BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Rally Novice A ·

FELIX SWA CGC TKA. DN59682005. 2019-10-27. By High Desert Henry The Ruler - High Desert Miss Noble Adelaide. Bred by: Johanna Trass. Owners: Charlie Clarke
Australian Shepherds Dog

GOLDEN'S RAINY MELODY BCAT CGC TKN. MB10331001. 2021-04-17. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Shannon Golden/alexander Golden
All American Dogs Bitch

CH KASOMOR'S LIGHT THE FIRE WITH MANITOU CGC TKI. SS03549604. 2017-12-12. By GCH CH Brynwood's On The Edge CD RN JH - GCH CH Manitou's Girl On Fire CD RN. Bred by: Cynthia K. Lindemer/roger Wirkkunen/. Owners: Grace Edwards & Linda Moran
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Bitch

CH SOKOLDALU'S GIFT OF A FRIEND JH BCAT SWN SCA SIA SEA SHDN RATO CZ8B CGC. SS26094304. 2021-04-17. By GCHG CH Dezertfyre's Captain's First Mate CDX RE JH OA AXJ NF SWM SCME SHDN RATO CGCA TKA FTN - GCHS CH Sokoldalu's Tokeletes Anya CD BN RM2 RAE JH NAP NJP NFP BCAT ACT2 SWM RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FTI. Bred by: Lori King/carla Slabaugh. Owners: Leslie Garman/dan Garman
Vizslas Bitch

(*) CH LUCKYSUN SPRINGBROOK CODELI GIRLS CGC TKN. WS82579901. 2023-08-11. By GCHG CH Indian Hill's Forged In Fire V Full Moon RN TKN - Tulipanos Berni Galaxy. Bred by: Martina Kopecka. Owners: Jim Smalley/gail Buchanan/joanne Gerow
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

SIR NIGEL PEDINGTON BCAT. NP84136401. 2023-04-28. By Sir Chocolate Clark W Griswold - Africa Rojas. Bred by: Jose Rojas. Owners: Kimberly Houghton/eric Houghton
Bulldogs Dog

(*) BIT O'HEAVEN I PUT A NOBLE SPELL ON YOU CGC TKN. SS42673702. 2023-07-22. By Aviator's Road King - Bit O'Heaven Gaylic Spring Gift. Bred by: Deby Robinson. Owners: Jaimie Noble
Golden Retrievers Bitch

GRACE OF MIDWEST MANOR. MB09055001. 2020-11-22. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Jackie Gorman/sherry Cmiel
All American Dogs Bitch

COCO CLAUDETTE III CGC. PAL286812. 2018-11-17. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Lodi Glori-ann Mata - De Ocampo
Poodles Bitch

COLOCKUM DIAMOND HILL UPINSMOK CGC TKN. DN75019603. 2023-03-21. By GCHB CH Mt.Woods Backcountry Dashing OAP NJP - Diamond Hill's Boutthymecolockum CD BN FDC NA BCAT CGCA TKI. Bred by: Paige Brown/donna Burdick/jamie Hansen. Owners: Rowan Scholl/paige Brown
Australian Shepherds Dog

(*) GCH CH JUBELEND GOLDEN GATE LIFTED UP THE SKY BCAT. SS34703804. 2022-05-18. By GCH CH Astro Dog From Wonderland BN RI NA NAJ DJ CGC - GCHB CH Golden Gate Saliforth Sierra CD BN RE CGC TKN. Bred by: Sharon Hiemenz/dr. Susanne Martin. Owners: Anna Almvig Knutsen/julian Knutsen
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Dog

MT PEAKS FROSTY LOKI AT TRAILSEND. DN76789801. 2023-07-22. By CH Moonbaby's Frost On Top - Pleasant Valleys Brier Rose At Trailsend. Bred by: Shannon S Seldal. Owners: Agnes Szuberla
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

(*) GCH CH CAVU CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF @ GLDN JRNY. SS18973104. 2020-05-02. By GCH CH Liberty Lionswatch Forr Score And 7 CD BN RE JH SHU DN CGC TKN - GCHB CH Cobblestone's We Love To Fly And It Shows RN. Bred by: Mary Fontaine/lynne Briggs. Owners: Nancy Meyer/andrew Meyer/mary Fontaine
Golden Retrievers Bitch

