BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Rally Novice A ·

GREAT EXPECTATION'S JET FIGHTER CD BN TD FDC CGCU TKI. WS59653703. 2017-12-09. By GCHS CH Rosehill's Prime Time Crusader - CH CT Great Expectation's Winifred Will Do! VCD1 BN RE HSAs HSBs HIAs HXAs FDC MX MXJ XF CGCA TKP. Bred by: Reegan Ray/william Polonsky. Owners: Teresa Willow
Boxers Dog

GCH CH AEGIS BLADE OF TALL GRASS BCAT ACT1J. HP49622404. 2015-06-18. By GCHB CH Tahari's Electric Dreamer - GCHB CH Aegis Hazelnut Expresso. Bred by: Jillyn Myers/erin Coogan. Owners: Teri Kruse/norm Kruse
Rhodesian Ridgebacks Dog

(*) PAWMARC'S SWEET MAGIC POPPY. SS39924903. 2023-03-16. By GCH CH Ocoee N' Pawmarc's Twice Bedazzled By Magic - GCH CH Pawmarcs Sweet Surrender. Bred by: Pat Wilaby Jansen/ron Jansen. Owners: Mr. Jim L Sienkiewicz/mrs Donna Sienkiewicz
English Springer Spaniels Bitch

CH CAROUSEL EVERYTHING ILLUMINATED @ RAGNAROK CA DCAT TKN. SS39870804. 2023-03-13. By GCHB CH Waterbound Everything Harvey Vd Golden Gate AX OAJ CGC - CH Vilges Beanas Belladonna @ Carousel BCAT. Bred by: Deborah Bean/joyce B Weichsl. Owners: Katie Obitz/ron Obitz/deborah Bean
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Bitch

GCH CH SILVERFALLS MEANT TO BE. WS64590801. 2019-01-15. By GCH CH Kalara's Party Like A Rockstar - GCHS CH Silver Falls Another Day In Paradise. Bred by: Annie Oster/michael Patton. Owners: Annie Oster/ryan Barber
Siberian Huskies Dog
Rally Novice B ·

(*) CH PUPUKEARIDGE HIGHLANDER'S SOVEREIGN CGC TKN. HP64838002. 2022-03-02. By GCHS CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly - CH Vyrtuous Lani Ali'I O Pupukearidge. Bred by: Tom Peach/barbara Peach/pam Lambie. Owners: Cindi A Pike And Mary Mattix
Rhodesian Ridgebacks Dog

CIMARRON RUA SHENANIGANS CGC TKN. SR91069202. 2015-12-10. By Red Hot Cyrus At Elkens - Cimarron's Red Country Queen. Bred by: Laura Steward. Owners: Pamela Gunderson
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

EZEKIEL RENEWAL OF HOPE BN FDC CGC TKA. MB15155101. 2022-10-05. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: April L. Stanke
All American Dogs Dog

CH TSILLAN'S TYLER CRIMSON GOLD CD BN BCAT CGC TKN FITB FTN. SS07753707. 2018-09-19. By GCHB CH Starway Keeper Of The Stars - GCHS CH Manitou Tsillan's Keeper Of My Heart. Bred by: Vicky Anderson/linda Smith/pamela Sage/alan Sage. Owners: Kathy Daspit
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Dog

MALENTHAS CAMP KNOW WHERE FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VHMA VHMP FITB. SS38405701. 2022-07-06. By Stabyworld's Bottas Zijde Fan Kaije - Twisted Nonstop's But I'Ve Been T. Bred by: Janka Markhus. Owners: Jessica Angel/john Harrison
Stabyhouns Bitch

CH DESHENEE VANITY FAIR. DN71555308. 2022-04-11. By GCHG DC Ace's Chain Reaction HXAds HXBd - GCH CH Calm Dushar One To Remember CD BN RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU. Bred by: Michele Herndon. Owners: Michele Herndon
Bouviers des Flandres Bitch
Rally Intermediate ·

STAR REIN CM3 RN FDC NAP OJP OFP CAA FCAT SCN SIN NSD CGCA CGCU TKP ATT VHMA FITG. SS10639406. 2019-01-25. By Rein Sietse - Sinne CGC. Bred by: Arthur Gack. Owners: Jessica Angel/john Harrison
Stabyhouns Dog

(*) CH SILVERTHORN'S ONE AND ONLY GALACTIC HERO RN OA AXJ XF BCAT DM DSA AM HDS CGCA CGCU TKA. DN68495405. 2021-09-17. By GCH CH Mohawks Christmas Armistice CD PCD BN RA FDC OA OAJ AXP AJP XF MFP CA BH ONYX RATN DM AM CGCA CGCU TKA - GCH CH Silverthorn's Anything Goes RE FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA VHMA FITB. Bred by: Angela Silvestri. Owners: Christi Johnson/annette Cantu
Belgian Malinois Dog

