SKYWATCHER'S FULL O'HOPS. SS28177703. 2021-06-19. By Skywatcher's Double Barrel O'Booze - CH Skywatcher's Phat Bottom Girl. Bred by: Michelle Junevitch/matthew Junevitch. Owners: Michon Nederlander
TULLYVAR SHASTA RN. SS37050206. 2022-09-30. By CH Islandview Mistic Storyteller - CH Morgun's Tullyvar Flies With The Wind. Bred by: Nancy M Olsten/josephine Carter. Owners: Corrin Campion
GCH CH BO-CO-PA'S YOU CAN CALL ME QUEEN BEE @ CLOUDPOINTE. DN72341102. 2022-04-26. By GCHP CH Cloudpointe Ringside Gossip - Norsklyn's Lucky Charm For Bo-Co-Pa CGC TKN. Bred by: Joanne M David/erika David/ms. Amie Mclaughlin/robert Noraas. Owners: Amie Mclaughlin/g Sharp/e David
SANDCASTLES & YANKEE DALS LIGHT OF ADMIRALTY. NP86546205. 2023-09-23. By GCH CH Yankee Dals & Sandcastle Capt Salute To Brightwood BN RN DCAT - CH Brightwoods' Yankee Dals Curve Ball To Sandcastles BN RI FCAT. Bred by: Bill Clifton/kim Dargel/joan Fosenburg. Owners: Kamin Mode/kevin Mode/kim Dargel/joan Fosenburg
BREAK OF THE MORNING. PR23130102. 2020-08-16. By Nikolai Danced At The Bolshoi For The Zara - Zara Mieshka. Bred by: Ms. Beatriz Adriana Myers. Owners: Emmabelle Kirkpatrick
GCH CH CASITA'S DAISY MAE BN RI CGC. DN67643502. 2021-05-17. By Trails Ends Gimli - Brassy Acres Fly With Me. Bred by: Ashley Lindauer/nicole Dalton. Owners: Shannon Seldal
IRONWARD'S HANNAH. WS74009810. 2021-08-15. By Odin Master Of Ecstacy - Large Black Von Turid. Bred by: Yulianna Arriaga/carlos Alberto Gomez. Owners: Hailey White And Theodore Cole
JLS QUEEN OF HEARTS SMART DRESSED MAN. NP77124407. 2022-07-07. By CH Jls Antonio Doviggy My Pal - Jls Luscious Peony. Bred by: Julia Soukup. Owners: Julie Marshall/julia Soukup
NYHAR'S HAPPY LITTLE ROCKSTAR. SS35493102. 2022-04-08. By Wynot Dare To Degage RI JH - Heathercreek Something To Talk About. Bred by: Nicole Hardt. Owners: Cindy Walker/greg Walker/alexa Walker
GCHB CH ADERYN & BRIARROSE ALYESKA'S LEGACY. SR92429602. 2016-03-24. By GCHG CH Klass's Action Jackson - GCH CH Loreln's Some Like It Hot. Bred by: Charlene Dima/garnet Dima. Owners: Garnet Dima/charlene Dima/brook Thompson/richard Thompson
GCH CH CASSLEE'S NO RUE-GRETS. WS67372303. 2020-02-04. By CH Donoway The Spirit Soars - GCHB CH Firefly's Your Pointe Is BCAT CGC. Bred by: Casey Peak/allison Hadaway. Owners: Casey Peak
CH LOTUS'S LIGHTCHING MCQUEEN. TS37454002. 2018-03-02. By GCHG CH Cobeauche When You Wish Upon A Star - CH Bliss's Pumchin Spiced Latte. Bred by: Rowan Baggenstos/luke Baggenstos/candace Heath. Owners: Rowan Baggenstos/luke Baggenstos/savannah Rose Skinner
BE A LIGHT PANBASS CGC. HP64430301. 2021-05-02. By Limited Edition Van Hollandheim - Buffobass Vespa Keep Moving. Bred by: Andrii Babich. Owners: Valentina Kucheryavaya
SCENIC'S HIGHWAY STAR. TS61007302. 2023-06-30. By Cadgets Heir Apparent TKN - Sunara Mariposa Serenade AX AXJ NAP NJP NF OFP CGC TKP. Bred by: Janice Elvidge/jim Sherette. Owners: Janice Elvidge/ Jim Sherette/jaidyn Kendrick
KUBISTRAUMS EYE CANDY RN CGC. DN61048305. 2020-02-01. By GCH CH Kubistraums Free For All RN HT - CH Kubistraums Tahoe II BN RI PT. Bred by: Verna M Kubik/virginia Bailey. Owners: Candee R Foss
