BaRay Event Services, Inc.



Rally Novice A ·

CALICO'S SHAMROCK AROUND THE CLOCK DS. SS42716601. 2023-03-17. By CH Ceben Ax TKN FTN - Heartwood & Calico's Frozen Assets From Gooseberry SWM SCME SINE SBNE SHDN TKI FTI. Bred by: Becki Hirschy/myra Johnson. Owners: Michell Evans/erin K Fogg
Field Spaniels Bitch

BANDY'S MOXIE ON THE GO @ RINGSIDE. WS65759807. 2019-08-11. By CH Ringside's King Of The Cowboys RN FDC - Bandy's Oleschool Dame CD BN RA RATO CGC. Bred by: Ms. Tami Joy Bandy. Owners: Virginia Wallin
Boxers Bitch

CGR HEAVY IS THE CROWN VSWB. DN65947807. 2021-03-17. By Bordercross The Main Attraxxion - Nsr Kickin Up A Storm CGC. Bred by: Megan Starks. Owners: Maggie Adams
Border Collies Bitch

FELIX SWA CGC. DN59682005. 2019-10-27. By High Desert Henry The Ruler - High Desert Miss Noble Adelaide. Bred by: Johanna Trass. Owners: Charlie Clarke
Australian Shepherds Dog

BO-KEE CLAIRE DE LUNE OAP NJP NFP ACT1 ACT1J CGC TKN. DN56163802. 2018-12-09. By Windsong Bo-Kee Comedy Club - CH Bo-Kee Windsong Glitter Force. Bred by: Janell M Lowman/eunice Bochicchio. Owners: Jennifer D. Johnson
Shetland Sheepdogs Bitch

CH CAT'S MOONSHINE SIT DOWN U'R ROCKIN' THE BOAT CAA RATCHX CZ8G DJ CGCA. SR92147501. 2016-02-17. By GCH CH Cuchulain's I'M Bringing The Party To You CD SH - GCH CH Cat N Pats Luck Be A Lady RN CAX CGC. Bred by: Marian J Mcleod. Owners: Marsha L. Moon & Marian J. Mcleod
Irish Water Spaniels Bitch
Rally Novice B ·

GROUSEMOOR OXFORD BLUE BN. SS22798902. 2020-11-13. By GCHB CH MACH Blazin's Off Road Drive'N CD BN RA MXS MJS MXP MJP OF FCAT3 - GCH CH Grousemoor High Sierra UDX OM1 BN RA SH. Bred by: Mrs. Helen K Szostak. Owners: Nancy Dyson/peter Dyson
Flat-Coated Retrievers Dog

MOONSTONES DRIVEN SNOW NAJ NAP. PR19742601. 2016-10-21. By CH Moonstones Front Page News - Anna Kissed By The Moon. Bred by: Kimberly Ann Koopman. Owners: Penelope Broomer/stephen Estrop
Poodles Dog

POOLE'S IDE BURNING IT AT BOTH ENDS. SS39469504. 2022-11-28. By CH Whistlestop's Special Agent CD RN - GCHS CH Poole's Ide Say No More CD RA JH DS CGC TKI. Bred by: Gregory M Siner/hannah Loonsk/bethany Urban. Owners: Walter Kilmer/gregory M Siner/hannah Loonsk
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

MISSAL AVENTADOR. DN69223101. 2021-11-05. By Monty Extra Temperament - Missal's Happy Warrior CD BN RN TD. Bred by: Jill Missal. Owners: Jill Missal
Belgian Malinois Bitch

(*) CH FINNIBONE'S BONS EYE. SS25754901. 2020-07-04. By CH Finnibone's Too Timen Tank - CH Finnibone's Illusion Is Real. Bred by: Jacquelyn Fussell. Owners: Rebecca Brooks/maribeth Bryant
Irish Water Spaniels Bitch

CH HIMMELL VAHE LAVENDER FDC TKI. TS50258401. 2020-05-29. By Hector - Himmel Vahe Bugatti. Bred by: E V Marchenko. Owners: Caroline Mccormick/machiko Nomura
Pugs Bitch

