BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Novice A ·

BLACKTHORN'S KING GALTERIO II RN CGCA TKP VSWE. WS80638602. 2023-02-18. By Sant Kreal Galterio Di Amore Eterno RN CGCA TKP - Blackthorn's Princess Starfire CGCA TKI VSWB. Bred by: Austin Morgan. Owners: Austin Morgan
Doberman Pinschers Dog

CH TIMBERWOOD'S PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ BN RI NA NAJ NF BCAT ACT1 ACT1J TKN. DN61147402. 2020-01-04. By CH Timberwood's Who's Your Daddy ACT1 ACT1J TKN - GCHB CH Everafter's Covergirl Of Timberwood HT FDC CGC TKN. Bred by: Ms. Laura Viola Pearson/mrs. Toni Viola Pearson/ms. Anna Jane Pearson. Owners: Laura Pearson/toni Viola Pearson/anna J Pearson
Australian Shepherds Dog
Novice B ·

LISKA I LOVE A RAINY NIGHT RI. DN62509501. 2018-09-25. By Wilowglyn Deja Blue - Attridge Kimicko April Showers. Bred by: Carol Williams. Owners: Carol Williams
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

ABERLE ANYTHING GOES BN RE SWN SCA RATS CGC TKP. HP60327301. 2019-06-07. By GCH CH Burnt Sienna Red Mountain RN FDC NJP SWN SEE SCA SIA CGC TKP ATT VHMA FITG - Manorcourt Midnight Magnolia. Bred by: Crystal Crookshanks. Owners: Nancy Anderson/william Brizius
Whippets Dog

QUAIL RUN'S ZEST FOR LIFE BN RE RATN CGC TKI. SS34955602. 2022-06-20. By GCH CH Alibi's Repeat Performance@Quail Run CD BN RA JH - CH Quail Run's X Marks The Spot. Bred by: Mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman/ms. Linda B Coogan. Owners: Linda Coogan/janine Allen/cynthia Freeman
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

SHENANIGANS SIRENS SONG AT OCEANSIDE BN RI FITS. DN55214201. 2018-10-01. By Lavender Rose Sorren - Lavender Rose Hopeful Wonder. Bred by: Megan Wagoner. Owners: Heather Campbell
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

LEIGH-HI'S HELL'S ON WHEELS BN RA CGC TKN. DN59243202. 2019-07-19. By GCHB CH Masterpiece Iconic - Leigh-Hi's Sweet Adeline. Bred by: Kristi Walker. Owners: Betty Talley
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

CH LIMELITE MUST HAVE IT BN BCAT CGC. DN51045704. 2017-04-10. By CH Harmony Hill's Reed My Lips CA - GCH CH Limelite's Shopaholic. Bred by: Adam J Tavares Iii/matthew Mullin. Owners: Lori Charron/aj Tavares
Australian Shepherds Bitch

WHISPERWIND FLASHBACK CGC TKI. DN60788301. 2019-12-30. By CH Chisterling Lochlyn Last Call - CH Wintercreek Whisperwind Bff. Bred by: Debra R Gayton/mrs. Aleta J Canady. Owners: Carolyn Ritacco
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog
Open A ·

STARGATE'S ALL MY RELATIONS CD BN RE OA NAJ NF TKP. DN71333502. 2022-03-21. By Stargate's Ram It NA NAJ NF - Rising Sun's Spectral Light. Bred by: Shelly Gordon. Owners: Lynn Ungar
Australian Shepherds Bitch

KINGMAN'S SIPPIN IN THE SHADE CD BN RM CGCA. DN54032102. 2018-06-16. By GCH CH Treestarr Oracle Chick Magnet - CH Bluekreek's Diamonds Are Forever. Bred by: Dr. Jill Thompson. Owners: Kim A Buffum
Australian Shepherds Bitch
Open B ·

HARVEST ALPHABET SOUP UD BN. . 2019-05-13. By GCH CH Britannia Sebring All Time High CDX PCDX BN GN RAE2 HT TKP - OTCH Harvest Without A Trace UDX4 OM4 BN GO VER RM. Bred by: Brenda M Cox. Owners: Brenda M Cox
Bearded Collies Dog