GCHB CH JOURNEY DARTEK ELDAMAR TWEET ABOUT IT. SR97672701. 2017-01-21. By GCH CH Tiffany's Esspecial Magic Kingdom BN RN - CH Dartek Eldamar Journey To Shore RN CGC. Bred by: Kim Bullard/tekla Viker/julie M Roberts. Owners: Kim Bullard/tekla Viker/julie Roberts/demery Paladichuk
GCH CH ROCK'NROLLA KRISCROSS JASET LONDON CALLING. PR23045803. 2020-06-28. By GCHP CH Jaset's Satisfaction - GCH CH Rock'Nrolla Believe In Miracles. Bred by: Oksana Fagenboym/tracy Jones. Owners: Christina L Ross/chris Bailey/oksana Fagenboym
SADDLEROCKS CAREFUL WHATUWISH4 CGC TKA. DN64705706. 2020-11-01. By CH Ragtimes Distilled By Saddlerock - CH Hemel's Art Of The Catch RI NA NAJ AXP OJP NFP BCAT CGC. Bred by: Hannah Davis. Owners: Scarlet Martinez//china Lewis/hannah Davis
BELFAIR COLEBRAE LEGENDARY PT SCN SIN. DN70667402. 2022-03-10. By Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart - GCH CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love. Bred by: Alene Evans/jennifer Laik. Owners: Chelsea Bloomberg/alene Evans/jennifer Laik
GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S PLAYING WITH FIRE ACT1 ACT1J CGC TKN. DN53657402. 2018-04-01. By CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In - GCH CH Zandria Burn'N It Down. Bred by: Alexzandra Erb/melissa Gallip/candace Hunter. Owners: Dean Justice/alex Erb/candace Hunter
CH FOXLAIR LOVE HAS NO LIMITS. DN57865804. 2019-03-07. By Aberlee Take It To The Limit - Gwynolyns Element Of Surprise At Foxlair. Bred by: Shannon Stone/sydney Stone/terry Hansen. Owners: Tawni Roetcisoender/mckaley Roetcisoender
GCHS CH WYNCLIFF"S AUTUMN SPLENDOR. SS09068401. 2018-08-05. By GCHP CH Artic Sun's Pursuing The Dream JH - CH Valley Crest I Will Survive. Bred by: Dinah Baggenstos/richard Baggenstos. Owners: Dinah Baggenstos/kathy Adams/lillian Mueller
GCH CH KAZURI'S EVERYTHING'S SUGAR 'N SPICE BCAT. HP65755602. 2022-08-08. By GCHB CH Bill T's August Rush To Alpenglow - CH Kazuri's Everything's Coming Up Roses. Bred by: Sarah Sweetman/michael Kurtzner/karen Kurtzner. Owners: Sarah Sweetman/dolly Stearns
CH LEGENDALE PRIDE OF BLACK ANGEL. WS65553003. 2019-04-05. By CH Foxfire's Tell Me I'M An Angel - GCHG CH Legendale Lady Luk Vgoldgrove. Bred by: Lana Ferguson/kenichi Kato. Owners: Kenichi Kato
CH RIPN T'S N NAJA'S GRAND DESIGN. WS77948103. 2022-09-06. By GCHB CH Ripn T's N Naja's Over The Top ACT1 ACT2J CGC - CH Ripn T's N Naja's Ringsides Heavenly. Bred by: Tina Montgomery/naomi Gibbs. Owners: Leah Payne/gretchen Payne/tina Montgomery
GCH CH POSEY CANYON RUNNIN DOWN A DREAM. RN31206903. 2017-09-05. By Posey Canyon No Way Back - Posey Canyon Small Town Girl. Bred by: Jennifer Johnston. Owners: Debbie Reilly Richardson/jennifer Johnston
MARINELLA'S MUDDY WATER. WS76453503. 2022-03-13. By GCH CH C-Lion Hey, Good Lookin'! SWA SCE SIE SBE - Ambereyes' Magic Even The Stars Fall 4 U Marinella. Bred by: Kristle Marangon/david Marangon/natasha Wilson/jennifer Cowger. Owners: Sarah Whetzel/ainslie Whetzel/kristle Marangon
GCH CH SPARRAVOHN GO WHERE YOU WANNA GO RN FDC DCAT ACT1 DJ CGC TKA ATT VHMA. RN35631003. 2020-11-09. By GCH CH Greywoode Cheviot Echo Of Oldstone - GCH CH Bandersnatch Ascendant. Bred by: Janice K Hewitt. Owners: Madison O’rourke/ Cherie O’rourke