GCHG CH FLASH OF JOY SEATTLE FDC TKI FITS. TS50258301. 2020-06-10. By CH Fantasia Kngz Little Red Corvette - Habenero De Javu A Little Princess. Bred by: N Yu Brylkova. Owners: Caroline Mccormick/machiko Nomura/mari Anne Parks
Pugs Dog

GCH CH MIANDA'S CINNABON FDC RATN CGC TKI FITS. TS54881602. 2022-02-19. By GCH CH Handacole's Cinnamon Chip - CH Mianda's Blue Ivy. Bred by: Phyllis A Williams/mr. M Garry Williams. Owners: Caroline Mccormick/machiko Nomura
Pugs Bitch

(*) CH FLINTCREST FIRST STRIKE FINTAN. SS08623304. 2018-11-02. By GCHB CH Flintcrest Full Monty - CH Madcap Cutty Sark CD RE SH. Bred by: Colleen Mcdaniel/stacy Duncan. Owners: Elizabeth Liddle
Irish Water Spaniels Dog
Rally Intermediate ·

CH RINGSIDE'S EL PATRON RN. WS53545202. 2016-05-05. By CH Virgo's Market Boomer - GCH CH Ringside's Chantilly Lace II RN FDC. Bred by: Kathleen Morgan/mr. Dennis Morgan. Owners: Kathleen Morgan
Boxers Dog

WHISPERING WINDS JUJU RN THDS CGC TKA FITG. MA95350301. 2021-05-28. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Bonnie Bird/charles Bird
All American Dogs Dog

WHISPERING WINDS ZIGGY RN THDS CGC TKA FITG FTN. MA97888801. 2021-05-28. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Charles Stephen Bird/bonnie K. Bird
All American Dogs Dog

BANDY'S OSKAR VON RINGSIDE. WS59835102. 2018-02-08. By CH Ringside's King Of The Cowboys RN FDC - Bandy's Oleschool Dame CD BN RA RATO CGC. Bred by: Ms. Tami Joy Bandy. Owners: Tami J. Bandy
Boxers Dog

TIBROKE'S LIVING THE DREAM BN RI OAJ NF SCN SIN SEN CGC TKI FITG. NP50093105. 2018-05-05. By GCH CH Tibroke's Tell Someone Who Cares - CH Tibroke's Rock My World. Bred by: James Cooper/kay F Dickeson/marty Housley. Owners: Donna Sand/christopher Sand
Tibetan Spaniels Bitch

GCHS CH FLINTCREST FIVE STAR GENERAL RN FDC DJ CGC TKN. SS08623301. 2018-11-02. By GCHB CH Flintcrest Full Monty - CH Madcap Cutty Sark CD RE SH. Bred by: Colleen Mcdaniel/stacy Duncan. Owners: Stacy Duncan/cat Shelby
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

(*) CH COOMARA'S ORAN MOR RN. SS13661502. 2018-10-16. By CH Realta's Duck Commander SH CA - Coomara's Leather And Lace. Bred by: Paul Price/paula M Price. Owners: Mary Williams-marter/paul R Price
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

GCH CH BREKKON'S FIRST MARK BN RN CGC TKN. SR88273208. 2015-05-29. By GCHB CH Beaufield's Boundary Waters At Poole's Ide - CH Beaufield Bidda Poole's Ide BN RN RATN CGC. Bred by: Maribeth Bryant/gregory M Siner/rebecca Brooks. Owners: Rebecca Brooks/maribeth Bryant
Irish Water Spaniels Dog
Rally Advanced A ·

FLINTCREST GOING ALL IN @ WHISTLESTOP RI DS CGC TKN. SS03790904. 2018-01-28. By GCHB CH Stanegate It's Showtime CD RN JH SHU - CH Madcap Cutty Sark CD RE SH. Bred by: Colleen Mcdaniel/stacy Duncan. Owners: Erin K. Fogg/michell Evans
Irish Water Spaniels Bitch

HOB NOB SIENNA DIZA RI CGCA CGCU TKE. DN71643601. 2022-04-10. By Kemi Buck - Hob Nob Veep For Keeps. Bred by: Janice Demello. Owners: Catherine Shaffer
Border Collies Bitch
Rally Advanced B ·