(*) CH AGILQWEST AZ-MT SOL STARFISH AND COFFEE RN PT FDC DCAT SWN SCE SBA CGCA TKA. DN63599003. 2020-05-03. By CH Az-Mt Sol Tucson BN RN - Agilqwest Brook. Bred by: Michelle Schumann/sonja Schroeder. Owners: Dana Reid
Swedish Vallhunds Bitch

TEMBER'S SOUL'S LONG JOURNEY HOME RN RATO. PAL287377. 2021-04-25. By - . Bred by: . Owners: September Morn
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog
Rally Advanced A ·

GCHS CH ORCHIDS DE ORO T.S. ELIOT RI. TS43706901. 2019-08-05. By CH J-K's Protecting The Line - CH Orchids De Oro Taylor Swift "Shake It Off". Bred by: Kay Sisson/tom Henry. Owners: Jim Bradley
Pugs Dog

BANDERA GHOST RI FDC CGCA CGCU ATT. WS64214901. 2019-02-20. By CH Tsonga Boid FDC CGCA CGCU - Boerboelhoeve Dutchy Of Bandera. Bred by: Ms. Teri Herrera. Owners: Teri Herrera
Boerboels Dog

HOB NOB SIENNA DIZA RI CGCA CGCU TKE. DN71643601. 2022-04-10. By Kemi Buck - Hob Nob Veep For Keeps. Bred by: Janice Demello. Owners: Catherine Shaffer
Border Collies Bitch
Rally Advanced B ·

EVANWHIT GUARDIAN ANGEL AT THE GATE RI FDC CGCA CGCU TKI. DN63583302. 2020-06-13. By Evanwhit Wild Idea - CH Evanwhit Angel Serenade. Bred by: Barbara A Evans. Owners: Linda Mcmullen/ Barb Evans
Pembroke Welsh Corgis Dog

JUSTICE SILVER CHARM CD BN RM RAE CGC TKA. SS21536501. 2020-08-19. By GCH CH Sunshine Micadee You Can'T Handle Me - Destiny Icon Moser Dog. Bred by: Debra Allen. Owners: Sandy Saloum
Cocker Spaniels Bitch

RACH2 BELLADONNA A BLING KA-CHING CDX RM6 RAE4 FDC OA OAJ NF CGC TKE BN-V. TS42813401. 2019-03-25. By GCH CH Fairytails N' Belladonna's No Regrets No Apologies - Belladonna N' Micdic's Jewel Of The Nile. Bred by: Kerri Pettey. Owners: Susan M Iggulden
Papillons Bitch

LISKA I LOVE A RAINY NIGHT RI. DN62509501. 2018-09-25. By Wilowglyn Deja Blue - Attridge Kimicko April Showers. Bred by: Carol Williams. Owners: Carol Williams
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

HAPPENSTANCE SETTLE THE SCORE RE FDC ACT1 ACT2J THD CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA VHMP FITG. DN73283903. 2022-10-03. By CH Happenstance Outrun The Storm - Happenstance Keeping Score. Bred by: Amanda Gross. Owners: Katrina Reed
Border Collies Dog

MVR RILEYS WORKIN IN A COAL MINE PUTD BN RE OAP NJP OFP SWA CGC TKA. DN58609501. 2019-07-09. By GCHP CH Mvr Diamonds In The Rough CGC TKN - Royal Highrock Root Of All Evil. Bred by: Karen Marquardt. Owners: Dee Pigman
Border Collies Dog

CONFETTI LE ROYAUME DU REFUGE RM CA DCAT SWN SCE SIA SBA RATCH CGC FTA. MB10376501. 2021-11-15. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Kristen Lee
All American Dogs Bitch

SANEVAL SUMMERTIME FLYBOY CD RM FDC AX OAJ OF CA SWN SCA SIA SBA RATCH DN CGCA TKP. PR18548804. 2015-05-22. By Cedar River Top Gun Of Tudorose - Marsan's Summertime Blues RN AX AXJ OF CGC. Bred by: Lavena Chapman. Owners: Marie Black
Poodles Dog

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RM RAE2 NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

SERENDIPITY'S LUCK BE A LADY RN. HP66572605. 2022-10-13. By CH Moloney's Andre' - CH Xoxo Anette From Arya O'Marksbay RN FDC CGC TKI. Bred by: Shawna Stone/george Stone. Owners: Shawna Stone/george Stone
Irish Wolfhounds Bitch

