BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice A ·

ALFHEIM-HONEYMOON SUPERSIZE ME BN ACT1 SWN SIA SEA SBA CGC TKN. TS35407602. 2017-05-13. By FC Alfheim-Avagadro Can'T Wait MC CA - DC Alderamin Maxima Amonet RN SC AX MXJ NF RATN CGC. Bred by: Avery J Mcleod/stephanie Mcleod. Owners: Suzette Romine/larry Romine
Italian Greyhounds Bitch
Novice B ·

RIO'S MARVELOUS MILLIE BN. SS34927703. 2021-12-09. By Kaliture Jolly Be Good - Rio's First Gin N Spirits. Bred by: Barbara Loree. Owners: Carol Kachelmeyer
Golden Retrievers Bitch

CH KAIBAB'S LUMINOUS BRIGHT STAR FDC BCAT. WS72099201. 2021-01-21. By GCHG CH Bernergardens Look To The Stars CD BN RE BCAT THD CGCA CGCU TKN - GCH CH Kaibab's Justifiably Bright CD RN TDX. Bred by: Mary-ann Sontag/kim Bowman. Owners: Mary-ann Sontag
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

MERAKXEL FIFTH ELEMENT BN RE PT. WS79759602. 2023-03-08. By GCH CH Redyre Just A Dream CDX RE CA SBN THDD CGCA CGCU - GCH CH Dark Waters Windrose Lead The Way V Merakxel CGC. Bred by: Ryan A Cambio. Owners: Francis Keays
Rottweilers Bitch
Open A ·

(*) CH THANAGAR CAIMAN CROCODILUS CD BN RE BCAT DM CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VHMP. DN74115903. 2022-11-20. By Cruzyn Spider DJ CGC TKN - CH Wodan's Fastback BCAT DM DS DDS DDBE. Bred by: Heather Clarkson. Owners: Lily Snow/heather Clarkson
Mudik Bitch
Open B ·

ALDERSHON NOTT ON THE RADAR CD BN RM2 RAE2 PT MXP MJP MFP T2BP BCAT THDX CGC TKN. DN46737402. 2016-05-31. By DC Coedwig's Malachite RN HSAsc HSBd HIAdsc HXAds - CH Aldershon Total Eclipse Of The Moon. Bred by: J Steven Porter/sharon Curry. Owners: Sarah L Nott
Cardigan Welsh Corgis Dog

RACH DOUBLE HELIX WRITE YOUR HAPPY MEDIUM UDX OM3 BN VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ. WS64761102. 2019-03-13. By GCHB CH Galaxy's Beam Me Up - GCH CH Double Helix Back In Time CD BN GN RM4 RAE2 OA NAJ AXP OJP NFP BCAT TKN. Bred by: Katie Heidt/robinette Dunahugh-ralston/julie Rydstrand. Owners: Mary Drexler
Samoyeds Bitch

ECLIPSE JOIN THE JAMBOREE CD RN CGC. RN35406101. 2020-07-03. By Country Life's Ohuivo Doc Holliday NA - Neon Eclipse Von Erikson CD BN RI MX AXJ MFB. Bred by: Christie Williams. Owners: Alice Peterson
Airedale Terriers Dog
Utility B ·

RACH DOUBLE HELIX WRITE YOUR HAPPY MEDIUM UDX OM3 BN VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ. WS64761102. 2019-03-13. By GCHB CH Galaxy's Beam Me Up - GCH CH Double Helix Back In Time CD BN GN RM4 RAE2 OA NAJ AXP OJP NFP BCAT TKN. Bred by: Katie Heidt/robinette Dunahugh-ralston/julie Rydstrand. Owners: Mary Drexler
Samoyeds Bitch

GCH CH OTREK'S SAINT AMBROSE UDX BN RA AXP AJP CGCA TKN. DN36563403. 2013-05-16. By CH Pemcader Bob The Builder - Otrek Limited Engagement. Bred by: Karen Skaggs. Owners: Monica D Gray
Pembroke Welsh Corgis Dog

MISTYRIDGE AMAZING MAISIE DOBBS CDX RE NA NAJ OF NFP ACT2 ACT2J. WS64118805. 2019-03-29. By GCH CH Mistyridge I Was Misinformed CDX PUTD RAE OAP OJP NFP ACT1 SIN TKA - CH Asgard's Nikki Heat VCD2 UD BN RE NFP BCAT CGC TKI ATT. Bred by: Mrs. Francis Keays/glenn E Pollock. Owners: Francis Keays
Rottweilers Bitch

SIDE X SIDE TIME FOR A CHANGE CDX RE. PAL270343. 2016-06-17. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Alice Peterson/randy Peterson
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Dog
Beginner Novice B ·

WYNFIELD MERIADOC TIME FOR FUN SWN SCA SIA SBA CGC. HP66964803. 2022-11-17. By CH Wynfield Meriadoc The Helmsman VCD1 BN RA OAP AJP CAA SWE SCM SIM SBM SHDN CGCA TKI - Bayou Oaks Tiramisu TD SWA. Bred by: Ellen Parr/lori Bulmer/carrie Davis/doug Flatbush. Owners: Lee Delling
Beagles Dog

CH VERITAS' BUGATTI DIABLO RA SWN. NP52337002. 2018-07-23. By GCH CH Veritas' Unassailable Titan "Atlas" - Star Of Leon Gerome. Bred by: Ruben Lemmens. Owners: Ruben Lemmens/eva Gisseman
French Bulldogs Dog

SUMMERWIND YUKON GOLD I'M RED-E RI NAP NJP NF OFP ACT1 ACT1J. SS16738103. 2020-01-06. By CH Eden Hills Game Set Match - Summerwind Sunshine & Whiskey OA OAJ OF. Bred by: Lianna L Flesch/brian K Flesch. Owners: Kayla Flesch
English Cocker Spaniels Dog
Preferred Novice ·

COLDWATER'S WILD STREAK CD BN BCAT SWA SCE SEE SBE CGC TKI. HP60993503. 2020-09-17. By GCHB CH Coldwater I Want You Back CGC - GCH CH Bayou Oaks Mg Chili. Bred by: Erin Fischer-hill/ruth E Werlein. Owners: Lee Delling
Beagles Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.