MACH KAMEO HEAVENS TO BITSY RM MXS MJC T2B CGC TKI. PR17823602. 2014-06-06. By CH Kallista Kameo Kinetic Krome - CH Kameo Silver Sails On High. Bred by: Lorinda R Maxwell. Owners: Kathy Truher
Poodles Bitch

MISTYBROOKS MIGHTY LITTLE MICKEY BN RA NAJ OF ACT2 TKN. DN72391402. 2022-04-10. By CH Mistybrooks Road To Utopia At Cherryhill - GCH CH Mistybrook Winelight Turn Up The Heat. Bred by: Jan Williams/jeannette Bruce/barbara Aulbach. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

WEATHERMANS READY FOR TAKE OFF CD BN RE NA NAJ NJP OFP CGC TKN FITS. DN67637801. 2021-06-02. By CH Weathermans Irish Ale CD BN RI CGC TKI - Akadia Black Dahlia CGC. Bred by: Gail Dickson/kirk Dickson. Owners: Cheryl Schroeder
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

KAMEO NAILED IT! RI OAJ NF CGC. PR26635502. 2022-06-19. By Olymbinar's Kameo Ace Flyboy - Kameo One Hit Wonder. Bred by: Lorinda R Maxwell. Owners: Stephen John Estrop/penelope Tracy Broomer
Poodles Dog

SHALAMAR AMERICAN GRAFFITI CD BN RE PT MX MXJ MJB OF T2B2 CGC TKN. DN50606502. 2017-06-29. By GCH CH Wistwin Shalamar Coeur D'Alene - Shalamar Love American Style. Bred by: Susan Beacham/lindsay A Beacham. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

SITTINGBULLIES IMA RILLY BIG DILL RN RATN CGCA CGCU TKA. NP82809101. 2023-03-11. By CH Hug-O-Bull's Kailua Kai - Sittingbullies Xo Xo Xo CD RM NAP NJP BCAT ACT2 RATO CGCA CGCU TKE. Bred by: Cheryl A Knapp. Owners: Cheryl A Knapp
Bulldogs Bitch

(*) CH WICKLOW N' BLACKTHORN'S I DON'T LOOK FOR TROUBLE CD RAE CGC TKN. SS24625601. 2021-01-24. By CH Shaboo'N Finnibone's Iron Man - GCH CH Blackthorn's Lass That Loves A Sailor In Wicklow CD BN RM CGC. Bred by: Melissa Gulley/timothy Gulley/r James Rubin. Owners: Timothy Gulley & Melissa Gulley & R James Rubin
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

TIRNANOG SPUDSTER IDAHO IWS B CD BN RE CGC. SS23765111. 2021-01-13. By Aka Bogdogs Behm Canal Royal - Muddy Waters Boise Babe. Bred by: Kurt Richards/krystle Richards. Owners: Susan Dickinson
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

RIVAL'S IN THE NIK OF TIME CD BN RE FDC ACT2 ACT2J CGC TKN. DN49714001. 2017-02-02. By Shepherds Own Jive - Rival's Over Indulgence. Bred by: Margaret Lambkin. Owners: Kathy Brown
Border Collies Dog

POQUATUCK'S LIQUID LUCK CD MX MXJ. DN43269702. 2015-06-03. By Primer VCD1 UDX PCDX OM1 RA OF TKA - OTCH2 Bordaux Herd Poquatuck's Whisper UDX4 OM6 VER RM RAE2 MX AXJ MXF TKP. Bred by: Rachel Tabor Flatley. Owners: Sarah Stremming
Border Collies Dog

DEWBURY'S DREAM OF RUS PEKOS RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. SS24128108. 2021-01-31. By Rus Pekos Antey - Dewbury's Miracle From God CGC. Bred by: Britta Nielson. Owners: Roxanne Lowe/britta Nielson
Golden Retrievers Dog

BIJOU OUT OF GUESSES CD BN RM RAE HSCS HXCS OAP OJP XFP. DN53355806. 2018-04-17. By Cachet More Than A Guess CD OAP NJP CGC - GCH TC Bijou Get Over It VCD2 UD PCDX BN RE HSAs HSCs HXCs MXB MJB MXP2 MJP3 MJPB XF T2B2. Bred by: Carol Wolfram. Owners: Tracy Thorleifson/haley Pemble
Briards Bitch