(*) MOUNT PEAK WILLOWS GOT INTEGRITY. DN77658001. 2023-10-11. By GCH CH Moonbaby's Integrity Is Everything RN - Trails Ends Adventures With Denali RI. Bred by: Mrs. Shannon Sue Seldal. Owners: Raelynn Davenport/alicia Davenport/shannon Sue Seldal
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

BREAK OF THE MORNING. PR23130102. 2020-08-16. By Nikolai Danced At The Bolshoi For The Zara - Zara Mieshka. Bred by: Ms. Beatriz Adriana Myers. Owners: Emmabelle Kirkpatrick
Poodles Bitch
Rally Novice B ·

SOLANA'S TALL ENOUGH FOR THIS RIDE. SS49600201. 2024-03-05. By GCHB CH Karajen Kizmar Let's Get Lit RN BCAT SIN CGC TKN - Firelight N' Solana's Siren Call TKN. Bred by: Heidi Bergen/erin Neall/gale Shay. Owners: Julia Soes/taylor Smith/heidi Bergen
Vizslas Dog

OLYMPIC CREST JUBILEE FDC FCAT CGC TKN ATT FITG. NP83474001. 2023-04-11. By CH Rendezvous With Cannoli De Sang Bleu FDC NJP NF DCAT - Casablanca Jj Meek Imp BN RN FDC FCAT3 RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITG. Bred by: Kathy C Swan. Owners: Kathy C Swan
Schipperkes Bitch

GRANITE QUARRY CORRIE RN. MB10367701. 2022-06-03. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Lori Stock
All American Dogs Bitch

GCH CH JETCITY HEART OF GLASS NAJ BCAT ACT1J ATT. RN36170403. 2021-03-06. By CH Medley's Radio Ga Ga - GCHB CH Jetcity Atomic Blonde. Bred by: Lisa Nonog/tamara Myers. Owners: Lisa Nonog
Manchester Terriers Bitch

GCH CH KOMINEK'S HEMLOCK JC TKI. HP61531604. 2020-11-17. By Alaqadar Btxd N Btwin - DC Kominek's Celaeno MC LCX2. Bred by: Edward Kominek/selma Kominek. Owners: Christine Swinehart/edward Richard Kominek/selma Kominek
Afghan Hounds Dog

(*) KAHUKURA CLOUDPOINTE TOUCHED BY FIRE CGC TKN VHMA. DN76717501. 2023-08-04. By CH Aurigan Supreme Sport Coupe - Wind Of Grand Monika DCAT CGCA CGCU TKI ATT VHMA VSWB. Bred by: Marissa Henry/katie Jolly. Owners: Marissa Henry/kate Obitz/amie Mclaughlin/gary Sharpe
Cardigan Welsh Corgis Bitch

(*) MT PEAK BLACK VELVET ROSE. DN78343902. 2024-01-12. By CH Moonbaby's Frost On Top - GCH CH Casita's Daisy Mae BN RA CGC. Bred by: Shannon Seldal. Owners: Shannon Seldal
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch

(*) ADDY'S SIREN CALL TO BRECHBUHLER CGC TKN. WS83918613. 2024-05-31. By GCHG CH Alpenspirit I'M A Soul Man FDC - CH Addy's New Lease On Life V Summers. Bred by: Yu Cui. Owners: Jennifer Brightbill/yu Cui
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch
Rally Intermediate ·

THE MUTT WILLOW NJP NFP ACT1J. MB05737801. 2020-12-31. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Jennifer Marsh And Mia Marsh
All American Dogs Bitch

TEJAS' HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN RN SCN SIN SEN. SS35850601. 2022-06-24. By CH MACH Aqueus Shining Beacon UDX OM2 BN RE JH MXS MJS XF T2B SCN SIN SEN WCX CGC TKN - GCH CH Vermilion's Delta Reign Of Toda CDX BN RM RAE WC CGCA TKI. Bred by: Cindy Hanson/megan Hanson/kathy Koebensky-como. Owners: Kay Olsen
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Bitch