RACH QUAIL RUN'S U CAN'T TOUCH THIS CD PCD BN RM3 RAE2 JH FDC CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. SS05408111. 2018-05-12. By GCH CH Everland Gone In Sixty Seconds To Clovercreek RN JH - Dolce Vita Surprise Attack At Quail Run CD BN RE CGC. Bred by: Ms. Linda B Coogan/mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman. Owners: Janine Allen/cynthia Freeman/linda Coogan
Labrador Retrievers Dog
Rally Excellent A ·

GREAT SPIRIT'S SWEET DESTINY RA ACT2J SWA SCM SIE SBE CGCA CGCU. DN66955209. 2021-04-21. By GCH CH Lk Michigan's Playing With Fire CGC TKN - Great Spirit's Call Girl. Bred by: Linda Reau/steven M Reau. Owners: Claire Turner
Australian Shepherds Dog

QUAIL RUN'S ZOUNDS! IT'S KALE BN RA CGC. SS34955603. 2022-06-20. By GCH CH Alibi's Repeat Performance@Quail Run CD BN RA JH - CH Quail Run's X Marks The Spot. Bred by: Mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman/ms. Linda B Coogan. Owners: Janine Allen/cynthia Freeman/linda Coogan
Labrador Retrievers Dog

GCH CH NARAM SIN DU HARAS DE CROUZ RA FDC SC CAA DCAT ACT2 SCN SIN SBN THD CGCA CGCU TKP VHMA FITS. HP54651601. 2017-06-30. By Aulad Al Sahra's F' Ekelli - Jendayi De La Dehanmaie. Bred by: Cecile Roland. Owners: Kayley Paylor
Azawakhs Dog
Rally Excellent B ·

JUSTICE SILVER CHARM CD BN RM RAE CGC TKA. SS21536501. 2020-08-19. By GCH CH Sunshine Micadee You Can'T Handle Me - Destiny Icon Moser Dog. Bred by: Debra Allen. Owners: Sandy Saloum
Cocker Spaniels Bitch

RACH2 BELLADONNA A BLING KA-CHING CDX RM6 RAE4 FDC OA OAJ NF CGC TKE BN-V. TS42813401. 2019-03-25. By GCH CH Fairytails N' Belladonna's No Regrets No Apologies - Belladonna N' Micdic's Jewel Of The Nile. Bred by: Kerri Pettey. Owners: Susan M Iggulden
Papillons Bitch

HAPPENSTANCE SETTLE THE SCORE RE FDC ACT1 ACT2J THD CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA VHMP FITG. DN73283903. 2022-10-03. By CH Happenstance Outrun The Storm - Happenstance Keeping Score. Bred by: Amanda Gross. Owners: Katrina Reed
Border Collies Dog

MVR RILEYS WORKIN IN A COAL MINE PUTD BN RE OAP NJP OFP SWA CGC TKA. DN58609501. 2019-07-09. By GCHP CH Mvr Diamonds In The Rough CGC TKN - Royal Highrock Root Of All Evil. Bred by: Karen Marquardt. Owners: Dee Pigman
Border Collies Dog

CONFETTI LE ROYAUME DU REFUGE RM CA DCAT SWN SCE SIA SBA RATCH CGC FTA. MB10376501. 2021-11-15. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Kristen Lee
All American Dogs Bitch

SANEVAL SUMMERTIME FLYBOY CD RM FDC AX OAJ OF CA SWN SCA SIA SBA RATCH DN CGCA TKP. PR18548804. 2015-05-22. By Cedar River Top Gun Of Tudorose - Marsan's Summertime Blues RN AX AXJ OF CGC. Bred by: Lavena Chapman. Owners: Marie Black
Poodles Dog

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RM RAE2 NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

RACH QUAIL RUN'S U CAN'T TOUCH THIS CD PCD BN RM3 RAE2 JH FDC CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. SS05408111. 2018-05-12. By GCH CH Everland Gone In Sixty Seconds To Clovercreek RN JH - Dolce Vita Surprise Attack At Quail Run CD BN RE CGC. Bred by: Ms. Linda B Coogan/mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman. Owners: Janine Allen/cynthia Freeman/linda Coogan
Labrador Retrievers Dog

GCH CH CALM DUSHAR ONE TO REMEMBER CD BN RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU. DN43259302. 2015-06-20. By GCHG CH Rocheuses Me And My Shadow Of Cornus - CH Dajeen Calm Love Me, Love Me Not Dushar. Bred by: Sharon Gerl/cheryl Calm/eileen Mcbride/megan Mcbride. Owners: Michele Herndon
Bouviers des Flandres Bitch
Rally Master ·