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RAE NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

BLACKFOREST'S FULL TILT RN NAJ. DN72837902. 2022-08-30. By CH Isengard's Vandal - GCH CH MACH4 Blackforest's Bright Star CD RN MXS2 MJS2 CAA BCAT CGC. Bred by: Marion Stark/hartmut Stark. Owners: Andy Mcgregor
Belgian Sheepdogs Bitch

(*) CH LANDACRE'S NORDIC TAPESTRY RI. SR92558103. 2016-04-07. By CH Whistle Stop's Conjuring Up A Hooligan CDX RAE JH - GCH CH All Green Wi'Envy V Alpha Nordic CD RE RATN DS CGCA TKN. Bred by: Melissa S Mcmunn. Owners: Elizabeth Liddle
Irish Water Spaniels Bitch
Rally Excellent A ·

MISTYBROOKS MIGHTY LITTLE MICKEY BN RA NAJ OF ACT2 TKN. DN72391402. 2022-04-10. By CH Mistybrooks Road To Utopia At Cherryhill - GCH CH Mistybrook Winelight Turn Up The Heat. Bred by: Jan Williams/jeannette Bruce/barbara Aulbach. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

CH JEWEL DE AGUA NYMERIA RA MXP AJP OF MFPB T2BP DN CGCA TKA BN-V2 FITG. WS47313806. 2014-05-27. By CH Sete Mares Javier De Altomares - GCH CH Jewel De Agua Sofia CD RN NA NAJ OAP OJP OFP CGCA TKI. Bred by: Katrina Jackson. Owners: Katrina Jackson
Portuguese Water Dogs Bitch

SIR GOODLE THE NOODLE RA. SS08024503. 2018-08-26. By Oly Goldens Little Boy Blue - Oly Goldens Super Star. Bred by: Rob Hilden/tiffani Hilden. Owners: Tiffani Hilden/mackenzy Anderson Hilden
Golden Retrievers Dog
Rally Excellent B ·

MACH KAMEO HEAVENS TO BITSY RM MXS MJC T2B CGC TKI. PR17823602. 2014-06-06. By CH Kallista Kameo Kinetic Krome - CH Kameo Silver Sails On High. Bred by: Lorinda R Maxwell. Owners: Kathy Truher
Poodles Bitch

WEATHERMANS READY FOR TAKE OFF CD BN RE NA NAJ NJP OFP CGC TKN FITS. DN67637801. 2021-06-02. By CH Weathermans Irish Ale CD BN RI CGC TKI - Akadia Black Dahlia CGC. Bred by: Gail Dickson/kirk Dickson. Owners: Cheryl Schroeder
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

KAMEO NAILED IT! RI OAJ NF CGC. PR26635502. 2022-06-19. By Olymbinar's Kameo Ace Flyboy - Kameo One Hit Wonder. Bred by: Lorinda R Maxwell. Owners: Stephen John Estrop/penelope Tracy Broomer
Poodles Dog

SHALAMAR AMERICAN GRAFFITI CD BN RE PT MX MXJ MJB OF T2B2 CGC TKN. DN50606502. 2017-06-29. By GCH CH Wistwin Shalamar Coeur D'Alene - Shalamar Love American Style. Bred by: Susan Beacham/lindsay A Beacham. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

(*) CH WICKLOW N' BLACKTHORN'S I DON'T LOOK FOR TROUBLE CD RAE CGC TKN. SS24625601. 2021-01-24. By CH Shaboo'N Finnibone's Iron Man - GCH CH Blackthorn's Lass That Loves A Sailor In Wicklow CD BN RM CGC. Bred by: Melissa Gulley/timothy Gulley/r James Rubin. Owners: Timothy Gulley & Melissa Gulley & R James Rubin
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

TIRNANOG SPUDSTER IDAHO IWS B CD BN RE CGC. SS23765111. 2021-01-13. By Aka Bogdogs Behm Canal Royal - Muddy Waters Boise Babe. Bred by: Kurt Richards/krystle Richards. Owners: Susan Dickinson
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