BONNYHILL'S YOU CAN'T HURRY LOVE RN CGC TKN. WS79554002. 2023-01-30. By GCH CH Harmonyhouse Kind Of Blue - Shakespeare's Daisy Mae CGCA TKN. Bred by: Dan Andrus. Owners: Kathleen Knoblock
Newfoundlands Dog

SILHOUETTE OF CONSTELLATIONS ECLIPSE RN TKN. DN75303602. 2023-02-21. By Cf Cruise - Br Millie. Bred by: Alexis Atchinson. Owners: Amanda F Golob
Border Collies Bitch

SECOND HAND ROSE CD BN RN. WS77334602. 2022-07-12. By Hk9's Swiss Whisky - Hk9's Kona. Bred by: Heather Kline. Owners: Barbara J Mccolgan/kenneth W Pastore
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

SPRING FEVER HEMEL THE LEGEND BEGINS AT GLEN EY RN SWN SCA SIA SEA. DN72548303. 2022-05-06. By GCHG CH Spring Fevers Wanna Dance - CH Spring Fever Luxury Tax At Hemel RATCH CZ8B DS. Bred by: Sherrie Scott/katelyn Scott Peart/bryn Elliott/gail Elliott/bailey Crader. Owners: Diana Hefti/larry Hefti
Australian Shepherds Dog

ROCKING N AND EZEE'S JUST OLLIE BELLE VIE CD BN RN CGC TKP. TS46143201. 2020-01-17. By GCHB CH Belle Vie Just You Wait - Rocking N and Ezee's Oregon Adventure CD BN. Bred by: Nancy Radich/mary R Brockman/elaine S Zech. Owners: Paul J Pezzella
Papillons Dog

CH TBEARS ODE TO ANDROMEDA OF TURICK RN HT FDC CGCU TKN. DN37601305. 2013-08-21. By GCH TC Turicks Black Jack HSAds HIAds HXAds MXB MJB XF - Luna Vitris Bohemia. Bred by: Heather C Doucette/carolyn Kaiser. Owners: Linda Lohdefinck
Belgian Malinois Bitch

LADY GRACE OF LAKE ROZAVELT RN FDC BCAT CGC TKN. SS30682005. 2021-12-10. By Sil'Ver Fog Bakh CGC - Dasher's Soaring Sparrow Of Downs Lake CD BN RI CGC. Bred by: Beverly Gostovich. Owners: Shelley Allman
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

SPIRIT OF THE SEA "KAI" RI. SS30268203. 2021-09-28. By Heads Up Ripleys Believe In Me - Adirondac All About Raisin. Bred by: Ms. Laurie Weaver. Owners: Larry Hubbard
Retrievers (Golden) Dog

SPIRITED ELIJAH SOLDANO RN. SS27983302. 2021-01-29. By Heads Up Ripleys Believe In Me - Spirit's Dazzling Popping Pixie UD RE NA NAJ NF. Bred by: Laurie Weaver. Owners: Nora J Roper
Golden Retrievers Dog
Rally Advanced A ·

GOLDEN'S RIVER SAGE RI ACT1J CGC TKN. SS26813506. 2021-05-11. By Wrinkles Sir Tify The Knight - Sidekicks Juno Goddess Of Loyalty. Bred by: Kameryn S Goodrow. Owners: Shannon Golden/alexander Golden
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

CH FOXFIRE N ICON LOVE LIKE A BOMB RN CGC. WS70691802. 2020-10-11. By CH Foxfire's Rock My World - CH Foxfire N Icon Love Me Or Not NJP BCAT DM DSA AJ CGC TKN. Bred by: Mallary Ross/richard Ross/teresa Ross/michelle Santana. Owners: Mallary Ross/teresa Ross/michelle Santana
Doberman Pinschers Dog

ALDARRA'S FIRST KRAKEN BOY RN FDC OAP AJP XFP RATN CGC TKP. WS74265802. 2021-09-29. By GCH CH Bimberg's Con Artist CGC TKN - Aldarra's Let The Games Begin AXP AJP NFP CA DCAT SWE SCM SHDN TKN. Bred by: Kerri L Carter. Owners: Natasha Komen
Boxers Dog
Rally Advanced B ·

