOT'S YOU ARE MY REMEDY RN CGC TKN. DN61689903. 2020-02-01. By GCHB CH Silverwood Calling The Kettle Black At Limelite - GCHB CH Impact's Golden Ray CA. Bred by: Ms. Brittany Marissa Greendeer. Owners: Natalie Van Tassel
Australian Shepherds Dog

Lillie Vogel. 96907052001
GCH CH 2INFINITY GREATNESS INSPIRES ENVY FDC CGC TKI ATT. WS69870904. 2020-07-10. By CH Maplemor Evening Sky Over The Ponderosa V Wynstone RN - 2infinity Miss Liberty's Bell Gold Coin RN CGC TKN. Bred by: Tami Bauer/mallory Davidson/christina Ulberg. Owners: Christina Ulberg/lillie Vogel
Rottweilers Bitch

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.