RIVAL'S IN THE NIK OF TIME CD BN RE FDC ACT2 ACT2J CGC TKN. DN49714001. 2017-02-02. By Shepherds Own Jive - Rival's Over Indulgence. Bred by: Margaret Lambkin. Owners: Kathy Brown
Border Collies Dog

DEWBURY'S DREAM OF RUS PEKOS RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. SS24128108. 2021-01-31. By Rus Pekos Antey - Dewbury's Miracle From God CGC. Bred by: Britta Nielson. Owners: Roxanne Lowe/britta Nielson
Golden Retrievers Dog

BIJOU OUT OF GUESSES CD BN RM RAE HSCS HXCS OAP OJP XFP. DN53355806. 2018-04-17. By Cachet More Than A Guess CD OAP NJP CGC - GCH TC Bijou Get Over It VCD2 UD PCDX BN RE HSAs HSCs HXCs MXB MJB MXP2 MJP3 MJPB XF T2B2. Bred by: Carol Wolfram. Owners: Tracy Thorleifson/haley Pemble
Briards Bitch

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RAE NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

ANNIE RA NAP NJP ACT1J. DN50284001. 2015-05-01. By Uniquity's Koda Bear Of Backwoods - Spitfire's Lucky Lady Scarlet Rose. Bred by: Mrs. Lorianne Burwell. Owners: Christina Kilbourn
Belgian Sheepdogs Bitch

EPIC'S DECLAN KNEW THE ANSWER CDX BN RA SCN SIN SEN. DN48210704. 2016-12-25. By GCH CH Black Gold Unstoppable UD BN VER RN OA OAJ - Epic's Coup De La Diva RE HSAds HSCs HIAs NA AXJ NJP XF NFP CGC. Bred by: Viola Dyer/cathy Vella. Owners: Renee Clegg
Belgian Sheepdogs Dog
Rally Master ·

WEATHERMANS READY FOR TAKE OFF CD BN RE NA NAJ NJP OFP CGC TKN FITS. DN67637801. 2021-06-02. By CH Weathermans Irish Ale CD BN RI CGC TKI - Akadia Black Dahlia CGC. Bred by: Gail Dickson/kirk Dickson. Owners: Cheryl Schroeder
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

SHALAMAR AMERICAN GRAFFITI CD BN RE PT MX MXJ MJB OF T2B2 CGC TKN. DN50606502. 2017-06-29. By GCH CH Wistwin Shalamar Coeur D'Alene - Shalamar Love American Style. Bred by: Susan Beacham/lindsay A Beacham. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

(*) CH WICKLOW N' BLACKTHORN'S I DON'T LOOK FOR TROUBLE CD RAE CGC TKN. SS24625601. 2021-01-24. By CH Shaboo'N Finnibone's Iron Man - GCH CH Blackthorn's Lass That Loves A Sailor In Wicklow CD BN RM CGC. Bred by: Melissa Gulley/timothy Gulley/r James Rubin. Owners: Timothy Gulley & Melissa Gulley & R James Rubin
Irish Water Spaniels Dog

DEWBURY'S DREAM OF RUS PEKOS RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. SS24128108. 2021-01-31. By Rus Pekos Antey - Dewbury's Miracle From God CGC. Bred by: Britta Nielson. Owners: Roxanne Lowe/britta Nielson
Golden Retrievers Dog

BIJOU OUT OF GUESSES CD BN RM RAE HSCS HXCS OAP OJP XFP. DN53355806. 2018-04-17. By Cachet More Than A Guess CD OAP NJP CGC - GCH TC Bijou Get Over It VCD2 UD PCDX BN RE HSAs HSCs HXCs MXB MJB MXP2 MJP3 MJPB XF T2B2. Bred by: Carol Wolfram. Owners: Tracy Thorleifson/haley Pemble
Briards Bitch

SNAPDRAGON KRAKEN BUBBLES RAE NA NAJ OF OFP CGC. PAL279544. 2019-03-09. By - . Bred by: . Owners: Crystal Fagerness
Belgian Malinois Bitch