(*) GCHB CH CANTON SUR SUMMERS' FISHING JURASSIC CD RN CGC TKN. WS66831501. 2019-12-11. By GCH CH Lavender Hill Summers' Fear No Rock CD BN RA DD BDD CGC - GCH CH Canton Sur Hot Fudge. Bred by: Anne Summers/cora Riccione/dalmiro Sirabo. Owners: Linda Dalton
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

NATURE'S PRINCESS MAGNOLIA RA CGC. SS29923705. 2021-09-16. By Tramin Nature Style - Princess Willow Of Camp Serenity. Bred by: Patti Ann Vigoren. Owners: Patti Vigoren
Golden Retrievers Bitch

CH JETCITY A STORM OF SWORDS RI. RN25776302. 2013-05-26. By Mansiya Original Prankster - GCH CH Kreuzritter A Diva For Jetcity RN MX MXJ OF T2B CA. Bred by: Lisa Nonog/elizabeth Sanford. Owners: Lisa Nonog
Manchester Terriers Bitch

HOB NOB SIENNA DIZA BN RA CGCA CGCU TKE. DN71643601. 2022-04-10. By Kemi Buck - Hob Nob Veep For Keeps. Bred by: Janice Demello. Owners: Catherine Shaffer
Border Collies Bitch

SERENITY FIREFLY VOYAGE BN RM RAE2 CGCA CGCU TKN. PR18959113. 2015-12-06. By Parti'In With Hank - Fancy And Friends Faithfull Journey. Bred by: Lesly Gantt. Owners: Dez Garner
Poodles Bitch

RACH3 CANYON CREEK MATRIX UNLEASHED CDX GN GO RM8 RAE7 FDC AXP OJP XFP SWM SCME SEME SBME SIAE SHDA DN CGCU TKA. DN62279309. 2020-04-09. By Horse Creek's Cool Water - Canyon Creek Ruby Red. Bred by: Camille Bagley. Owners: Yelena Shuey
Australian Shepherds Dog

TRACER DE LAS FLORES CD BN GN RM RAE PT FDC CA BCAT SWM SCME SBME CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. DN63694608. 2020-09-09. By Dusty - Infinity Vom Erftblick CGC. Bred by: Lester Flores. Owners: Mckenzie Shaner
Dutch Shepherds Dog

GCHS CH SOKOLDALU'S TOKELETES ANYA CD BN RM2 RAE JH NAP NJP NFP BCAT ACT2 SWM RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FTI. SS08930801. 2018-10-27. By GCH CH Sokoldalu'N'Tierah's Total Power Package CD BN RE JH OA AXJ CAA BCAT RATM CZ8B CGCA TKA - CH Sokoldalu's Proud Sponsor Of The Olympic Games. Bred by: Carla Slabaugh/sarah Smith-falkner. Owners: Carla Slabaugh
Vizslas Bitch

FOUR GOLDEN PAWS PLAY IT AGAIN PCD BN GN RE CCA. SS14308807. 2019-09-08. By Ambertrail's Northern Voyageur UD RA MH - Topbrass Rising Star CD MH CCA. Bred by: Patricia M Raymond. Owners: Terri Kaluza
Golden Retrievers Dog

VANTARE SPIRITRIDGE THE STORM IS FAST DESCENDING CD RE CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. WS72592501. 2021-04-15. By CH Castleguard Serafina Chiseled In Stone - CH Spiritridge's A Southern Belle Lawd Have Mercy CDX BN GN RAE CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. Bred by: Annette Galliher/urana Commet. Owners: Urana R Commet
Cane Corso Bitch

SARKHOMBA CHENIN RE SAR-U1 TKP. SS11913201. 2012-11-19. By Gleniel Cassio - Adurstream Brooke. Bred by: M E Wilson. Owners: Johanna Huxel
German Shorthaired Pointers Bitch