ZUMBRO FOREVER'S LOVE FOR SALE. SS47248803. 2024-02-01. By CH Evermore's Sea Me Lead The Way CGC - CH Zumbro's Fishin' In The Dark. Bred by: Kristina Judisch/randahl Hoffmann/lindsay N Siflinger/jennifer Hoffmann. Owners: Annalise Wesley
GCH CH MARIEL SEAMUS MOSSBAWN SUNLIGHT AT PAWCIFIC. DN67413403. 2021-04-25. By GCHG CH Pawcific I Walk With The King HSAds NAP NFP CAA BCAT ACT2 CGC TKI - CH Mariels Sprig Of Parsley. Bred by: Emily Barnhart/mrs. Marian R Mizelle. Owners: Brooke Ann Krawetz/emily Barnhart
EL DORADO'S BATA DE COLA OF ARDENWOOD. RN39379002. 2023-06-01. By GCHP CH Mystique's Knock Out - CH Ardenwood's Fiery Gem. Bred by: Stella Van Cleave. Owners: Rachel Adams/ Alberto Montilla/ Isabella Ruffoni
QUAIL RUN'S ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER DOLLAR. SS45610505. 2024-01-21. By GCH CH Hyspire Fade To Black - GCH CH Quail Run's X's & O's To Savidge BN RN RATN DN CGCA TKN ATT FTN. Bred by: Cynthia Freeman/ms. Linda B Coogan/stephanie Nichols. Owners: Lorelei Binnendyk-payne/jennifer Payne/cynthia Freeman
GCHS CH TRF COLDWATER'S AIN'T MY FIRST RODEO. SS28242707. 2021-07-29. By GCHG CH Coldwater's Big Shoes To Fill CGC TKN - GCH CH Trf White River Stars Shining At Sunrise CD RI TD BCAT CGC TKN. Bred by: Kipp L E Whelan/samuel Whelan D.v.m./steven Whelan/becky Feigh. Owners: Kimberly Abbott/kipp Whalen/becky Feigh/lila Holberg
GCH CH 2INFINITY GREATNESS INSPIRES ENVY CGC TKI. WS69870904. 2020-07-10. By CH Maplemor Evening Sky Over The Ponderosa V Wynstone RN - 2infinity Miss Liberty's Bell Gold Coin RN CGC TKN. Bred by: Tami Bauer/mallory Davidson/christina Ulberg. Owners: Christina Ulberg/lillie Vogel
RIOT'S YOU ARE MY REMEDY CGC TKN. DN61689903. 2020-02-01. By GCHB CH Silverwood Calling The Kettle Black At Limelite - GCHB CH Impact's Golden Ray CA. Bred by: Ms. Brittany Marissa Greendeer. Owners: Natalie Van Tassel
GCH CH SET'R RIDGE'S LEGEND IN THE MAKING. SS18304502. 2020-03-12. By CH Lucksheray From Rolex - CH Set'R Ridge's On A Wing And A Prayer. Bred by: Melissa Newman. Owners: Gabriella Gebhard/ Melissa Newman0
GCH CH VICDORY'S YODELING IN THE ALPS. WS65873705. 2019-08-19. By CH Vicdoryss Jem Stone Sandcastle - CH Vicdory's Vanity Fair For Revilo. Bred by: Vicki Jo Graves/sarah Martin. Owners: Kristen Eberly/richard Eberly/vicki Jo Graves/jewel Scott
All results are input from each judge’s sheet but are not considered official until AKC has reviewed and published them. If any errors or omissions are noted, please contact our office or email dogshows@barayevents.com. If the error is on the part of our data entry, we will correct it. If the judge’s sheet shows the award marked incorrectly you will need to contact either the judge or AKC Events Department to get the matter resolved.
NOTICE: Breed Points/Dogs Defeated posted as a courtesy to exhibitors ONLY. Neither the Club or the Superintendent assume responsibility for absolute accuracy. Accuracy is not considered final until AKC has reviewed and posted the final numbers in their records.