SITTINGBULLIES XO XO XO CD RM NAP NJP BCAT ACT2 RATO CGCA CGCU TKE. NP56897101. 2019-08-31. By Imperioushamitup & Trinity's Little Southern Saint - Sittingbullies Sealed With A Kiss CD BN RE RATN CGC TKE. Bred by: Cheryl A Knapp. Owners: Cheryl A Knapp
Bulldogs Bitch

MEADOW RUN LOVE OF A LIFETIME RM2 RAE2 FDC ACT1 ACT1J CGCA CGCU TKN ATT FITG. DN51103701. 2017-09-12. By 3g Blue Phantom RN FDC CGC TKN - Meadow Runs Black Sparkle. Bred by: Mrs. Lisa Jean Hansen. Owners: Joleen Borg
Miniature American Shepherds Dog

COUNTRY CLASSIC'S RUMOR HAS IT CDX PCDX BN RM2 RAE2 NA MXP MJP2 NF XFP. SR74013901. 2012-07-08. By CH Sher-Mi Front Runner SH - Country Classic's Maid To Order CD RA JH MX MXJ MXP MJP XFP. Bred by: Julie E Germano. Owners: Julia E Germano
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

PACH MIKA PANCHAKARMA LISWYN BN RM2 RAE2 MXP5 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX NFP CGC TKA. DN42349004. 2015-03-27. By GCH CH Liswyn's Xclusive Engagement - CH Mika Jujube Liswyn. Bred by: Kathy Sutton D.v.m./lisa Leffingwell. Owners: Christina Kilbourn
Belgian Sheepdogs Bitch

NORTHWIND REEBA CD RE AXP AJP OFP T2BP CGC TKP. DN36891605. 2013-06-22. By GCH CH Whidbeys Moonlight Frost RA - GCH CH Treestarr's Northwind Breeze. Bred by: Laurie L Thompson. Owners: Patti Stallone
Australian Shepherds Bitch

CONFETTI LE ROYAUME DU REFUGE RM CA DCAT SWN SCE SIA SBA RATCH CGC FTA. MB10376501. 2021-11-15. By Unknown - Unknown. Bred by: Unassigned. Owners: Kristen Lee
All American Dogs Bitch
Rally Choice ·

SHALAMAR AMERICAN GRAFFITI CD BN RE PT MX MXJ MJB OF T2B2 CGC TKN. DN50606502. 2017-06-29. By GCH CH Wistwin Shalamar Coeur D'Alene - Shalamar Love American Style. Bred by: Susan Beacham/lindsay A Beacham. Owners: Gloria Newby/larry Newby
Shetland Sheepdogs Dog

DEWBURY'S DREAM OF RUS PEKOS RM RAE FDC CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. SS24128108. 2021-01-31. By Rus Pekos Antey - Dewbury's Miracle From God CGC. Bred by: Britta Nielson. Owners: Roxanne Lowe/britta Nielson
Golden Retrievers Dog

MEADOW RUN LOVE OF A LIFETIME RM2 RAE2 FDC ACT1 ACT1J CGCA CGCU TKN ATT FITG. DN51103701. 2017-09-12. By 3g Blue Phantom RN FDC CGC TKN - Meadow Runs Black Sparkle. Bred by: Mrs. Lisa Jean Hansen. Owners: Joleen Borg
Miniature American Shepherds Dog

COUNTRY CLASSIC'S RUMOR HAS IT CDX PCDX BN RM2 RAE2 NA MXP MJP2 NF XFP. SR74013901. 2012-07-08. By CH Sher-Mi Front Runner SH - Country Classic's Maid To Order CD RA JH MX MXJ MXP MJP XFP. Bred by: Julie E Germano. Owners: Julia E Germano
Labrador Retrievers Bitch

PACH MIKA PANCHAKARMA LISWYN BN RM2 RAE2 MXP5 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX NFP CGC TKA. DN42349004. 2015-03-27. By GCH CH Liswyn's Xclusive Engagement - CH Mika Jujube Liswyn. Bred by: Kathy Sutton D.v.m./lisa Leffingwell. Owners: Christina Kilbourn
Belgian Sheepdogs Bitch

All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.

NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.