SPIRITED RAYLAN GOLD TOP BN RE CGCA. SR95488702. 2016-09-23. By OTCH Spirit's Dazzeling Sharp Shooter UDX3 PCDX OM6 BN GO VER RAE - Topbrass Charismatic Spirit BN RN. Bred by: Laurie Weaver. Owners: Nora J Roper
Golden Retrievers Dog
Rally Excellent A ·

(*) KAND'S ARCHIBALD BRAVEHEART RA FCAT2 CGCA TKI. HP63226803. 2021-08-19. By GCH CH Abbie Road All That Glitters At Kand - Kand's Miss Faith. Bred by: Dennis Goggins. Owners: Nancy Barker/dennis Goggins
Beagles Dog

CH SKYWATCHER'S IRISH SALOON DANCER RI CGCA. SS30743103. 2021-11-10. By CH Silvercreek Gunsmoke RA JH - GCH CH Skywatcher Dublin's Irish Ire. Bred by: Michelle Junevitch/michon Nederlander. Owners: Janis Monstad/dennis Monstad/michelle Junevitch
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) Bitch

BATTLEFIELD WHISPERS IN THE WIND AT THE TRAILS END CD RA BCAT CGCA CGCU. DN59495102. 2019-08-14. By Trails Ends I'Ll Be Your Hero RN FDC THD CGCA CGCU TKN ATT - CH Battlefield's Black Diamond. Bred by: Karen A Kollmer. Owners: Shannon Buchanan/cati Foss
Miniature American Shepherds Bitch
Rally Excellent B ·

NATURE'S PRINCESS MAGNOLIA RA CGC. SS29923705. 2021-09-16. By Tramin Nature Style - Princess Willow Of Camp Serenity. Bred by: Patti Ann Vigoren. Owners: Patti Vigoren
Golden Retrievers Bitch

HOB NOB SIENNA DIZA BN RA CGCA CGCU TKE. DN71643601. 2022-04-10. By Kemi Buck - Hob Nob Veep For Keeps. Bred by: Janice Demello. Owners: Catherine Shaffer
Border Collies Bitch

SERENITY FIREFLY VOYAGE BN RM RAE2 CGCA CGCU TKN. PR18959113. 2015-12-06. By Parti'In With Hank - Fancy And Friends Faithfull Journey. Bred by: Lesly Gantt. Owners: Dez Garner
Poodles Bitch

RACH3 CANYON CREEK MATRIX UNLEASHED CDX GN GO RM8 RAE7 FDC AXP OJP XFP SWM SCME SEME SBME SIAE SHDA DN CGCU TKA. DN62279309. 2020-04-09. By Horse Creek's Cool Water - Canyon Creek Ruby Red. Bred by: Camille Bagley. Owners: Yelena Shuey
Australian Shepherds Dog

TRACER DE LAS FLORES CD BN GN RM RAE PT FDC CA BCAT SWM SCME SBME CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. DN63694608. 2020-09-09. By Dusty - Infinity Vom Erftblick CGC. Bred by: Lester Flores. Owners: Mckenzie Shaner
Dutch Shepherds Dog

GCHS CH SOKOLDALU'S TOKELETES ANYA CD BN RM2 RAE JH NAP NJP NFP BCAT ACT2 SWM RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FTI. SS08930801. 2018-10-27. By GCH CH Sokoldalu'N'Tierah's Total Power Package CD BN RE JH OA AXJ CAA BCAT RATM CZ8B CGCA TKA - CH Sokoldalu's Proud Sponsor Of The Olympic Games. Bred by: Carla Slabaugh/sarah Smith-falkner. Owners: Carla Slabaugh
Vizslas Bitch

FOUR GOLDEN PAWS PLAY IT AGAIN PCD BN GN RE CCA. SS14308807. 2019-09-08. By Ambertrail's Northern Voyageur UD RA MH - Topbrass Rising Star CD MH CCA. Bred by: Patricia M Raymond. Owners: Terri Kaluza
Golden Retrievers Dog

VANTARE SPIRITRIDGE THE STORM IS FAST DESCENDING CD RE CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. WS72592501. 2021-04-15. By CH Castleguard Serafina Chiseled In Stone - CH Spiritridge's A Southern Belle Lawd Have Mercy CDX BN GN RAE CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. Bred by: Annette Galliher/urana Commet. Owners: Urana R Commet
Cane Corso Bitch