JUSTICE SILVER CHARM CD BN RM RAE CGC TKA. SS21536501. 2020-08-19. By GCH CH Sunshine Micadee You Can'T Handle Me - Destiny Icon Moser Dog. Bred by: Debra Allen. Owners: Sandy Saloum
Cocker Spaniels Bitch

RACH2 BELLADONNA A BLING KA-CHING CDX RM6 RAE4 FDC OA OAJ NF CGC TKE BN-V. TS42813401. 2019-03-25. By GCH CH Fairytails N' Belladonna's No Regrets No Apologies - Belladonna N' Micdic's Jewel Of The Nile. Bred by: Kerri Pettey. Owners: Susan M Iggulden
Papillons Bitch

HAPPENSTANCE SETTLE THE SCORE RE FDC ACT1 ACT2J THD CGCA CGCU TKE ATT VHMA VHMP FITG. DN73283903. 2022-10-03. By CH Happenstance Outrun The Storm - Happenstance Keeping Score. Bred by: Amanda Gross. Owners: Katrina Reed
Border Collies Dog

MVR RILEYS WORKIN IN A COAL MINE PUTD BN RE OAP NJP OFP SWA CGC TKA. DN58609501. 2019-07-09. By GCHP CH Mvr Diamonds In The Rough CGC TKN - Royal Highrock Root Of All Evil. Bred by: Karen Marquardt. Owners: Dee Pigman
Border Collies Dog

CONFETTI LE ROYAUME DU REFUGE RM CA DCAT SWN SCE SIA SBA RATCH CGC FTA. MB10376501. 2021-11-15. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Kristen Lee
All American Dogs Bitch

SANEVAL SUMMERTIME FLYBOY CD RM FDC AX OAJ OF CA SWN SCA SIA SBA RATCH DN CGCA TKP. PR18548804. 2015-05-22. By Cedar River Top Gun Of Tudorose - Marsan's Summertime Blues RN AX AXJ OF CGC. Bred by: Lavena Chapman. Owners: Marie Black
Poodles Dog

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RM RAE2 NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

RACH QUAIL RUN'S U CAN'T TOUCH THIS CD PCD BN RM3 RAE2 JH FDC CGCA CGCU TKI ATT. SS05408111. 2018-05-12. By GCH CH Everland Gone In Sixty Seconds To Clovercreek RN JH - Dolce Vita Surprise Attack At Quail Run CD BN RE CGC. Bred by: Ms. Linda B Coogan/mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman. Owners: Janine Allen/cynthia Freeman/linda Coogan
Labrador Retrievers Dog

MYSTIC SOUTH'S CALL ME AWE-DORI-BLE VCD2 BN RE AXP AJP OFP BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI. HP61379505. 2020-10-22. By Pebblemist Message In A Bottle RN TDU FDC SWN SHDN CGC TKA FITB - Lanbur South's Betta Getta Jetta SCN SHDN TKN VSWB FITB. Bred by: Terry Mcgauley/rachel Jean Southammavong. Owners: Sheryl A Evans
Beagles Bitch

LONGSHORE'S BOCCE BEAR RM3 RAE3 FDC DCAT DEX DMX3 AMX2 HDM CGCA TKP. SR81457704. 2013-09-09. By GCH CH Desert Winds Unintended Consequences CDX RI SH - Aksalas Arctic Belle. Bred by: E Brook Moore. Owners: Donna Cooley/jill Gagliardo
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Bitch
Rally Choice ·

SANEVAL SUMMERTIME FLYBOY CD RM FDC AX OAJ OF CA SWN SCA SIA SBA RATCH DN CGCA TKP. PR18548804. 2015-05-22. By Cedar River Top Gun Of Tudorose - Marsan's Summertime Blues RN AX AXJ OF CGC. Bred by: Lavena Chapman. Owners: Marie Black
Poodles Dog

LONGSHORE'S BOCCE BEAR RM3 RAE3 FDC DCAT DEX DMX3 AMX2 HDM CGCA TKP. SR81457704. 2013-09-09. By GCH CH Desert Winds Unintended Consequences CDX RI SH - Aksalas Arctic Belle. Bred by: E Brook Moore. Owners: Donna Cooley/jill Gagliardo
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Bitch

RACH ZANIRI STAR SHINES BRIGHT CDX PCDX BN GN GO RM2 RAE2 CGC TKP. SS15986901. 2019-05-15. By OTCH2 Flashpaws Firecracker UDX2 OM4 MH - Zaniri Meant To Dazzle CD SH. Bred by: Joanne T Kinney/laureen Kinney. Owners: Sandy Saloum
Golden Retrievers Bitch

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.