CH KALAHARI'S INTREPID EXPLORER UDX3 OM2 BN RE OAP ACT2 CGC TKI. WS61950602. 2018-08-04. By GCHB CH Quadrophenia Von Alpensee FDC CGC ATT - Kalahari's Enchanted Serenade. Bred by: Dr. Julia Brady. Owners: Jody Woodruff
Leonbergers Dog

GCH CH SILVERTHORN'S YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO YOUNG UD RN FDC MX MXJ AXP OJP MXF NFP T2B CGC TKN. DN50210702. 2017-06-22. By GCHB CH Carousel's Western Patriot CD PCD BN RI FDC RATN CGC TKN - GCH CH Silverthorn's Dragon Fire CD BN RM3 RAE2 HT FDC SWNE SCA SBA SHDN CGCA CGCU TKP FITG. Bred by: Angela Silvestri. Owners: Elaine S. Ableidinger
Belgian Malinois Dog
Utility A ·

RACH AKAI'S D RING SNAFFLE CDX RM4 RAE3 OAP OJP TKP. TS43613301. 2019-08-27. By GCH CH Flinters Delyteful Hersheykiss CGC TKN - Akai Serna-Stedt Trip To Paris. Bred by: Marion Ford. Owners: Darlene Deanie Morris/marion Ford
Papillons Dog
Utility B ·

HARVEST ALPHABET SOUP UD BN. . 2019-05-13. By GCH CH Britannia Sebring All Time High CDX PCDX BN GN RAE2 HT TKP - OTCH Harvest Without A Trace UDX4 OM4 BN GO VER RM. Bred by: Brenda M Cox. Owners: Brenda M Cox
Bearded Collies Dog

CH KALAHARI'S INTREPID EXPLORER UDX3 OM2 BN RE OAP ACT2 CGC TKI. WS61950602. 2018-08-04. By GCHB CH Quadrophenia Von Alpensee FDC CGC ATT - Kalahari's Enchanted Serenade. Bred by: Dr. Julia Brady. Owners: Jody Woodruff
Leonbergers Dog

GCH CH SILVERTHORN'S YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO YOUNG UD RN FDC MX MXJ AXP OJP MXF NFP T2B CGC TKN. DN50210702. 2017-06-22. By GCHB CH Carousel's Western Patriot CD PCD BN RI FDC RATN CGC TKN - GCH CH Silverthorn's Dragon Fire CD BN RM3 RAE2 HT FDC SWNE SCA SBA SHDN CGCA CGCU TKP FITG. Bred by: Angela Silvestri. Owners: Elaine S. Ableidinger
Belgian Malinois Dog
Beginner Novice A ·

BLACKTHORN'S KING GALTERIO II RN CGCA TKP VSWE. WS80638602. 2023-02-18. By Sant Kreal Galterio Di Amore Eterno RN CGCA TKP - Blackthorn's Princess Starfire CGCA TKI VSWB. Bred by: Austin Morgan. Owners: Austin Morgan
Doberman Pinschers Dog

BANDERA GHOST RI FDC CGCA CGCU ATT. WS64214901. 2019-02-20. By CH Tsonga Boid FDC CGCA CGCU - Boerboelhoeve Dutchy Of Bandera. Bred by: Ms. Teri Herrera. Owners: Teri Herrera
Boerboels Dog
Beginner Novice B ·

CH QUAIL RUN'S ZIP ZIP HOORAY JH CGC TKN. SS34955601. 2022-06-20. By GCH CH Alibi's Repeat Performance@Quail Run CD BN RA JH - CH Quail Run's X Marks The Spot. Bred by: Mrs. Cynthia (cindy) Freeman/ms. Linda B Coogan. Owners: Cynthia Freeman/linda Coogan
Labrador Retrievers Dog
Preferred Novice ·

ZODIAC'S AMO PROBOS DE LADY FREYA CD BN RM RAE. DN55958501. 2018-11-03. By CH Madeofgoldotto RN PT FDC CGC TKA - CH Zodiac's Gregarious Gabriella. Bred by: Linda Lundstrom. Owners: Lori Blair/corey Blair
Norwegian Buhunds Bitch

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.