SARKHOMBA CHENIN RE SAR-U1 TKP. SS11913201. 2012-11-19. By Gleniel Cassio - Adurstream Brooke. Bred by: M E Wilson. Owners: Johanna Huxel
German Shorthaired Pointers Bitch

SPIRITED RAYLAN GOLD TOP BN RE CGCA. SR95488702. 2016-09-23. By OTCH Spirit's Dazzeling Sharp Shooter UDX3 PCDX OM6 BN GO VER RAE - Topbrass Charismatic Spirit BN RN. Bred by: Laurie Weaver. Owners: Nora J Roper
Golden Retrievers Dog

RIVERMOUNTAINS CLOKE-N-DAGG'R RA TKA. WS66884402. 2019-11-28. By GCH CH Rivermtn's The Music Man - GCHB CH Rivermountains 'Round The Campfire BN RA FDC NDD CGC TKA. Bred by: Sandra Forde/shelley Timbers. Owners: Shelley Timbers/sandra Forde
Bernese Mountain Dogs Dog

BLACK ROSE ENTER THE QUEEN RA PT CGC TKN. WS68900802. 2020-05-27. By DC Black Rose Done Talking V Chavez CD RE HSAdsc HSBds HSDs HIAds HIBd HXAds CA TKN - HC Prim Lewirot BN HSAds HSDs HIAs HIDs HXAds HXDs. Bred by: Charlotte Dietsch/tracy Chavez. Owners: Charlotte S Dietsch
Rottweilers Bitch
Rally Master ·

NATURE'S PRINCESS MAGNOLIA RA CGC. SS29923705. 2021-09-16. By Tramin Nature Style - Princess Willow Of Camp Serenity. Bred by: Patti Ann Vigoren. Owners: Patti Vigoren
Golden Retrievers Bitch

HOB NOB SIENNA DIZA BN RA CGCA CGCU TKE. DN71643601. 2022-04-10. By Kemi Buck - Hob Nob Veep For Keeps. Bred by: Janice Demello. Owners: Catherine Shaffer
Border Collies Bitch

SERENITY FIREFLY VOYAGE BN RM RAE2 CGCA CGCU TKN. PR18959113. 2015-12-06. By Parti'In With Hank - Fancy And Friends Faithfull Journey. Bred by: Lesly Gantt. Owners: Dez Garner
Poodles Bitch

RACH3 CANYON CREEK MATRIX UNLEASHED CDX GN GO RM8 RAE7 FDC AXP OJP XFP SWM SCME SEME SBME SIAE SHDA DN CGCU TKA. DN62279309. 2020-04-09. By Horse Creek's Cool Water - Canyon Creek Ruby Red. Bred by: Camille Bagley. Owners: Yelena Shuey
Australian Shepherds Dog

TRACER DE LAS FLORES CD BN GN RM RAE PT FDC CA BCAT SWM SCME SBME CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. DN63694608. 2020-09-09. By Dusty - Infinity Vom Erftblick CGC. Bred by: Lester Flores. Owners: Mckenzie Shaner
Dutch Shepherds Dog

GCHS CH SOKOLDALU'S TOKELETES ANYA CD BN RM2 RAE JH NAP NJP NFP BCAT ACT2 SWM RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FTI. SS08930801. 2018-10-27. By GCH CH Sokoldalu'N'Tierah's Total Power Package CD BN RE JH OA AXJ CAA BCAT RATM CZ8B CGCA TKA - CH Sokoldalu's Proud Sponsor Of The Olympic Games. Bred by: Carla Slabaugh/sarah Smith-falkner. Owners: Carla Slabaugh
Vizslas Bitch

FOUR GOLDEN PAWS PLAY IT AGAIN PCD BN GN RE CCA. SS14308807. 2019-09-08. By Ambertrail's Northern Voyageur UD RA MH - Topbrass Rising Star CD MH CCA. Bred by: Patricia M Raymond. Owners: Terri Kaluza
Golden Retrievers Dog

