BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Rally Novice A ·

FRIESIANS THE FLOOR IS LAVA. WS81098804. 2023-07-22. By GCH CH Lewis To O'Highlands For The Power Of Love - Sciurus Vallis Aliz In Wunderland CGC. Bred by: Celeste Friese. Owners: Deborah K. Adler
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch
Rally Novice B ·

WINDBREAKER'S RESAWOOD PREMIUM SELECT MH QA2 RATN CGC TKN. SR81723003. 2014-02-04. By FC Windbreakers Premium Vintage - Firemark's Holy Terra MH MNH. Bred by: Patricia Denardo. Owners: Nancy Murillo
Golden Retrievers Dog

(*) BON CHIEN RIDE THE RIVER SN FDC BCAT. DN68464803. 2021-09-06. By CH Winjammer's Somebody To Love Sn - Winjammer's Nou Adventure CA SWN SCA SBA. Bred by: Yolanda Quintero/javier Linares Saade. Owners: Kelly Goodman
Belgian Tervuren Dog

CH SOUTHERN BREAKAWAY BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN. SS42096602. 2023-06-10. By CH Southern As The Crow Flies CA BCAT - GCH CH Regatta Colombia Foreign Exchange CA BCAT. Bred by: Tina Mcdonnell/sanitago Sierra-ospina/lydia Frey/katrina Conn. Owners: Cydney Little & Richard Little & Tina Mcdonnell & Lydia Frey
Pointers Dog

CH LAZY HEART'S PM KESTREL JH. SS31363901. 2022-01-06. By CH Regen's Covey Rush @ PM JH - CH Prairiestorm Phasma RN JH. Bred by: Nancy M Lane/dawna Miller. Owners: Nancy M Lane/dawna E Miller
Weimaraners Bitch
Rally Advanced A ·

GCHB CH ELKHRN MTN'S POETIC PLAYBOY RI BCAT TKN. SS18140402. 2020-04-02. By GCHG DC Sovereign's Chasing Legends - GCHB CH Elkhrn Mtn's Southpaw Warbonnet Strut The Big Sky TKN. Bred by: Tommie Dahl/todd A Breitenfeldt. Owners: Tommie Dahl/mackenzie Moore/kelsey Darnell
Brittanys Dog
Rally Advanced B ·

GCH CH BESPOKE'S FAVORED LIMONCELLO @ TRILLIUM BB RI CGC. WS72510304. 2021-05-14. By GCHB CH Trillium's Odds On Favorite CD RA FDC DD NBDD CGC - Diamond Creeks Seaworthy Skiff. Bred by: Laurie B Farley. Owners: Wendy/djang
Bernese Mountain Dogs Bitch

GCH CH ABILITY'S TO THE MOON AND BACK CD BN RA HSAD HSBS HSDS HIAS HSASM FDC AX AXJ MXF BCAT SCN CGC. DN48796906. 2017-01-23. By Ability's Bad To The Bone HSAs HXAs HXDs - Ability's Borealis Sky Of Nirvana. Bred by: Linda Holloway. Owners: Maria Siebeck
Collies Dog

ZIGGY TIGGER-MAYHEM BANASZAK CD RN BCAT SWM. MA65715001. 2016-05-26. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Jessica Banaszak
All American Dogs Dog

ZIMA SOLDAT HAS HIS SIGHTS ON YOU BN RI SBN CGC TKN FITB. SS19303004. 2020-05-26. By Thedore Rusti Pawsbe - Tanzi's Bold Belle Of Downs Lake CD BN RI CGC. Bred by: Beverly Gostovich. Owners: Mary Garrett
English Springer Spaniels Dog
Rally Excellent A ·

ZIMA SOLDAT HAS HIS SIGHTS ON YOU BN RI SBN CGC TKN FITB. SS19303004. 2020-05-26. By Thedore Rusti Pawsbe - Tanzi's Bold Belle Of Downs Lake CD BN RI CGC. Bred by: Beverly Gostovich. Owners: Mary Garrett
English Springer Spaniels Dog

(*) CACHET NOIR OLIVER TWIST AT KANNA CD RA CGC TKN. DN66486307. 2020-11-11. By CH Cachet Noirs Eighteen Karat CD - CH Paola D'Aquivelt HSAds CA RATS CGC TKN. Bred by: Ms. Dana B Mackonis/rebecca Grinsell. Owners: Raeleen Lindsted/kevin Lindsted
Belgian Tervuren Dog
Rally Excellent B ·

GCH CH ABILITY'S TO THE MOON AND BACK CD BN RA HSAD HSBS HSDS HIAS HSASM FDC AX AXJ MXF BCAT SCN CGC. DN48796906. 2017-01-23. By Ability's Bad To The Bone HSAs HXAs HXDs - Ability's Borealis Sky Of Nirvana. Bred by: Linda Holloway. Owners: Maria Siebeck
Collies Dog

ZIGGY TIGGER-MAYHEM BANASZAK CD RN BCAT SWM. MA65715001. 2016-05-26. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Jessica Banaszak
All American Dogs Dog

CLASSIC 'N CODA'S HAPPY CAMPER CD BN RA FDC NA OAJ XF. DN64771406. 2020-11-12. By Coda N Classic Upta The Clouds - Coda 'N Classic's Always Ready. Bred by: Susan J West/susan K Morlan. Owners: Kelly Goodman
Belgian Tervuren Dog
Rally Master ·

ZIGGY TIGGER-MAYHEM BANASZAK CD RN BCAT SWM. MA65715001. 2016-05-26. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Jessica Banaszak
All American Dogs Dog

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.