SARKHOMBA CHENIN RE SAR-U1 TKP. SS11913201. 2012-11-19. By Gleniel Cassio - Adurstream Brooke. Bred by: M E Wilson. Owners: Johanna Huxel
German Shorthaired Pointers Bitch

SPIRITED RAYLAN GOLD TOP BN RE CGCA. SR95488702. 2016-09-23. By OTCH Spirit's Dazzeling Sharp Shooter UDX3 PCDX OM6 BN GO VER RAE - Topbrass Charismatic Spirit BN RN. Bred by: Laurie Weaver. Owners: Nora J Roper
Golden Retrievers Dog

SIR GOODLE THE NOODLE RA. SS08024503. 2018-08-26. By Oly Goldens Little Boy Blue - Oly Goldens Super Star. Bred by: Rob Hilden/tiffani Hilden. Owners: Tiffani Hilden/mackenzy Anderson Hilden
Retrievers (Golden) Dog

SKYDANCE'S OLYMPIC CREST GLORY BN RE FDC CAA FCAT7 RATS CZ8G CGCA CGCU TKP ATT FITG. NP44830402. 2016-11-16. By Skydance's Marco Polo Devil's 4paws - Dhs American Tribute. Bred by: Cinda M Waller. Owners: Kathy C Swan
Schipperkes Bitch

IM NAMEN DER ROSE QARL WILHELM RM4 RAE3 RC2 CGC TKN. TS42736801. 2018-04-05. By Principado De Dirdam Ma James Bond - Julika From The Celtic Mountain. Bred by: Susi Becker. Owners: Cindy Steely
Pugs Dog

CH SHAMROCK-CEDARHILLS HELLO MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA CD BN RAE FDC NA MXP MJP2 MFP T2BP BCAT CGC TKN. NP44999801. 2016-11-19. By GCHB CH Cedarhills First Harvest-Quincy - GCH CH Rymiska Icy Treat For Shamrock. Bred by: Shannon L Kelly/teresa Cook/brian Cook. Owners: Linda Hall/gerald Hall/shannon Kelly/melinda Rose Galt
Keeshonden Dog

GLAMOUR SHINE GAMEKEEPER RE FDC TKN. SS25947301. 2020-11-13. By Wonder Famous Gold Od Kamenne Hradby - Glamour Shine No One Like Me. Bred by: Marijana Racic. Owners: Robert Schutzner
Golden Retrievers Dog

CT NORTH STAR'S SINGING IN THE RAIN CDX BN RE TDU FDC CGC. WS57401101. 2017-05-18. By CH Swiss Stars Side Kick - North Star's Two Shea. Bred by: Sherree Bell/mary Beam/mary Beam. Owners: Diane Longstreth
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch
Rally Choice ·

SERENITY FIREFLY VOYAGE BN RM RAE2 CGCA CGCU TKN. PR18959113. 2015-12-06. By Parti'In With Hank - Fancy And Friends Faithfull Journey. Bred by: Lesly Gantt. Owners: Dez Garner
Poodles Bitch

IM NAMEN DER ROSE QARL WILHELM RM4 RAE3 RC2 CGC TKN. TS42736801. 2018-04-05. By Principado De Dirdam Ma James Bond - Julika From The Celtic Mountain. Bred by: Susi Becker. Owners: Cindy Steely
Pugs Dog

GLAMOUR SHINE GAMEKEEPER RE FDC TKN. SS25947301. 2020-11-13. By Wonder Famous Gold Od Kamenne Hradby - Glamour Shine No One Like Me. Bred by: Marijana Racic. Owners: Robert Schutzner
Golden Retrievers Dog

CH BAZZABYNE CALL ME BILLY OF MERRIMAC RI PT FDC CGC TKN. DN64653601. 2020-10-08. By CH Bagatelle Blue Moon Spirit - CH Merrimac's Fantasia Of Bazzabyne RI PT CGC. Bred by: Barbara Lierson/merrilee Rush-mccarthy. Owners: Ailynn Knox-collins/barbara Lierson/merrilee Rush-mccarthy
Old English Sheepdogs Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.